You've a Good Heart, Katie Bell

By: CarbonMonoxide

Full Summary: After Katie Bell graduated, she left her best friends, Alicia and Angelina to become an Auror. People saw neither hair nor hide of her for four whole years. Now, 23 year old Oliver Wood, is the handsome, successful, young Captain and Keeper of Puddlemere United. The Ministry has arranged for an International Professional Quidditch Tour, where Quidditch teams from around the globe will gather in England. Poor Ollie keeps hearing about the beautiful Chaser and exAuror from America, Katherine.

Why, oh why, is she so oddly familiar?

Disclaimer: I got some homework. Ya wanna have it?

Thankies to my lovely, effing awesome beta, BonBear! I love her!

I must warn you, this first chapter, may seem a bit misleading, so try to read chapter two as well, before you make a judgement of/decision about this story. In other words, it would be sad if you stopped reading this story just because you didn't like this first chapter.


"Gryffindor Chasers, time to get up!" A strong rapping noise resounded through the fifth year girl's dormitories, echoing in the dark, empty hallway.

A very annoyed fifteen year old Alicia Spinnet flipped a pillow over her blonde head, and groaned, trying for the sixth time to block out that incredibly loud racket.

Shut up… please. But it was to no avail. The loud rapping continued, rising in pitch as well as frequency with every second.

"C'mon, up! Time for practice! Merlin knows, we need it with house cup matches just around the corner… they creep up on you when you least expect it, you know, one day, you wake up, and then it's like, boom! We're already losing to Hufflepuff for the cup... Just like that, boom! Boom!"

Oh for the love of Merlin, go away…

Yeah, she knew the person was calling for her. And too bad for her, she slept closest to the door. If she didn't do something soon, the other girls in her dormitories would surely punch her eye out for waking them up on a Saturday morning. She could already hear LeAnn Kinders shifting in the bed next to her. Eyes still half open, Alicia Spinnet groggily stood up to go let Oliver Wood, the Quidditch Nazi, into their dormitory. Swearing under her breath, she opened the door to reveal a tall, dark haired boy with an obnoxiously large smile on his face.

"It's a beautiful morning, Spinnet." The boy said excitedly. "Couldn't ask for a better day to have practice!"

Alicia wanted to punch his front teeth out. However, five minutes later, a very grumpy blonde girl was digging in her trunk looking for her missing arm guard.

"Where's Bell?" A bright eyed Oliver asked impatiently, looking way too cheery for a time when any sane person would normally be in bed, dreaming about grassy fields and daisies, and mint chocolate chip ice cream. "Shouldn't she be up as well?"

Alicia immediately stopped looking through her trunk. "Ugh, Katie!" Alicia exclaimed, standing up with a groan. "She's still sleeping, I better go wake her up." Alicia muttered, completely annoyed. Honestly, that girl slept like a log. Why couldn't Katie Bell wake up when Oliver Wood came knocking at their door? Why couldn't she be the one that got out of bed to let their neurotic, maniacal quidditch Captain inside? Alicia dropped the sock she had been holding and roughly pulled the curtains aside to the bed next to her. The sleeping form of a fifteen year old Katie Bell was revealed, her dark hair spread out, and a thick duvet covering the majority of her face.

"Hey, Kates!" Alicia called out, striding over to Katie's bed. "Kaaatiee! Come on now, rise and shine, sleeping beauty!" she called out loudly, as she stood at the head of Katie's bed. "Come on, now!" Alicia stated, shaking the sheet-wrapped girl. "C'mon! Wake up! I'm giving you till three!"

The form on the bed remained motionless.

"One." Alicia drawled out, slowly.

Still nothing.


The person only buried themselves deeper into their cocoon of sheets, obviously trying to block out the slight noise.


Talk about heavy sleepers.

Alicia sighed to herself. Katie Bell had left her no choice, but to resort to plan C.

And then what Alicia did that second, truly shocked the chocolate haired older boy who had been watching with some interest in the corner. Alicia Spinnet swiftly shoved the sleeping form of her best friend of six years off the bed. Katie Bell, sheets and all, tumbled to the floor.

