Author's Note: Almost done! The exciting end to Obi-Wan's tumultuous love affair is nearly complete. Hope you've enjoyed the journey. I'm certainly feeling proud that I actually got this done! Thank you to those who have endured my erratic writing all this time!



It had been nearly six weeks since Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon left for Kashyyyk. During their journey, they faced many battles and manipulative authorities. Never the less, the dynamic duo did what they do best and managed to neutralize the situation to the satisfaction of the planet. It was a long and tiring mission, but utterly satisfying to the thrill seeking team who had been out of the field for so long before.

They arrived back home late in the night when the buzz of the city had reduced to a quiet hum. Unsurprisingly, Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan had reestablished their bond and were once again thick as thieves. They spoke seldom of Andra, but Obi-Wan managed to keep her in his thoughts frequently. She was the one thing he was looking forward to when they got home. Well, her and some much deserved rest (saving a planet and all that).

The morning after they arrived home, Obi-Wan made plans to see Andra. He wanted to surprise her and woke up early. Qui-Gon had no objections. After all, the boy had done an excellent job on the mission and had risked his life for the people of Kashyyyk. Obi-Wan checked his reflection on the way out and waved good bye to his master. Secretly, Qui-Gon hoped that Obi-Wan would get there are realize that Andra wasn't all that great when compared to a life threatening adventure.

Ben buzzed the door of Andra's apartment. He was anxious to see her; far more anxious than he had been when he'd seen her last. Ah, the memories came trickling back. He smirked to himself and hoped he'd get a reception as lavish as the departure she'd given him. The door opened and there she stood. But something felt wrong to Ben and he cautiously stepped inside.

Andra embraced him tightly.

"I'm glad you're home, Ben," she told him in a less than enthusiastic voice.

"I missed you," he said sincerely. He studied her face for a moment and asked, "Is something wrong, Andra?"

"Ben," she said gently, "We need to talk."

Qui-Gon sat in the living space and thought about what would become of Obi-Wan. Even though he hoped that the boy would come to his senses and leave Andra, he knew that it wouldn't happen. Obi-Wan was truly in love and nothing would keep him from her. He thought about all the time they had spent together and remembered how Obi-Wan had convinced him to train him. He had been such a persistent child, well, he was still persistent and Qui-Gon had had actually come to admire that in him.

Qui-Gon frowned at the fact that they had been on their final adventure together.

'At least we went out with a bang,' he thought as he sighed. 'He had such potential. Obi-Wan was really turning out to be a great Jedi. He would have been my finest accomplishment. No, he is my finest accomplishment. Even though he's leaving, I am still most proud of him as a student. I'm going to miss him the most.'

Qui-Gon got up out of his chair and began to pace the room. It was harder than he thought it would be to accept that Obi-Wan was gone. More than any other apprentice, he had felt like Obi-Wan was his son. He began to think that this must be what it feels like for parents when their children go into the world on their own.

Ben sat down on the couch next to Andra. He was confused by the emotions he was sensing from her. Was it Jake? Had he come back and said something to her? Or was it work? Could she have been fired? The worst thought struck him last and he began to worry. Maybe she was sick; sick and dying. He didn't know what he would do if she was dying. Yes, yes he did know what he would do. He would search the galaxy and hound scientists until he found a cure that would keep her in the living world. Andra opened her mouth and he braced himself.

"Ben," she began.

'Oh no,' he thought, 'she is dying.'

"I can't see you anymore. We can't be together," she told him gently.

"Andra, whatever it is…."he began.

"No, Ben--,"

"I'll find a cure. I'll stay with you--,"

"NO, BEN!" she ha raised her voice and Ben looked at her in shock. She hadn't yelled at him since the day they had met. But her tone was much different now. She took a deep breath and began again.

"I'm not sick. I made a mistake. I shouldn't have let you in so close, Ben. This whole thing is just pretend. Us, will never work and it's foolish to think that we will. We are so different as people and have completely different views of what life and family should be. I'm not stupid either, Ben. I know that I'm not making things easier for you as a Jedi and that you've probably gotten in trouble because of me. I know what it's like to feel abandoned by the Jedi. I don't want to be the reason that even one Jedi is distracted from his duties. I can't do that; I can't do this."

Her words were like a shot to the heart. He couldn't believe what she was saying and he found it hard to breathe. After a moment of silence, he composed himself and mustered up the courage to speak.

"Andra, I love you. I'll leave the Order to be with you…"he pleaded with her. His mind was spinning; he couldn't lose her.

"No, Ben…Obi-Wan," she told him calmly, "I can't let you do that. I do care for you, a lot. And I am so glad that I met you. You've made a so much better person with all you've shown me and taught me. I can promise you that you will always be in my heart for as long as I live; you just can't be in my life. I'm so sorry."

