"These wounds are, very, very complex" Mina said examining the deep purple gash on Alice's arm. "The creature's that made these wounds is not of this earth".

"Your right, the Cards made them" the Hatter said bitterly, "I knew I shouldn't have let her go alone".

"What do you mean?" Nemo asked.

"She wanted to go check on a few things in Wonderland—" but Sawyer cut off the Hatter.

"You let her go into Wonderland!" he exclaimed "I saw her weapon on her nightstand, and you still let her go in?"

"No amount of weaponry will save you from the creatures of Wonderland" the Hatter said calmly. "If I had known what the Queen had done to the place, I would have never let her go".

"Again, what are you talking about, you speak in riddles and it begins to get annoying after a while" Dr. Jeykle said quite angrily.

"Doctor, calm yourself" Nemo said.

"Yea, take a chill" Skinner added.

"Anyway, the Queen has turned my world into a monstrous place, everything is dark and evil. She has exiled all who speak against her, and she is doing horrible things to the people she hates. I fear for my people, especially my friend the March Hare, I may never see him again," the Hatter said as if it had no emotional effect on him, but it did. " She may also do the same thing to your world,this is why we have to stop her".

"Well now that I am scared out of my bloody wits, I think we should get to work" Skinner said.

"Yes now, Mina you can finish treating Miss Alice's wounds with Mr. Hatters help" Nemo said "the rest can come with me".


"B-but y-your majesty we—" the Card captain said with fear.

"NO, TAKE THEM AWAY, AND I DON'T WANT TO EVER SEE THEM AGAIN" the Queen shouted, and the Captain along with his troop of 52 were taken to be tortured, then killed…if they were lucky. "Dorian, don't disappoint me", Dorian Grey bowed and took his troop of 52 to go plot.

"Will Alice be alright?" Sawyer asked as soon as Mina and the Hatter got back.

"She will be fine, she is asleep and I am assuming she will be for a while" Mina said.

"Alright, Hatter spit it out, what are you hiding?" Skinner said "I heard you and Alice talking about something and I want to know".

"How could you have heard, i would have seen you?" the Hatter said.

"This kid doesn't catch on quick, does he?" Skinner snickered.

"Apparently not" Nemo said unamused. Skinner then became invisible right in front of the Hatters eyes.

"Ah but—wait Alice… ugh" the Hatter yelled and began to pace. "She knew you were there, she's planning something and not telling me".

"Well spit out what you know, and maybe we can help you" Skinner said still laughing.

"Alright, well as you know Alice isn't and ordinary girl, she is probably the only thing keeping the Queen from bringing her Souls to this world" the Hatter said unwilling to tell the whole story.

"Well since hat for brains here wont tell you the story I will" the Cheshire Cat said suddenly appearing. "Our Miss Alice is the only person that we know of, that can sufficiently use magic. That is how she was able to get to Wonderland, she never came through her dreams like most. She is also the only one who can bring the dead from Wonderland to Earth. If the Queen finds a way to make Alice use her powers to bring that army to life, you better hope that the Queen doesn't kill her. If she does kill her after Alice lets out the souls, well let's just say we are all doomed," the cat said with a laugh.

"So we have to protect Alice, at all costs" Sawyer said trying to sustain a smiled.

"Well one of you is going to have to keep her with you at all times" The Cheshire cat grinned.

"What about the Hatter?" Skinner asked hoping to spoil Sawyers chance with Alice. Skinner really didn't care to send his charm towards her, instead he would rather ruin Sawyers chance just to see how far it could go.

"He could, but it wouldn't take anyone long to kill him" the cat grinned, suppressing his laughter.

"Then let's put our dear Mr. Sawyer to the test, after all he was trained by Allen Quartermain himself," Mina said with a smirk. Sawyer smiled and stood proudly, as the Cheshire cat slowly disappeared into thin air.

"So Sawyer, you better get to Alice, she is at her weakest right now" Dr. Jeylke said, Sawyer nodded with a smile and left the room.

"Well what do we do now?" Skinner asked impatiently (and he had just turned visible again).

"We set a coarse for Kenya" the Hatter said.

"Why there?" Nemo asked.

"Because I have a feeling Alice has a little score to settle with our Queen" the Hatter ginned.

Sawyer was sitting on a chair next to Alice's bed, she was still sound asleep. Sawyer couldn't keep from starring, ever since he left everything he loved in America; he had been looking for a new life and a new love. Mina was unfortunately not interested and she was at least a few hundred years older than he was. He then looked at the mirror Alice had come out of, he didn't know what came over him but he got up to take a closer look. At first he thought he had just saw his own image, but when he looked closer he saw a spade had been burnt into the very center of the mirror. It seemed to be behind the glass, but it burned a bright black. He was suddenly taken by surprise when he heard Alice shift in her sleep, he looked back at her just in time to see her eye's flutter open. At first she just let out a low groan, but after she had gotten use to her pain she sat up and looked around.

"I think I missed a few things," Alice said looking at Sawyer. Alice then quickly jumped up and left the room with Sawyer trailing behind her.

"Wait, your supposed to be resting, you go pretty badly hurt" Sawyer told her.

"Well we have bigger problems than me," Alice said as she stopped at the Hatter room. Alice knocked on the door, and she was greeted by the groggy Hatter.

"Alice, Sawyer, what's going on?" he asked.

"They found a way in," Alice said simply and the Hatter was wide-awake.