Oliver gaped.

Alicia noticed the shocked expression Oliver was wearing, and shrugged at him."Only way to get her up. Besides, the floors are charmed to cushion the fall."

"Allie, you hoe…" A groan came from somewhere down on the floor. "Mphath was mphat phor?" asked the muffled voice from beneath a pillow. "Pits Taturfay."

"Why, we've got quidditch practice, Katie darling!" Alicia sang out. "Mustn't be late, you know!"

A strange noise, remarkably similar to that of a person swearing repeatedly under their breath when lying in a cocoon of sheets, came from the little, unidentifiable heap on the floor. After a long moment of grumbling, the heap, it seemed, decided to say something actually coherent. "I ain't coming." It said finally in a muffled growl.

"Excuse me?" Alicia asked in an "omg-wtf-are-u-kidding-me?" sort of way. She stared at the heap with wide eyes. "What are you saying?"

"Lie and tell Wood it's that time of month, I'm too tired." The pile of sheets said flatly. "I don't care."

"But you just told him that last week." Alicia pointed out, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. "You're kind of taking advantage of him, Kates."

"Allie, do you seriously think Wood is smart enough to notice?" The heap asked bluntly. "I mean, I'm not trying to be mean or anything, but I'm not gonna lie, that guy is really dumb. Besides, I'm not taking advantage of him. It's not my fault he's so ignorant. If he can't even keep a girlfriend for more than two weeks, he obviously wouldn't know crap about a girl's period."

Now, Katie Bell had made quite a few mistakes in life. Oh yes. Some little and some big. But still, quite a few mistakes after fifteen years of existence. At the present time, poor little Katie Bell was clearly unaware of the fact that Oliver Wood, her Quidditch obsessed freak of a captain, was right there, hearing every word coming out of her pretty little mouth. Unfortunately, many people would consider openly creating an excuse to neglect your duties and then insulting your superiors when they happen to be present in the same room as you, as a mistake leaning a bit towards the big side.

"Oh wow, Katie dear, you really shouldn't have said that." Alicia stated in a tone that clearly meant "you made a boo-boo, and I suggest you flee if you'd like to see the light again".

"Shut up, and leave me alone Allie. Oliver Wood can go screw a Quaffle."

Alicia's eyes widened in amusement and horror. Damn, that girl was in for it. She didn't really know if she should pity Katie, or laugh at her. Remembering that Oliver Wood was still in the room with her, however, she strode off to find her Quidditch robes. Best leave the two alone, eh?

Oliver, on the other hand, who now had his jaws clenched in anger, was quite furious to say the least. He couldn't believe it. To him, it was like… completely incomprehensible. That girl seriously needed to realize that she wasn't going to get anywhere if she didn't quit insulting him and move her arse. He narrowed his eyes, and glared at the heap of sheets on the floor. Indeed, Katie had skipped practice only last week and then she had the nerve to try and skip practice again? Basically, she was taking advantage of him, because he was a guy.

The next thing Katie heard after Alicia's footsteps was a deep, male voice saying quite coldly "For your information Bell, I've snogged plenty of girls, much more than the guys you'll probably ever have in your entire lifetime! So I suggest you get a move on… right now."

Katie's head snapped up. Eh? That wasn't a girly voice she had heard. It was deep, discordant as if the person were a bit pissed, and sort of…manly. When did Alicia's voice get manly? And since when did Alicia snog girls…woah, wait a minute, Alicia snogged girls? Holy crap! Alicia! Except, something was wrong, it couldn't be Alicia… because of that voice. That voice, it sounded, almost Scottish. Scottish? The dark haired girl opened one eye, looked around, and practically screamed bloody murder. Was it normal to wake up on a Saturday morning to see a seventeen year old (possible deranged) boy, glaring at you like he was going to murder you with his bare hands and then drag your body to the Forbidden Forest, where all the vicous, flesh eating animals could eat you, and then spit out your bones?

