Reviews for Osaka High Meet The Sohmas
Pupness chapter 10 . 11/15/2016
I love it please make more and if u could do a Osaka meets Ouran
furubababe1026 chapter 4 . 10/23/2011
if you think about it kisa is the only person on earth that could probably tolerate hiro besides tohru
furubababe1026 chapter 3 . 10/23/2011
if u thnk about it most ppl wuld b a lil scared after meeting all the sohmas... such a cute story tho! i love fruits basket & hana kimi 2gethr
furubababe1026 chapter 2 . 10/23/2011
YES! im so glad u put in kayashima & hana! i always thot thos 2 wuld fit 2gethr cuz theyr physcic powers
P-Artsypants chapter 10 . 8/27/2009
Pretty pleas finish this? Put more MizukiXSano in here pretty please? You are a very talented author. keep it up.
Haiko-chan chapter 10 . 11/27/2007
From chap.1 till this chapter,one word dat i wan 2 describe about your story,dat is;


I'm proud of u!It's been one of my wishes to know how it is when HanaKimi characters meet with the Soumas' Sohmas',since I really LOVE those anime so much!

I don noe wat 2 comment anymore but keep it up!

But i guess the hospital must be crowded with all of em(the Sohmas n 3 Osaka student) around,right?haha just kiddin'.

Hope i can read the next chapter soon
Joyful902006 chapter 10 . 11/9/2007
Sorry, i haven't commented or reviewed in a while, i've been busy and im mad at my computer and fanfiction they dont take the new version of microfts (sp?)
x-StarlitDreams-x chapter 10 . 7/8/2007
llamajo chapter 10 . 7/6/2007
it is good so far but i want some action! If ya know what i mean... please write more soon!
llamajo chapter 3 . 7/3/2007
i think that you need to make the storyline more interesting and have something happen cuz its not very intersesting so far, no offense... but keep trying!
snowygirl55 chapter 10 . 6/25/2007
Awesome story! I love how descriptive u are and how long this story is, u know, ur an amazing writer! Plz Plz Plz update soon!
bookworm310 chapter 10 . 6/4/2007
hey grl...listen to what i have to say , you need to work on longer stories and more romantic issues then that oh but u have to have comedy trust me i did a surevey on who likes comedy,roamnce,action,or adventure better and top results came out with what i wrtoe, being lazy here lol anywho take my advise if you want to oh adn i love your story and i think that yuki is soo hot i would marry him if he was
ACullenForever chapter 10 . 5/31/2007
Update!I will like the story.
ACullenForever chapter 4 . 5/31/2007
Yuki is MINE!*stares at you with eyes that make you just back away*
Kita Lenne chapter 10 . 4/13/2007
Hey! I am a big fan of your fanfics! this one is no exception! Please keep writing! I look forward to what you'll write to finish this fic off and I REALLY can't wait to see the rest of THE RESULT and FORGET ME NOT! plz update soon! -8- (that's supposed 2b a rose)
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