I combined the first and second chapters to make it longer! Enjoys and please review!

The Space Princess (Promises)

The stars twinkle in the vastness of space. Planets spin lazily in their orbits. The great emptiness would drive most ground-bound beings crazy, but not her, not her people. They were the Space Dragonna (Drag-on-na), named after the mighty Space Dragons whom they resembled in both appearance and powers. The Space Dragons were similar in appearances to the mythical begins dreamed of on planet Earth, only they were much bigger and were generally various shades and mixtures of blue, silver, white, purple, and the occasional rare turquoise. Instead of spouting fire like Earth dragons, Space Dragons blew you may call "magic," a form of pure power that was so powerful that nobody messed with a Space Dragon without serious backup and since Space Dragons always travel in groups, NOBODY messed with the Space Dragons, period. The Space Dragonna were human-like with coloring to match their larger, scaly brethren. On their backs grew large dragon wings and their bodies seemed to be covered in a soft, sparkling aura. Their skin had soft scales around the edges of their face, hands, feet, and various other places. Their powers were the only to equal the Space Dragons, but you would never catch them fighting for they lived as one species, together in the vastness of space. Both were gentle and kind creatures who spent their long lives helping others.

This particular Dragonna had silver eyes with flecks of turquoise blue, like the ocean. These sparkling, compassionate eyes could turn deep midnight blue and cold steel gray when she became angered. Her skin was as white as a lily and soft as silk. Her majestic wings were diamond-like white and were outlined at the bones and joints in the same silver turquoise of her eyes. She had sparkling silver hair with hints of blue, purple, and turquoise- depending on the light- that reached down her mid-back and gently caressed her wings. It was her hair that caught people's attention, for everyone knew that only one Dragonna family had hair like that, the Rochian (Ro-chi-an) family, the Royal family.

Sillenna (Sil-len-na) Rochian sighed as she slowed from light speed to a gentle, swift glide and gazed with mild interest at her surroundings. She couldn't believe her parents were making her do this all because of some boasting evil maniac. If they stuck together, as a family, as a people, then they could easily defeat him. No one could match the powers of the Space Dragonnas and their imposing, lizard brethren. But no her parents were sending her off to some unknown planet in an out-of-the-way part of the universe. Her guardians flew beside and slightly above her so that their wings did not disturb the others. She didn't know them well, her parents thought he would probably search for her among friends. Him. Just the thought of him made her stomach broil. He had said those nasty things. She let out an angry sigh and she could feel the eyes of her companions' focus on her in concern. She pretended to be interested in examining one of the nearby planets. She focused her eyes and zoomed in on the beautiful blue orb with its faint rings. As she focused in on the planet, she saw something that totally captured her complete attention. Stones. Falling from the planet's atmosphere inward. Beautiful stones that glimmered and shone. Diamonds, though at the time she knew not their name. Sillenna had a fascination for anything shiny and bright and these giant stones called to her so loudly that she almost left her current path and answered their call. But not today, no today was not a day for fulfilling pleasures; it was a day for fulfilling promises. As much as she hated doing this, she was not going to break the promise she made to those she loved the most.

And so they reached the blue and green spinning orb, third from the sun, that its inhabitants called Earth. Earth, a planet that did not rank on the scale, a planet so absorbed in its own trivial happenings that it was oblivious to the universe around it. The planet had some magical beings, though they did not amount to much on the greater scale. This was going to be rather boring, Sillenna thought as they glided into the atmosphere and headed toward a forest. As they landed softly, barely bending the blades of grass beneath their feet, Sillenna sighed.

"We should start absorbing what we can from here." Said Melhina, Sillenna's petit light blue haired guardian, in their native language. Torkin, the tall, robust man with dark blue and gray speckled hair, settled into his trance. There was no way anyone would believe that they were her parents or even remotely related to her. Oh well, once they studied the planet and it's inhabitants for a while, they would take on similar forms and live amongst them. Sillenna winced at the thought of what they were going to have to do with their wings.

Might as well get this over with, Sillenna thought. She concentrated on the people of Earth, their languages, their culture, their lifestyles and soaked them into her brain.

After of a couple of days of soaking in their new world, the three figures moved for the first time since they had entered their trance-like state. They shifted a bit and then turned to stare sadly at each other.

"Well we should probably do this now." Torkin said quietly. They all grimaced at the pain they knew was coming. Melhina pulled vials of a bubbling and burning liquid from a hole in space and handed one to each of them.

"This should help…some." She said, "Sillenna, why don't you set the look and we'll follow." Sillenna simply nodded and put the vial to her lips and chugged the disgusting liquid that burned and caused her body to cringe. She concentrated her energy and turned her skin a faint tan and covered her feather like scales with magic. She then took the unearthly sparkle from her eyes until they turned, what seemed to her, a dull gray with the tinniest hint of blue. Her hair, she attempted to turn black, but no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't completely cover the silver gleam. Oh well, I'll just pass it off as a die-job gone bad, she thought. Slowly, she turned her thoughts to her gorgeous wings. She couldn't help but thinking, "This is gonna suck." She took a deep breath and began. Pain shot through her body like needles coursing through her veins. Her wings began to compress and fold into her back as her pain displayed itself through electrical forms of power that played over her body. When she was done, all that was visible of her wings were two long, purple and blue-ish, bruise-like marks on her back. None of these halter-tops for her.

She fell to the ground in exhaustion and pain, her body shaking and tears brimming in her eyes. Melhina and Torkin stared at her in pity and began their own changing process, experiencing the same pain Sillenna had. They took on appearances similar to hers, to stop any question about their kinship. When they were done, they laid on the ground for days just waiting on the pain to subside.

"We should install ourselves among them," Melhina said in English as she picked herself up off the ground. Torkin and Sillenna simply nodded. The sun would be rising soon. Sillenna looked up longingly at the fading night sky and wished with all her might to fly amongst the stars once more.

"Come now," said Torkin gently, noticing where her gaze fell.

As they walked away from the grove of trees that had sheltered them in their time of pain and need, a single tear ran down Sillenna's face.