"MOTHER OF PEARL!" she screamed as realization finally dawned on her. Katie scrambled to her feet in the fastest speed her body could possibly function at. "I mean, uh. Hi, Oliver Wood. Good Captain. Our Brilliant Keeper! Fancy seeing you here. What an…erm… pleasant surprise…" she trailed off pathetically. Personally, Katie Bell feared for her life. He was looking at her in a very mean-ish way. It was slightly disconcerting, to say the least. Hell, you would be scared too, if you were on the receiving end of that glare.

"Not smart enough to notice…eh?" Oliver snarled. "Thought you could lie to me, Bell? Go screw a Quaffle? Well, guess what? I've got something else to tell you, Bell. No pain, no gain. Yeah, that's right. So I expect to see you on the Quidditch pitch in ten minutes." He said venomously. "And," he glared at her. "Not one second later. Ya hear?"

Katie swallowed and stood up. "O-oh, okay. Err…see you, there." She gave a nervous laugh. He was still glaring at her. She gulped. Damn, Kates, what did you do? Katie sort of felt like she was going to throw up right about now. Maybe she'd better get to the bathroom. "Well, um, I'm going to… go now." She finished awkwardly, practically squeaking out the last part. And without another word, she bolted to the bathroom, running as fast as her short legs could take her, quickly slamming the door behind her.

Surprisingly enough, Katie made it to practice somewhat on time, and played just as well as she usually did, which was actually really well, much to her deranged Captain's pleasure. In fact, Katie Bell played so well, that with twenty minutes of practice left, she was… much to her displeasure, obnoxiously sore from last week, not to mention tired.

Katie Bell didn't want to practice quidditch anymore. Nope, she really didn't for many reasons… A) She was sore. B) She was hungry. After all, she'd had to skip breakfast, no thanks to the stupid Quidditch Nazi that unfortunately lived in the same castle as her. C) She was tired. Again, due to the aforementioned horrible, evil person that unconveniently lived nearby. And D) She was sore. Of course, she couldn't explain her reasons for wanting to leave practice, because if she did, her deranged Quidditch Captain would probably yell at her to suck it up and take it.

Katie Bell didn't really feel like sucking it up and taking it at the present time. So, instead of watching Alicia, and then Angie, shoot goals against Oliver and evaluating their form, Katie Bell thought of excuses to leave practice.

"Alright, Bell. You're up next. Get the Quaffle past me three times, and we're done."

What, my turn already? Shit on a stick! Umm, err…"I have to pee." Katie lied.

Oliver narrowed his eyes, glaring at her. "Don't you dare give me that crap…" He warned dangerously. "I'm not gonna take it. Now, shoot the quaffle past me, and you can go."

Mother of pearl, he's pissed! "But I really have to pee." Katie whined, making a pleading face at Oliver. "Really badly. Can't you just let me go? Pleeease?"

"Hmm, let me think… how about no." Oliver said bluntly.

"Why?" Katie asked boldly. "I can't help it, what if I have a small bladder? What if I pee my pants?"

"The last time you said you were going to pee your pants, I let you go, and you hid in the locker room for half an hour and came back when practice was over." Oliver stated, crossing his arms and glaring at Katie. "And you're wondering why I'm not letting you go?"

"I never hid in the locker room for half an hour!" Katie cried out indignantly. "That's a lie!"

"Oh yeah?" Oliver asked, raising an eyebrow. "Ask Angelina. Ask Harry, ask anybody. You were in there for thirty minutes. Possibly more."

Ugh, shit! "Well, umm, whatever." Katie mumbled, giving up the case. "The point is," she said more loudly, raising her chin up and looking at Oliver defiantly, "I have to pee."

"Fine." Oliver said coolly. He glanced down at his watch. "You've got a minute. I'm timing. Go."

Katie blinked stupidly.

"What's the matter, Bell? You've got a minute, I'm letting you go, so go."


Oliver raised an eyebrow, tilting his head a little. "Pardon?" He asked politely, though he knew full well what Katie had said.

"I don't have to go anymore." Katie mumbled, staring at the handle of her broom. "It can, uh…wait."

