Yes, another one shot. This is just kinda yeah...
Special thanks on Immortalizing Rin goes to:
ShadowVixen: I'm glad you liked it. It actually almost made me cry too when I was writing it. All those sad thoughts of his...Really depressing demon...dude..person...being...
BookDragon: YAY! EXCELLENT! YOU SAID IT WAS EXCELLENT:does random dance thingy:
Zoni: I wasn't even trying to be that I've reread it and all it kinda is. I wasn't even aware.
Deadly Tears:My best friend said the same thing...weird. She and you must have read each others minds.
Psycogirl1234: It's so sweet of you to say so. Do you like Sessh and Rin stuff too?
Soccergirl13: Thank you. It's good to know it didn't suck. :)
TETS: Wow, all these sweet comments from people. That's what I was aiming for! YAYNESS!
RahneSinclairDacosta: Glad you enjoyed! I promise to writesomething other than a one shot, someday.
Odi et amo.
Now on with the other random story.
It wasn't though as Sesshomaru expected her to run to his room at night. He was just prepared by leaving the door unlocked for her. Even though she was now eleven years old, and had been around him for the past five years, and was therefore old enough to cope with her own nightmares, she still ran to him. She still dreamed of beatings, and wolves, and thepain that had happened shortly after becoming an orphan. These dreams frightened her and he was the only one who could banish away the nightmares. That made him feel important and all-powerful.
Sure enough she appeared at the door shortly after midnight and curled into bed with him, settling herself against him so he could hold her. So she could feel safe. The door to his room was closed and locked now, and he felt oddly at peace. He was used to her presence in his life now. Her presence in his bed. (a/n: Think mini living, breathing teddy bear.)
If his servants knew that she slept with him at night, and that he allowed it, there would be talk. They would probably spread rumors that he liked children over woman, or that he was soft and weak like his father had been. They would all be wrong. He had just gotten to the point where he was used to having a warm body beside him at night and someone to hold. He could sleep without her, he just chose not too. It was almost the same for her. Plus it felt strange to be alone.
She rolled over and wrapped her arms around his middle, looking up at him.
" Are you awake Sesshomaru-sama?"
" Yes."
" I didn't have the dream tonight."
This shocked him but he didn't show that.
" Then why did you come in here tonight Rin?"
" I couldn't get warm enough."
A chuckle escaped him. So she couldn't sleep well without him either.
" You mean you weren't comfortable being alone."
" ...Yes. Are you mad?"
" No."
" Good."
She kissed his chin then buried her face in his chest. He tightened his arms around her and kissed the top of her head.
" You'll always be welcome here Rin. Goodnight."
" Goodnight."
They went to sleep.
Hope you enjoyed. I enjoyed writing it simply because I use to have a relationship much likethisand wanted to use it as inspiration. Reviews are welcome. Flames are too. YAY! FIRE! WEE!