A/N- okay, this is a personal fic, okay people? Since i myself have just gotten over Anorexia, i thought i'd write something about it and show how i got over it. It is dark, so if you dont like dark fics... turn back.

Warnings: Self-harm, blood, gore, possible suicide... yadda yadda yadda.

Note: you will find out who the 'girl' is later on, kk, cos this is a beyblade fic... and this is only the prologue!

"I'm fine!" The girl screams at her friends. "I'm fine! I'm fine! Leave me alone!"


"Just leave me alone, goddamn it! I'm fine! Why don't you believe me?" She replies at the same volume again. But was this girl fine?

One step…

Two step…

She stops for a while on her small staircase to catch her breath. She starts to wonder why this was taking so much out of her… it hadn't before…

Four step…

But as she goes to take the fifth step, she collapses, breathing heavily. She looks up and, catching a glimpse of the hallway mirror, heaves herself up, ignoring the complaints from her aching limbs. She staggers along the hallway to the reflective surface and stares into it with a disgusted glare.

"I'm so fat." She cried, tears flowing silently down her cheeks. "I'm so fat." She repeats.

But is this girl fat?

If you saw her, you'd call her 'stupid'… 'insane'… 'blind' maybe…

Her once form-fitting clothes hung off her bony frame. Her eyes were shadowed… her cheeks hollow…

"I'm so insanely, fucking fat!" She screamed at the mirror. She ran from it and into the bathroom. Reaching the toilet just in time, she heaved up everything she had eaten that day. Somehow, this made her feel better… thinner…

"Nothing works." She sobbed, wiping her mouth of bile. "Nothing… and that's what I am… nothing.

"Those pretty girls in those blading teams… they're so pretty and thin… so confident… catching boys eyes…" She sobbed, staggering into her room and shutting her eyes. She opened them again, letting the tears stream down, and looked up at her wall which was covered in pictures… paper cuttings mostly of the female bladers. But there was one picture… one picture totally different from the rest; one of a boy… one she more than respected…

A/N- please review and no flames