This is quite obviously a poem for Farore. I focused mainly on the secrets she gives you and how it affects the linked game play. This was more difficult for me then the other ones, oh well.

After this I may write some different poems (for this same story) about other characters, like Zelda or someone.


Keeper of secrets, there is no singing or dancing for you,

Yours is a path of new from old and continuation,

The Ages go on and the Seasons change their hue,

All things tie together in that final confrontation.

The hero comes to you Farore, green book keeper,

Through you Rosa returns to the hero's side,

Of the Captain and the queen, learn he loved her,

Another cave with another quest do abide.

Your cheerful spirit is uplifting, as are your gifts,

Evil is no match when the hero has you,

Above the norm the hero goes as your secret lifts,

Through the link to the battle thanks to you.

Good Farore, always be so playful and kind,

Reveal your secrets and open the hero's mind.