I long for those distant days,

The times we spent together

As children.

The happy afternoons

Playing in the grove.

I taught you to shoot a bow.

You laughed with me,

You played with me.

You taught me how to love.

I hated your father

For what he did to mine.

But somehow,

I loved you.

Your childlike innocence

Taught me joy,

Taught me hope,

Taught me endurance.

But you grew up,

You slipped through my fingers

Until you were no longer mine.

I tried to hold on to you,

But you were gone.

And when you left,

Another stole your heart.

Why can't you see him

For what he is?

A serpent in the clothes

Of a man.

How can you kiss him?

How can you stand him?

How can you love him?

How could I have let you go?

Torina, I will always love you.