"Yeah, that's what I thought." Oliver stated calmly. "Now get your arse over there, and PLAY SOME QUIDDITCH!" He barked, roughly throwing the Quaffle at Katie.

"Ow." Katie grumbled to herself, as she flew towards the opposite side of the pitch. "For Merlin's sake, you didn't have to hit me in the boob."

"Do you think if I ever puked all over the pitch, he'd let me leave early?" Katie asked curiously, nudging Angelina. The four of them were walking back from Quidditch practice, Katie, a bit annoyed and tired at the moment.

"Eh, I'm betting no." George stated casually. "The moron would probably make you clean it up, and then make you get back on your broom."

"Yeah, actually, the moron probably would." Fred agreed.

"Hmm…" Katie stated, her face screwed up in concentration. "Do you think if I puked all over him, he'd let me leave?"

"Well, maybe." Fred replied, thoughtfully. "I've got to ponder out the situation a bit more, but I'm guessing that he'd probably just get really mad and make you wipe it off."

"He'd make you wipe it off." George confirmed, with a curt nod.

"What if I puked all over the pitch, then puked all over him, and then called him a 'fat pimp' just for good measure? Do you think he'd let me leave then?"

Alicia suddenly burst out laughing, clutching on to Katie for support. "Oh merlin, Katie."

"You know, by then, I think he'd just be so pissed at you that he'd make you leave." Fred stated shortly.

"Katie, you should be grateful he's not in a bad mood any more." Angelina stated firmly, as she looked pointedly at Katie. Angie always empathized with their bloody, almost perpetually irascible Captain. "If I were Captain…" Angelina's face took on a sort of dreamy appearance after this, despite the second half of her sentence, "I'd probably be pretty pissed at you too."

"Yeah, I know" Katie stated, letting out a breath. "I seriously thought he was going to kill me after he heard what I said."

"Yeah, he's sort of scary." Alicia admitted.

"And he's a freakish git." Katie added, frowning distastefully. "How did he come to wake us up anyway? I thought it was a girl's dormitory. I mean, like, how weird."

"Who knows?" Angelina stated, as she shrugged carelessly, the dreamy expression still etched on her face.

Katie shook her head, deep in thought. "Hey, you wanna know what I think?" She said suddenly, sounding oddly serious.

"Yeah, what?" Fred asked, in an amused tone.

"Oliver Wood." She said simply.

"Yeah, what about him?" George prodded.

"Oliver Wood, maybe," she started, "just maybe, he's a... hermaphrodite."

Fred fell on the floor, clutching his stomach.

"Kates, dear. Never thought you had it in you." Fred stated, patting her on the back between guffaws.

Angelina smiled, and Alicia looked disgusted. (That's so gross, Kates!)

"Hey, think about it." Katie stated defensively, though she had just been kidding. "That's why he can get into the girls dormitories to wake us up, even though it's guarded by an ancient spell. The staircase is so confused as to what sex he represents, it just lets him pass through either one, without turning into a slide. And, get this! It also explains why he has a new girlfriend, like every two weeks. See, after he gets a little sexual, they discover his deep dark secret, then he puts powerful memory charms on them, or threatens them, or something, so they don't let out his secret. And that's why they end up running around crying."

"Wow, Kates. You have a really weird imagination. But, I have to admit, it is funny."

"Oh yes, Bell." A distinct voice stated suddenly from nearby, causing Katie and her friends to stop talking. "Most definitely. You're just so funny, I think I'm gonna laugh my bloody arse off."

5 individual heads turned to regard a certain furious looking, freak of a Quidditch captain.

Standing right there, behind them.

Katie thought she was going to throw up. Again.

As if to make the sight of their Captain even more daunting, Oliver Wood was in the middle of his own group of seventh year friends, and all of them were standing together like a sort of pack, staring at Katie.

The twins let out a low whistle. "Busted." Fred and George muttered quietly. An awkward silence resumed soon after that, and Katie bit her lip. Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit… Oliver was glaring at her again. She mentally cringed. Should I run…? "Uh...I was just kidding." She mumbled feebly. Why did Oliver have to bloody be here at the worst times? Was he stalking her or something?

