Reviews for King and Queen of a Different Sort
Edwardjustproposed chapter 7 . 3/1/2008
these are really cool! continue, i will be expecting more. have you read Twilight?
FaeNocturne chapter 7 . 4/13/2007
I do agree with what you said about them both being lonely.I don't think that George would be unloyal to Alanna,too,but it could have is still a grand and wonderful piece of writing.
wild wolf free17 chapter 7 . 9/2/2006
Well done. Very plausible.
Esmerelda100 chapter 7 . 7/19/2006
I don't think much of the idea, but it is very well-written.
AA1 chapter 7 . 6/20/2006
this is cool! wow, if Alanna were non-excistent i would totally love this couple! i don't really care if Thayet cheats on Jon - i don't like him much. okay, that's harsh, besides i wouldn't like Thayet then. I'm almost wishing that Jon and Alanna got married instead! But no that wouldn't do. besides, i REALLY like Alanna and George. yeah, i like the books the way they are T. Pierce knows best for her books, but it's very intruging, i like it it's fun! P.S. your writting style is very good!
CradleToGrave chapter 4 . 6/18/2006
/heaves a sigh of relief/ These are very interesting, but I can't for the life of me see George leaving Alanna. Ever. It's an idea, though. If I weren't so set in my ways I would probably give it a fair chance.
kindersuprised chapter 7 . 6/12/2006
I'm an AJ shipper so I liked this from the start. I love this. It really feels realistic to me, *smile* I can't wait for more from you!
music nerd chapter 7 . 6/10/2006
still intriguing. this pairing is growing on me.
Alanna22039 chapter 7 . 6/10/2006
This is so good. Update soon, please? And in the meantime, check out my story (pretty please)?
Green Flames chapter 7 . 6/10/2006
I didn't get the last line. I'm really glad that there's someone writing George/Thayet it's an interesting couple. I hope you update soon.
trisanamcgraw chapter 6 . 5/28/2006
I'm glad that you included this piece, because in my growing love for George/Thayet (thanks to these well-written drabbles) I was thinking that Jon wasn't even part of the equation. That he is makes the G/T love all the more bittersweet. There were several parts in this piece that stood out: George reminiscing about his and Jon's friendship in A:tFA and ITHotG, Thayet fingering the bridge of her nose, and especially the last line. I look forward to your next piece, and this is going on my Story Alert list. :)
music nerd chapter 6 . 5/28/2006
i dont get the last line, but that's because i skimmed it. not enough time to read things properly these days.
pinky chapter 6 . 5/28/2006
Oh, good wrong though- so wrong *shakes head*...but certainly could happen.
Gavin Gunhold chapter 5 . 5/26/2006
I quite like this - the way you've set Thayet and George up is actually plausible (not really, in canon, but it's not too much of a stretch), and their voices come across well. I like that Jon and Thayet's is a marriage of political convenience, and not love - or at least that Thayet doesn't believe it's love on his part. Thayet as Queen of the Rogue is a terrifyingly lovely idea and George being a gentlemanly player (helping out the poor, unhappy lady) while not-so-sekritly pining for his twoo wuv is a nice touch as well.
pinky chapter 5 . 5/18/2006
Hey you are really good at this, and I can definitely see George and Thayet togather if Jon and Alanna weren't in the picture. But I also can not see George betraying Alanna- they really are meant to be! George and Alanna togather rock...but...hah the what ifs. There's only one thing I feel is wrong, you mention George's love for Alanna in the last chapter and all the other chapters...but what about Thayet's love for Jon...I feel sad not knowing if Thayet loves Jon as dearly or not, Jon needs a loving wife, way more then anyone else, seeing as he has to cope with all the kingly stress, I correct it- every guy needs a wife who would love only him- no regrets. So please add more Thayet/Jon!
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