DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of the LOK characters, or Ed Elric, or Sesshomaru, or any thing else. They belong to their respective copyright holders. I do, however, own Emily, and that's cuz she's me. Bwahahahaha! The only thing I own is myself. Everyone else owns themselves.

Default Chapter: Introductions

"Well, peoples… umm… Welcome to the ROM or the Royal Ontario Museum" the girl said, grinning awkwardly as the last of the circle members stepped through the portal that had been made by Azimuth.

The lieutenants glanced at the armed and armored Malek, apprehension in their eyes.

"Okay. Well… yeah… introductions…This is Justin" she said as she gestured towards a young man standing at a case full of medieval armor.

Justin had short, dyed-black hair, so dark it appeared blue at the edges. He was tall and very thin, with caramel coloured skin, and eyes, as he liked to say it, "the colour of the purest Belgian chocolate". He had on a black "Inuyasha" T-shirt, with blue jeans and 3 huge gold-and-silver rings on his right hand. "This," said the girl, waving at a young woman gazing at a stuffed jaguar in awe, "is Chrissy".

Chrissy was of average height, with straight brown hair, which she wore pulled back and clipped at the back of her head. She was wearing a forest green, V-necked blouse, black jeans and sneakers. She had a scholarly air about her.

"This is Season." the girl continued, pointing at another young woman who was reading the inscriptions on a bell.

Season had reddish-brown hair, and she was quite tall. She had green eyes, and was wearing a bubblegum-pink tracksuit, complete with embroidered roses.

"That's Sam" she said, again gesturing at a young woman.

Sam had shoulder length, layered brown hair and cerulean eyes. She was about 5'6" and she was fairly slim. Sam was wearing baggy green cargo pants, hiking boots, and a dual layer T-shirt/long-sleeve shirt. The T-shirt was dark blue, and the shirt beneath it was white.

The girl ran over to another young woman and proceeded to poke her in the back to get her attention. "This is Britney."

Britney had curly brown hair, glasses, and seemed really spunky. She was wearing a white T shirt that read "Ed is mine. Not yours. MINE!", with a picture of Edward Elric from "Full Metal Alchemist" below it. Over the shirt she was wearing a knee-length black duster, with blue jeans. She was also wearing a "Woodstock" backpack (A/N you know, the little yellow bird that is always harassing Snoopy?) this bag was know as the "bottomless backpack" as it almost always had a random, pointless, or really useful item in it. The item were often Ed fanstuffs, or items her friends had put in there for safe keeping. Rumour had it that only 3 people could reach into the backpack without getting their hands ripped off. They shall remain nameless for the time being.

"And I" the girl said with a weird flourish, "am Emily."

Emily was approximately 5'3", with blue and purple-streaked, dark blonde hair that was jaw-line length. She has brown eyes and glasses. Emily was wearing a long sleeve, mesh shirt with a T-shirt over it. Said shirt read " Rocks My Socks." The blank had a piece of Velcro over it, and in her hand she held fabric patches with writing on them. Just a few examples were "Sessho", "Prof. S.", "EVIL", "sexy boys", "CHOCOLATE!" and finally "Rahab", which she hastily hid behind her back, blushing furiously. Yes, ladies an' gents, she was a Rahab fangirl… the non-fishy version though… she was also wearing a pair of tight, black pinstripe pants, and she was twitching slightly, mostly because of a combination of 6 cups of black coffee, and meeting the object of her obsession.

"Okay. There will be more of my friends popping in at irregular intervals… all week… heheheh… yes, we have this place rented for one week… not cheap, but we still did it.

Throughout the introductions, the Guardians had been shooting dark glances at the High Council members, especially Raziel (A/N: this is Pre-fallen Raziel.) Dejoule was currently checking out Turel, batting her eyelashes coyly. Rahab was glaring at Zephon, who was currently picking on Melchiah. This had always bugged the hell outta him, but just as he opened his mouth to tell Zephon off, Sam, who felt bad for Melchiah, yelled out "Zephon: Shut the fuck up, and leave Melchiah alone!"

Zephon was so taken aback at this statement that he stopped. The language wasn't what surprised him; it was the fact that it was a human girl who dared to speak to him that way!

Britney turned away from the case she was at, and said "yeah, leave him alone! He isn't doing anything to you."

"Okay… now… You are all here to learn about the humans of this world: their history, their culture, their inventions, and the creatures they live with. My friends and I are here to help speed things up a bit by explaining things properly." Emily said with a grin.

"For the next 2 hours you can wander randomly, get your bearings and whatnot. LOOK BUT DO NOT TOUCH!" she yelled, glaring at Dumah and Moebius, who had both tried to pry open weapons cases as she said this. Season stepped up and continued where Emily had left off.

"No one is to touch anything, and you must stay in groups of at least 3 at all times. If you get lost, go to the nearest indoor balcony and yell for one of us. You break anything, my friends and I will pin you to the floor and play hackey-sack with your spleen.

Emily stood, hands on hips, surveying the group "…oh, yeah… Almost forgot to introduce the Nosgothians… heheheh… The Guardians are: Moebius, the Time Guardian; Azimuth, the Dimension Guardian; Mortanius, the Death Guardian; Bane, the Nature Guardian; Dejoule, the Energy Guardian; Nupraptor, the Mind Guardian; Anarcrothe, the States Guardian; Malek, the Conflict Guardian; last, but certainly not least, Ariel, the Balance Guardian." The Circle of Nine all bowed slightly as they were named, smiling slightly.

"Now" Emily continued, "The High Council…heh... In order from youngest to eldest, Melchiah, Zephon, Rahab, Dumah, Turel, Raziel, and" at this she sneered slightly, "Kain."

It was well known amongst her friends that Emily did not like Kain. Neither did Sam, Bree, or Justin, for that matter.

Sam stepped up next to Emily and Season. "The food court is fully stocked with blood for the vampires, and normal food for, well, everyone else."

At that they all heard more than a few stomachs growl.

"I take it that you guys are hungry? Well… we'll go get something to eat, and then continue with the tour later, 'kay?" said Sam, flinging her arms open for no particular reason. There was a general murmur of assent.

"Follow us" Season said, walking off in the direction of the food court.

"How long do you think it'll take for Lord Kain to snap?" Dumah asked Turel, elbowing him in the ribs.

"I don't know, really. Kain has been really irritable lately. I say 2 days, tops" Dumah replied, snickering. The entire group left to join Season in the food court.

No one noticed the pair of glowing, green eyes lurking in the shadows…

I really have to thank Elizabeth soo much for this. She read my story first, and gave it the thumbs up.. Plus she helped a lot on the way the characters will act later on... THANK YOU SOO MUCH. please read and review.