Oliver, in fact, didn't think it was the least bit funny. Actually, he was apoplectic to put it mildly. He couldn't really understand what kinds of things ran through that girl, Katie Bell's head. She was always so… infuriating. And she was only fifteen too. What was she anyway, like five foot one? She thought she was all that or something; did she have some sort of attitude problem? He'd admit, he had thought her spunk was cute at times, but it wasn't cute when she used it to insult her own Quidditch Captain, oh hell no. That insignificant little bratty little smartass-y little girl…Who the hell did she think she was anyway? Calling other, older people hermaphrodites, why, he could easily chuck her short ass little self into the lake, one-handed.

"That's it, Bell." Oliver stated in the calmest tone he could muster at the moment, as he narrowed his eyes at her. "Private practice. Just you and me. 4 am, tomorrow morning. No excuses." With that said, he smirked and strode away, ready to give that cute, but annoying Katie Bell a piece of his mind. More like a killer practice, actually. He grinned evilly. 4 am in the morning? Damn. He was good. It didn't even occur to Oliver that in order to have a private four am practice with Katie Bell, he himself would actually have to get up at four am. No, Oliver didn't think that far. Katie wasn't really lying when she said he was sort of dumb.

While Oliver walked away, however, there was only one thought registered in little Katie Bell's mind. Oh shit.

Meanwhile, Oliver's friends wouldn't leave him alone, as they walked down the hall.

"Dude, we all think you should hook up with that Bell girl, she's kinda cute, you know." Oliver's friend, Spencer, stated as he nudged Oliver in the shoulder.

"Ew, no way, mate!" Oliver replied instantly, shaking his head quickly. "She's a fifth year." He added, as if that were enough to end the discussion.

"So?" Spencer shrugged, a grin appearing on his face. "Like I said, she's cute."

Oliver let out a laugh, and shook his head again. "No way, man." He said casually. "I mean, I guess she's kinda cute, but she can be annoying as hell sometimes."

"She doesn't seem that annoying." Spencer reasoned. "She's just really…" he paused, unable to find the right word to describe the fifth year girl they were talking about.

"Random? Crazy? Obnoxious?" Oliver asked, raising an eyebrow at Spencer.

Spencer grinned again. "I was kinda leaning more towards… fun. I mean, she's different, you know, she does her own thing. You don't see that in every girl."

"I agree." Another friend, Cody, stated, entering the conversation.

Oliver gave Cody a "where the hell did you come from?" look, and Cody just grinned in response. "I still think she's annoying, though." Oliver stated flatly.

"Okay, okay, I give up." Spencer stated, raising his hands up as a sign of surrender. "But I still think you'd have more fun on one date with her, than you'll ever have with Pamela."

"Oh dammit!" Oliver groaned, suddenly stopping in his path. "I forgot about Pamela! What am I going to say to her?" He whined, his expression suddenly changing to one of exasperation, as he looked pleadingly at his friend. "I can't just tell her that she's boring and I'm sick of her."

Spencer sighed. "Dude, why are you even asking? Just say what you always say, you know, that you're better off being friends or something. Just keep it short."

"Yeah, I guess that'll have to do." Oliver said almost to himself, as they continued on their way. "Hey, we cut through the classroom, remember?" He stated, gesturing to his friends to remind them of the shorter route, and following his lead the group of seventh year guys cut across.

Katie watched Oliver walk away, instantly regretting waking up at all this morning. Why, for the love of Merlin, did stupid Allie have to wake her up? Couldn't she understand that her poor friend was delirious? Were they even allowed on the quidditch field at four in the morning? Wasn't there some crazy curfew she could suddenly remember to help save her butt tomorrow?

"Hey, look guys." Katie said suddenly, turning backwards to face her friends. While she had been internally complaining, she had randomly stuffed two Quaffles under her shirt in an attempt to cheer herself up. "I'm pregnant." She placed two hands on her back, and pushed her stomach out. "It's twins." She said matter of factly.

"Katie Bell, I must say-" Fred started, staring at Katie as if she had truly lost her mind.

