Chapter 22

Final Battle

Summary- What if Kira was a girl?

Disclaimer- I don't won Gundam Seed/Destiny

A/N: OK before I begin I want to point out that I am very sorry for the long wait for an update! Also Flays shuttle will not be in this story. As much as I love it when she dies I find it unimportant for my story. Also I never really understood how Athruns father died so I have changed that slightly as well. Enjoy!

Battle Field

Freedom and Justice quickly made a path for the "Three Ship Alliance" to get through with as little damage as possible. After they were closer to the center of the battle Kira and Athrun spread out and each made care to not hit the cockpits of the enemy MS.

Kira was closer to the ZAFT forces and was making quick work of the GINNS and Gundams. Out of the corner of her eye she saw a white Gundam (A/N can anyone guess who it is?). It wasn't attacking her or trying to help the other ZAFT pilots, because of this Kira wasn't sure if it was part of the EA or ZAFT.

Since it was so close to the PLANTS and wasn't getting attacked by ZAFT Kira assumed it was part of ZAFT.

After Kira had finished disarming the last GINN that was in her line of attack the white Gundam in question made its way over to her.

"Kira Yamato I presume." Came a calm voice over the communication links.

Kira was surprised that this pilots knew who she was. She was about to reply when a beeping nose went of indicating that someone sent her a message.

Kira looked down and read the message-it was from Athrun.


I'm heading towards the Archangel to help Cagalli out. Are you going to be alright on your own?


Kira instantly replied back.


Don't worry about me, I'll be fine. Just make sure Cagalli and the Archangel is safe.


After replying to Athruns massage Kira turned her attention back to the White Gundam,

"Who are you?" Kira asked in a stern demanding voice.

"I am Commander Le Cruset pilot of the Providence." Cane the same calm voice.

Kira didn't know the name but she knew to be careful.

"Leave the area at once! I don't want to fight you!" Kira demanded gently.

Her reply was a harsh laugh that sent a cold chill down her spine.

"I don't think so…also who are you to say that you don't want to fight? You have killed many under my command as well as others." Le Cruset asked in a taunting manner.

Kira narrowed her eyes. "I may fight…but only because I have to. I don't want to kill! If everyone lived in peace then I or anyone else wouldn't have to fight to protect themselves or their loved ones." Kira said.

"Do not be naive. Humans have to fight! It is in their nature our desire to be better then what we already are drives us to hate one another!" Every sentence that the ZAFT commander spoke was followed by a viscous attack.

Kira dodge every attack but she was a bit distracted by the others blunt words.

"What do you mean? Not everyone is like that!" Kira shouted still dodging shots.

"Yes they are. Everyone wants to be better than what they are. You are living proof of that!" Le Cruset shouted.

Kira was very confused at this moment. "What are you talking about?"

"You are the dream of humanity. The perfect human. THE ULTIMATE COORDINATOR!" Le Cruset shouted and his voice range out through the communication link and echoed in Kiras head.

Kiras eyes widen at least twice their normal size. "W-what?" Kira asked in a small voice just barely a whisper.

"You are the only surviving experiment of Doctor Ulen Hibiki. After several sacrifices of your siblings, he final succeeded in fulfilling his dream of creating the ultimate coordinator. You were born in an artificial womb while your twin sister was born naturally." Le Cruset explained his voice calm once again.

Kira was shocked at the new information but quickly shock her head as if trying to chase away the new found knowledge. This couldn't be true. "You lie!" She shouted not willing to accept it.

Le Cruset smiled. "It is the truth! How else do you explain how you were able to survive so long in this war without any military training? Even a top-rate coordinator would have been able to accomplish what you have done!"

Kiras shook her head back and forth. It all made sense…but that would mean that she wasn't human. She was just some experiment.

"You're wrong" Kira said in a whisper.

"I'm not. What do you think will happen if people knew who you really are? They would want to be just like you. They would hate you because you are better then them!"

Kira chocked back a sob. "You're wrong! People aren't defined by their abilities alone!" Kira shouted and started attacking back.

"And who is going to believe that?"

With Athrun and Cagalli

Athrun made his way over to Cagalli, and started helping her keep the EA and ZAFT a safe distance away from the ships.

"Athrun where is Kira?" Cagalli asked over the communicator.

Athrun replied. "She is over by the ZAFT forces I believe. She should be fine." Athrun attempted to comfort him self more than Cagalli.

Cagalli nodded but she couldn't shake off a bad feeling in her chest.

Just as they had cleared the path once again both their radars went off. Looking up they saw two Gundams belonging to the EA approaching. Cagalli didn't recognize them but Athrun did.

"Cagalli be very careful!" Athrun warned.

Cagalli didn't have a chance to answer as they were engaged.

Athrun was having a bit more trouble this time. When he had fought them the last time he had the element of surprise on his side and Kira was fighting along with him. Cagalli was far from being useless but she wasn't as good a pilot as Kira so Athrun had to focus a lot of his time protecting her.

