summary: A collection of drabbles, inspired by the prompts in the lj community tammydrabbles. They will be George/Thayet, but in character and in canon (hopefully).

Love, Not Actually


"I want that," Thayet says suddenly, lifting her eyes up from her teacup to George's face.

The thief arches a questioning eyebrow and sits down in the seat adjacent to hers. Sir Myles' study is empty except for them and it seems ridiculous to sit so far apart now that Alanna and Buri have gone to bed.

"That," she gestures. "Love for all the right reasons, like you have for Alanna."

George nods, hazel eyes keen with understanding. "Do you question Jon's motives, then?"

She and the King-to-be have been spending time together lately, horse rides and palace tours. Thayet sighs. "With others, I wonder if it's my looks they care about, but with Jon…" She trails off and George waits until she can find the right words. "I wonder about my position too. Royalty always attracts men, and I wonder if I'm political convenience. A precaution taken against a reign that's said to be cursed."

He leans forward, a grin tugging at his lips. "Don't be expecting the worse of our Jon just yet."

Thayet laughs. "I'm not, but tucked away, I still wish for someone who, for certain, loves every part of me."

George sets a hand on her knee, fingers warm through the silk of her nightdress, and Thayet can't miss the look in his eyes. "Maybe someone already does."


A/N: Any thoughts are greatly appreciated.