"-What the hell?" George finished, staring at Katie with a somewhat similar expression as his brother's.

Katie's face fell. "Hey, I was just trying to have a laugh, before I die tomorrow. I'd rather die knowing I've lived my life with plenty of laughs than die doleful and bitter, disappointed with society."

"Oh, well, that's understandable then." Alicia stated, patting Katie's shoulder sympathetically. After knowing her friend for more than six years, she was quite used to her randomness.

"Alright, then, Kates." Angelina said with a smile, playing along. "Wanna tell us who the father is?"

Katie thought for a second and then she grinned. "Oh yeah," she said casually, "we had our one night of passion a long time ago. It's Oliver Wood."

"OI, BELL!" A thick, Scottish voice, obviously angered, and oddly familiar, roared from right behind her.

Katie froze, and her quaffles fell out from under her shirt.

Slowly, oh so slowly, Katie turned around, her eyes wide in the horror of what she might possibly see if her luck truly sucked. Sure enough, her eyes focused on a tall, Scottish boy with dark brown hair and an angry face, who was currently towering over her, seething.

MOTHER OF PEARL! Katie's eyes went wide. How the hell did he get here? Oh crap, wasn't there some sort of explanation as to why he was always here at the worst times? Looking up at him, she couldn't really tell what Oliver was feeling at the moment, except that he seemed sort of mad. Really mad. And one of Oliver's friends, Spencer, if she recalled correctly, seemed to be having a silent seizure in the background, oh dear. Finally deciding it was better if she said something, Katie spoke. "Um... hi Oliver. Wood." She added, nervously. "I was um, just kidding. Ha. Ha." She stated awkwardly, attempting to lighten the mood. "Funny stuff, huh?"

Oliver glared at her.


Hah. Sorry, I know I promised the meeting between Oliver and Katie, but that's coming in chapter four. I decided to add in this chapter so you'd have an idea of what Katie and Oliver's relationship used to be like. Yeah, I know, she's super ditzy, and seems really crazy. C'mon, work with me here, though. Rest assured, because, obviously, it's going to be a lot different when they meet up again, because, well, Katie's changed. As hinted before, she's not going to be the random, crazy-but-cute/fun Katie that she used be. If you want, you can even give me suggestions to make her less ditzy, but keep the fun factor.

And since I uploaded this chapter in place of chapter one, if you've reviewed before, then review chapter three, or submit an anonymous review or something. Because no reviews means no new ficcy. Yeah, that's right, lol, I'm such a review whore. Right now, we've got 67. Get me up to 82, kay babies? Oh yeah, and that being pregnant thing, I actually did that once, except with tennis balls, in which case it probably looked even weirder. It's where I got the inspiration, kids.

Hugs to: AbbyKat0529, amazoness, aznchic2009, buffy the slayer, charming flirt, Dark Princess of the Light, dragonchick29, English eyes, fleur137, Hellzfirefly, Hydrochloric Acid Pop (I heart u, puthar!), inflatabletigers, inkblot88, IShouldTellYou, Ladypup, Lupin-in-my-heart, Melsterchaos, Pearl goddess, ragsnhphg, Sirael, sockrgoddess12, TheOneAndOnlyElbereth, too cute to boot, DaOnleeSam, whisperkey, Spork, Kermitthefrag99 (hey baby!), Murder's Angel, litprincess, HyperonCookies, readswim04, BB, AARDVARK, cho-kaoru88, Black Flaming Heart, FizzingWhizbees, milui, Apathetically Interested, Winderwonderland, soccer bitch, Chris, randomization, Rowenhood, xLaceMeWithWindx, Bon Bear (luv u!), Sea of Reeds, Seishi Saurensonu, Spazzattack, Menolly Harper, Walken on sunshine, marylovesharry, and Joyfullsong01.

Sorry if I forgot you, just kindly scream your head off at me, and I promise I'll thank you. But those thank you's took effing forever, so you better be grateful, hoes. Um, jk, jk. But they did take a while.

I luv u. Now press that cute little purple thing over to the left.

Wow, I'm tired and I've got a butt load of homework to do. (passes out)