Justice spun and dipped under one of the enemy Gundams and sliced the legs off. Disarming the Gundam. Athrun smiled at his work but it quickly turned into a frown when he notice the Gundam raise its gun and take aim and fire.

Athrun followed the path of the shot. It wasn't aimed at him or Cagalli. As his eyes looked out across the sky they widen in shock and horror. He could feel his heart speeding up.

Cagalli notice the shot as well as the other Gundam she was fighting. Both stopped their fighting and looked in the same direction as Athrun. Cagalli had a similar response as Athrun.

There was the Eternal. Just as Cagalli looked she saw the shot make contact with the bridge. The shot completely destroyed the bridge and it was soon followed by massive explosion as the Eternal was destroyed in a blaze of light and fire.

"LACUS!" Athruns and Cagallis voice echoed in union. Both filled with sorrow and disbelief.

With Kira and Le Cruset

Kira felt a tug at her heart and looked out across the sky. She notices that a far distance away an explosion was just starting to settle.

She had no what was the cause but her communication with the Eternal was no longer assessable.

"Well that's one problem out of the way." Kira snapped her head to look at the Providence.

"That girl was always a problem." Le Cruset said like it was the most moralist thing in the world.

Kira gritted her teeth and broke into a soft cry. Lacus was dead.

Closing her eyes Kira focused he mind. After a few moments she saw a seed drop and blow in front of her eyes. She felt the same calmness and alertness like she had when she battled Athrun. Her eyes now almost pure violet.

She trusted the Freedom forwards and attacked. She held nothing back. She wanted this man dead. He was nothing but evil in her opinion. She managed to cut off one of his arms but in doing so he was able to take off Freedoms head.

"You are merely proving my point. If you kill me you are admitting to yourself that you are the Ultimate Coordinator!" Le Cruset shouted as he dodged one of Kiras attacks.

Kira didn't respond. At the moment she didn't care that she was proving his point. She didn't care if she was the Ultimate Coordinator or not. She was going to kill this man for he didn't deserve to live! She wanted to avenge Lacus and she felt that given the circumstance this was the only way to do it.

With Athrun and Cagalli

Athrun and Cagalli felt tears fill their eyes as the watched with sadness as the explosion settled to show the remains of the Eternal. Only a few scraps of metal and debris were left. Nothing could have survived.

"How? Who could one shot take out the entire Eternal?" Cagalli asked Athrun as she finally got her voice again.

Athrun swallowed and willed his throat to relax so that he could speak. "The shot must have caused a fire and that must have set the engines on fire causing the explosion." Athrun answered his voice cracking some.

Athrun closed his eyes for a brief moment before opening them again and slicing threw the demobilized machine that was next to him. His beam saber went right down the middle and threw the cockpit and torso. Killing the pilot inside.

Cagalli and the other pilot seemed to be shocked by the sudden movement from the Justice. The other Gundam flew towards Athrun, just as the other was about to get close enough for an attack a bright light and heat sores came towards them. It hit the enemy Gundam and it was vaporized in seconds. Athrun and Cagalli watched in amazement.

"What was that?" Cagalli gasped.

"Athrun!" A voice called out to them.

Both Strike Rouge and Justice noticed the Duel coming towards them.

"Yzak?" Athrun questioned in disbelief.

"That was Geniuses." Yzak said answering the question that was on Cagalli and Athruns mind.

"What is that?" Athrun asked.

"It is a newly developed weapon by Chairman Zala." Yzak explained.

Athrun frowned. "How powerful is it?"

"It can take out the entire Earth." Yzak said calmly.

Athrun frowned. "Thank you Yzak. Cagalli you stay here." And with that Athrun took off following the path he saw Geniuses blast come from.

"What?" Cagalli asked.

Just then they all picked up many objects on their radars heading towards the PLANTS.

"What's this?" Athrun asked no one unparticular.

"IT'S THE NUKES!" Yzaks voice in extreme alarm caused both Athrun and Cagalli to jump.

Yzak soon left to warn the other ZAFT officials to not allow any of the nukes to hit the PLANTS.

Athrun followed Yzak.

With Kira and Le Cruset

Kira and Le Cruset were still battling when they too picked up the same signal. Kira kicked the Providence away and aimed all her weapons at the nukes that were fast approaching the PLANTS. She wouldn't be able to get them all but she was able to take out almost half.

She notices that others were doing the same and then turned her attention back to their previous battle.

With Athrun and Cagalli

Athrun and Yzak finished off the remaining nucks after Kiras fired.

Yzak soon left though to join up with Dearka and the Archangel.

Athrun however headed straight for Geniuses.

"Athrun! Where are you going?" Cagalli shouted at Athrun as the made their way to Geniuses.

"I'm going to self-destruct the Justice so that Geniuses won't be able to fire again. Please get to safety and tell Kira and the others to do the same!" Athrun replied at the headed towards the weapon.

Cagalli was taken back by this statement. That meant that Athrun would die along with all the others in the base controlling Geniuses. He is going to kill himself as well as his father.

"Athrun you can't!" Cagalli shouted and followed the Justice.