Obi-Wan simply nodded his head. He felt like his heart had been smashed into a million pieces. It took all of his concentration to not cry. This was worse than if she'd been dying and it made him feel like he was dying. He looked at her imploringly one last time in hopes that she would change her mind.

"Good bye, Obi-Wan," she said quietly.

"Good bye, Andra," he choked out.

Andra walked him to the door and hugged him good bye. Obi-Wan managed to slip her one last kiss on the cheek before he walked away from her apartment for the last time.

Obi-Wan quietly walked into his quarters and stared at his master who had been waiting for him to return. Qui-Gon was actually quite surprised to see Obi-Wan back so soon. He realized instantly that they were not going to have the conversation he thought they were going to have. The wise man studied his pupil as he solemnly sat in a chair beside him and looked to the ground.

"It's for the best," Qui-Gon told his padawan, "For both of you."

"Master," Obi-Wan asked quietly, "I don't understand. Things were perfect, and…"

"Love, my student, is quite possibly the only entity that is more mysterious than the Force itself," Qui-Gon responded kindly, "Just like the Force, it is powerful and worthy of respect and contemplation. It is experienced by all beings on one level or another and can cause both great pain and great joy. And, like the Force, it is always present even when you think it has been lost forever."

"Yes, master."


5 Years Later

Obi-Wan and Anakin were making their way back to the Jedi Temple through the crowded streets of Coruscant. It had only been a few short weeks since the new pair had embarked upon their life as master and padawan, but it already felt like years to Obi-Wan.

"What was it like growing up in the temple, master?" Anakin asked. He was always asking questions. In fact, it seemed that the boy had a question for everything.

"It was very much like it is for you now, except from the time I was born," Obi-Wan replied patiently.

"Did you have friends?"

"Of course I had friends!" Obi-Wan laughed, "They're the same friends I have now! You've met Bant and Reeft."

"Wow!" Anakin beamed, "You've known them your whole life?"

"That's right," Obi-Wan answered, relieved to be finished with the conversation. He really didn't enjoy getting into his past with Anakin.

"Master, did you—hey!" Anakin was cut off as a small ran past him and knocked him to the ground.

"Hey come back here!" Anakin cried as he got up to run after the boy. Obi-Wan calmly stuck out his arm and grabbed the back of Anakin's tunic. He secretly wanted to grab his padawan braid, or ear, or something else that would cause pain.

"Ben!" shouted a woman not far in front of them, "What have I told you about running the streets! Now you go apologize!"

The crowd cleared just enough for Obi-Wan to see the owner of the familiar voice. She was a slender woman, a few years younger than he with very dark hair and holding the small boy by his arm. She was dragging him over to Anakin with an angry look on her face.

"Andra…" Obi-Wan whispered as they neared him and Anakin.

"Well, Ben?" She said as she plopped the young boy down in front of Anakin.

"I'm sorry," the boy said timidly. Anakin opened his mouth to say something but was interrupted by his master.

"Andra," he said.

"Obi-Wan," Andra replied in shock. They were both silent for a moment and only stared at each other

"Wow," she began, "It's been so long. You look good."

"And you look beautiful as always," Obi-Wan replied without thinking.

"Is this your apprentice?" she asked gesturing to Anakin.

"Oh, yes. Andra, this is Anakin. Anakin, this is Andra. We were close friends some time ago."

"Hi," Anakin said politely.

"Hello," Andra said brightly to the young Jedi before turning back to Obi-Wan, "Qui-Gon must be so proud of you, Obi-Wan. How is he?"

"Qui-Gon passed on a few weeks ago," he replied solemnly.

"Oh, Obi-Wan. I'm so sorry for your loss," she replied sympathetically.

"No, he died doing what he loved best: protecting others," Obi-Wan told her.

There was a moment of silence before Obi-Wan spoke again.

"So, who is this young man you have with you?" he asked her.

"Oh, how rude of me! Obi-Wan, this is my son Ben. He's five," she replied as she picked up her son.

"You're son…?" Obi-Wan nearly choked on the words.

"Mmm Hmm," she nodded, "Well, we really need to get home now. It was great to see you again, Obi-Wan. It was nice meeting you, Anakin."

"Nice to meet you too Andra, and your son," Anakin replied cheerfully.

"Good bye, Obi-Wan."

"Good bye, Andra."

Obi-Wan watched her disappear into the crowd, dumb-founded by what had just happened. He wanted to go after her; scoop her up in his arms and kiss her for all he was worth and stay with her. But then, the voice that was his one connection to reality brought him back.

"Master, what kind of a name is 'Ben'?"

The End

I know that there are probably some missing pieces and unanswered questions. I don't pretend to be a great writer so I know it's going to happen. Feel free to email me and I'm sure I can answer them. Thank you to those of you who have read the whole story!