Chapter Ten: The Letter

Jess slunk in the bedroom late that night and Will stirred slightly. "How did it go with your mom? You're getting back late."

"I went for a walk after she dropped me off." Jess slid into her bed, pulling the covers to her chin, snuggling a worn out old stuffed cat to her chest. "Mom can't stay here. She still lives in Montgomery Alabama, where I was born. She's married, and has a little girl there."

"Are you ok?"

"Yeah. I understand. She said she'd write, visit. I won't hold my breath though." Jess sighed. "I was afraid when she showed up. I was afraid that she would want me to live with her. If it didn't work out, I would have lost that home and this one."

"I think you were more afraid that she wouldn't want you," Will said wisely. Jess nodded in agreement.

"Maybe. Will?"


"I'm glad to have you as a sister. I finally feel like I've got a family. For the first time in my life, I feel at home. I feel loved."

"We're sisters, Jess. What do you expect?"

Jess was wrong again.

The next morning, she got a letter from her mother. She hastily ripped it open and something fell to the floor. Jess lifted her necklace, the half penny, off of the tile floor.

Dear Jessie,

I am home safely. I miss you already. I wanted you to know that I am planning to visit again this Christmas, only two months away. I'm going to bring your little sister with me to meet you. I can't wait. You don't know how good it felt to hear you call me mom when I saw you last.

I love you,


"Hey Jess, I've got the popcorn. The movie's in the VCR. Are you coming?" Will called from the living room.

Something else fell out of the envelope, and Jess picked it up. It was a picture of a young dark brown haired girl holding a small baby. Jess smiled and hugged it close to her chest.

Things were finally starting to feel right.

Maybe she would start trusting adults again.

Maybe she would get an after school job, or find another way to make this place feel like home.

Maybe she would allow herself to be loved.

Maybe, but she knew what she wanted to do then. She wanted to watch a movie with her new sister. She turned the half penny over in her hand and noticed her mother had scratched something into the back.


Jess smiled as she fastened the necklace around her neck.