Five months later Rin lay on Sesshomaru's bed, screaming in the agony of birth. Her sides felt as if they were being stabbed, and her pelvis being torn in two. Next to her, Sesshomaru stood holding her hand. His normally stoic face was reveiling every emotion that passed through his body, and if it had been a different time, Rin would have been amused. Instead she was yelling at him for daring to impregnate her, while the servants in the hall (normally they would be working but the birth of the heir to the Western lands was too important to pass up) giggled and gossiped over what the child would look like, as well as the fact that no one had dared called thier lord a "irritating, stuck-up prig with no heart or conscience" to his face and lived.

The doctor was doing his best to calm the young woman, who was doing her best to push the baby out as well as crush Sesshomaru's hand, who was looking paler than his norm. His stripes had gone from magenta to a pale pink color, and the moon had almost faded from his forehead. He looked as if he was ready to faint.

"The head is crowning Milady!" The demonic doctor cried out, suddenly even more excited than previously. Neither Sesshomaru or Rin could see what the child looked like, but it was obviously a mini-Inuyasha looking fella...or girl...the sex was still impossible to determine. Servants in the hall were betting whether it would be male or female. Only one had dared say it was female, while another, new to the shoji and still unaware of dog demon birthing habits, betted it would be a whole brood of male and females.

Rin didn't care either way, she just wanted the child out and she wanted it out now!

Sesshomaru gasped in pain as another wave hit Rin's body, causing her to not only dig in her fingers, but cause a popping sound as well. The doctor shouted out an order to her, but she didn't hear it. It didn't matter either way, the order was push, and that was all she did.

Suddenly there was a glorious release of pressure, and a loud scream hit the air. It wasn't Rin this time, nor an obscenity. It was a baby.

"Ooooohhhh...he's so cute..." Rin said, and the doctor shook his head.

"She's just beautiful Milady." He said. then handed her the child after wiping her off and wrapping her in a silk blanket. Rin looked at her baby in wonder, amazed that such a perfect being could come from her. Sesshomaru, suddenly realizing that his fingers were no longer being smashed, breathed a sigh in relief, and attempted to touch the childs face. Rin slapped his hand away, and scooted away with a hissed "Shoo doggy."

Unfortunately her movement caused another contraction to hit, and she gasped in pain, bending over the child. Before another wave hit her she handed the girl over to a midwife, who had entered the room a few seconds prior.

The doctor appeared to be utterly stunned, and quickly lifted up the sheet again, praying it was merely the afterbirth, although he knew that wasn't likely.

He was right.

It was another baby.

Unlike the previous birth this only took a few minutes. The only complication was the childs broad shoulders, which caused a great deal of trouble. Before the doctor could help pull the child out, Rin pushed it out, screaming in pain when a small rip formed near her uterus. Unlike the girl, this one was obviously a boy. He didn't scream at the sudden shock of sunlight, but instead growled at it, trying to shove it away with his soft claws. A thump was heard, and Rin looked to her side.

Sesshomaru had finally passed out.


About an hour later he had finally come to, wondering why he was lying on the floor. The children were lying in Rin's arms, nursing off of her. The afterbirth had already been disposed of, and the mystery of why no one had known there was a second child solved.

The children's hearts were beating perfectly in sync with one another.

Sesshomaru stood and sat on the side of the bed, staring at them, his mouth in a small "o" shape.

The girl child was obviously going to be a beauty. Her hair was thick, and silver white like her fathers. A small crescent moon lay upon her forehead, and two little white ears were perched atop her head. Her only stripes were on her thighs and upper arms. Her skin was as pale as her fathers, and her eyes were a dark brown with black lashes.

The boy was almost entirely opposite.

His hair was black as pitch, and his stripes lay boldly on his dark cheeks, wrists, arms, chest, thighs, and ankles. His golden eyes were framed by red markings. His pointy ears were a bit longer than his fathers, giving him a very elven appearence, and his bone structure was almost twice as large as his sisters. They were both absolutely beautiful.

This time, when Sesshomaru reached out a hand, Rin didn't hiss and scoot away. Instead she gently handed over their daughter, and smiled at him, exhaustion evident in her eyes.

"I wasn't sure what to name her. We had only decided on a boy's name..."

"You did name him Jin right?" Sesshomaru asked, playfully tickling his daughters feet and smiling when she frowned and kicked at him.

"Yes..but her..."


They both sat in silence for a while, before Rin finally came up with something.

"Can we name her Kanashimi?" She asked, looking hopeful. "It was my mothers name and I wish to honor her memory thus."

Sesshomaru raised his eyebrows.

"Name her sorrow? She does no look sad."

"I know, but..."

"It is a beautiful name."

"Thank you."

The sun began to set over the horizen.


Mmmkay, so there is the "sequel" to this. To tell the truth, I had never planned on one, but since so many people asked... I'm sorry if this isn't as good as my other stuff, but my heart sorta wasn't in it. It seems lacking to me, but I'm glad I wrote it. I hope you enjoyed it, and leave reviews please!

Special thanks goes to: Znfantasygoddess, inkheart6, SesshomarusMistress, Okami-Chan-Mangy-Wolf, Kagura134, Chew Chew, L.M.R.N.T, Lydia-Kay, Darth Vader C11, Googol, and anyone else who has yet to review this story. :hugs: Thank you!