"STEPH!" Jon's voice rang through the house. I got up and looked at my digital clock, there was no use going to school now it was 8:30 and school started at 8. I got out of bed and walked down stairs, only to see Chelsea asleep on the couch the farthest from the stairs. The Phantom had Jon wrapped in a blanket with his Lasso tied around him to make sure he didn't get away.

"Jon you should pay for your crimes when you get caught" I laughed.

"I like your sister's morals, there a lot better than yours" the Phantom said and smirked.

"Yea well don't get too used to it here, my parents come home in 6 days and I don't think they'll be to happy a 1870's murder is here" I snarled at him, still angry for the comments a few hours ago.

"Fine, I wasn't planing on it, and you really shouldn't hold a grudge, not healthy" he said and pulled his lasso off of my brother.

"Look who's talking?" I said and walked into the kitchen, I wasn't hungry but I'm sure our evil attendece lady or a worried teacher called. I looked at the answering machine and the little red light wasn't blinking, so I just went back out. Jon now pissed off, stormed up stairs and Chelsea was now up sitting on the couch.

"So who killed who?" Chelsea asked, looking for the Phantom.

"Jon's pissed off, we are dead as door nails and Mr.Phantom—" I paused "where is he anyway". Chelsea went to go check the kitchen and I went to check upstairs, sure enough there he was leaning on the railing.

"This is interesting," he said flipping through a book, from MY room.

"Hey that's mine" I yelled and grabbed it from him.

"You're in theater?" he asked cocking an eyebrow.

"I was volunteered by some witch from school, and I got the part" I said.

"Whom are you playing?" he asked.

"Velma Kelly" I said embarrassed, the play was Chicago, and my school was doing that certain play for advanced actors. I wasn't advanced, hell I don't even like acting let alone singing but I had no choice, this was a grade.

"That is a rather, violent play" he said like some concerned teacher.

"No shit sherlock, but it's for a grade at school and I have no choice" I said. I went to put the book back and he followed me into my room. I set the book in a drawer and saw him standing in the doorway, and it didn't look like he was going to let me out.

"Let me hear you sing" he said in a commanding tone.

"Are you crazy?" I said, " first off, I can't sing, I suck. Second I would like to save the singing for Mrs. Velma Kelly".

"They why did you get the part if you can't sing" he asked with a smile.

"I told you, some witch from school signed me up, and my teacher learned I was taking singing "pointers" from my guitar teacher" I scowled.

"Pointers?" he asked.

"Yes, my mom wanted him to give me tips on how to sing, so he did" I said and pushed him out of the way so I could get through. Unfortunately being a short 15 year old, and him being god knows how old and twice as tall as me didn't exactly help my situation. He pushed me back into the room, and smirked evilly.

"Let me hear you sing" he said again.

"No" I said, no way was I gonna sing for him. I pushed him out of the way, this time so hard he fell to the floor. I ran down to the living room, scared, as hell, the guy was insane. I really needed to get out, so I grabbed my black jacket and went out side.

Side note: i really hate singing but in the 3rd grade i was Volenteeredto play a part so that is somewhat basedon reality, but i would love to play Velma Kelly cuz she rocks !