"I have to!" Athrun said as he finally reached his destination and started typing in the code and timer for the Justices self-destruct sequence.

Cagalli was starting to panic he was really going to do it.

"What about Kira?" Cagalli shouted angrily.

Athrun stopped in med type. "What?"

Cagalli felt tears come to her eyes but she continued. "What about Kira? Think about how she would feel if you killed yourself! Lacus is already dead! She can't handle it if you were to die as well! Can you really do this knowing the pain it will cause her? There is another way!" Cagalli shouted.

Athrun felt tears come to his eyes as well.

"To keep fighting is to keep living! To give up fighting is to give up living!" Cagalli spoke with passion.

Athrun looked up and left the cockpit. Cagalli did as well. They met half way and Athrun wrapped Cagalli in a hug.

"Thank you." Athrun whispered. He couldn't do this knowing that it could destroy Kira.

Cagalli returned the friendly hug and smiled. "It's a big sisters duty."

Athrun laughed slightly. He pulled out of the hug and looked at Cagalli. "We have to get out of here. I have already set the timer and Justice will go off any moment."

Cagalli nodded and they both climbed into the Strike Rouge.

They made their way and just as they were a safe distance away Justice went off.

A large explosion followed taking out the base where Athrun father was and several others.

Unfortunate Geniuses went off anyways. They watched as it headed out towards the battle field.

Athrun and Cagalli sighed.

"Strike Rouge come in!" They heard Mir voice come over the communication.

"Yes?" Cagalli asked.

"Are you alright?" Mir asked.

Cagalli nodded. "Yes I'm alright Strike Rouge is badly damaged and Athrun is with me. The Justice self-destructed." Cagalli explained.

Mir sighed in relief. Well at least we know where Athrun is. Is Kira there also?" Mir asked hopefully.

Cagalli and Athrun looked at one another in alarm. "No Kira is not with us. Why what happened to the Freedom?"

Mir sighed deeply and shakily. "We have lost contact with Freedom."

Cagalli and Athrun started to panic.

"The EA and ZAFT have decided to start with the Peace talks…the war is over" Murrues voice came suddenly.

Athrun and Cagalli smiled slightly but they were deeply concerned for Kira.

"We'll go look for Kira then." Athrun said. His tone leaving no room for questioning.

"Alright." Murrue answered and the left and headed towards where Kira was last seen.

With Kira and Le Cruset

Freedom and Providence were in bad shape. Freedom had lost an arm, head and both its legs. Providence was in the same condition but still had its legs.

Kira finally got a clear shot at the Providence cockpit when suddenly she saw a heat sores approaching. She quickly moved out of the way. As she moved it left a clear path for the beam from Geniuses to hit the Providence.

Kira watched in amazement as the Providence melted almost instantly. Unfortunately she was to close to the explosion and Freedom was caught in the blaze.

Kira could only watch helplessly as her world became black.

When she awakened she was aching all over. She somehow was thrown out of the cockpit and was now floating in the cold world of space.

She left her sir running out.

"So this is it?" Kira thought in her head. She felt tears falling down her face no matter how hard she tried to stop them. Many of her friends have died in this war and now it was her turn.

Kira looked ant thought she saw something in the distance. She turned her head though only to be greeted with the site of Freedom. It was in bad shape. It had no more limbs and it was badly dented and burned. It was a wonder of how she managed to survive.

She felt her heart ach at the sight. Freedom was given to her by Lacus. She was trusted to take care of that machine and now look at it.

"Kira!" Kira could have sworn she could here her name being called by Cagalli and Athrun but shook it off.

"I must be imagining it." Kira though. She always heard stories of how when you died you saw a bright light and could hear your loved ones calling out your name.

Only she didn't see a bright light. She left dark spots eat away at her vision. No bright light leading to heavens gates.

"Kira!" This time it was much louder. Kira turned her head ignoring the pain in her body from the small movement even in a weightless state.

Her eyes widen and cried even more if it were possible. She saw the Strike Rouge coming towards her. Cagalli piloting and Athrun on her right.

She saw tears in their eyes as well. Strike Rouge seemed to be damaged. She closed her eyes. She wanted to shout out to them but her throat was much too sore.

Still with her eyes closed she could feel someone lifting her limp body up and into a warm embrace if it were possible against spaces bitter cold.

"It's over Kira." She could hear Athrun whisper. She opened her eyes slightly to look at Athrun.

He smiled down at her. "The war is over."

Kira managed a sad smile with her last strength before the darkness took over.

The last thing she heard was Athruns voice.


A/N: PLEASE DON'T KILL ME! I know that many of you are most likely coming up with many ways to gut me with a dull knife for killing Lacus like that. I'm sorry. Also this is the last chapter of this story. I'm thinking about doing a sequel but I don't know when it will be up. I apologize for and Grammar and Spelling. I wrote this in one sitting sense I was tired of putting this off for so long. Also it was a bit rushed.

Love it? Hate it? Should I do a sequel? Am I insane for killing Lacus? What happened to Kira? Did I kill her? What is going to happen next? Why am I asking hypothetical questions?

Till Next time!