A/N: For those of you have not read Marie's Dragon, stop right now and get out of here because this story is only for those who have read Marie's Dragon. You will understand NOTHING if you decide to read this first. So go away! As for those who did read Marie's Dragon…WELCOME! Please read and review and tell me what you think of chapter 1! Oh and thank you guys so much for loving Marie's Dragon. I couldn't have done it without your encouragement and the fact that you all loved it so much. Enjoy!
Chapter 1: It's a Hard, Not Life
Marie in a deep shaky breath as she and Eragon wandered the sickening battlefield. Oropher and Saphira trailed behind, their scales being the only bright source of color in the entire mountainside.
I feel sick…Marie said to Oropher. The pearly white dragon lifted his large head in response.
I understand. I find this whole field swarmed with lost spirits…it's very uneasy. Oropher sidestepped quickly, knocking into the larger Saphira, when a body gave a low groan. Marie. We need to help this man.
Ok. Marie turned and touched Eragon lightly on the shoulder. He jumped and spun, panting.
"Hey…you ok?" asked Marie softly. Eragon heaved a deep sigh and nodded. He was still weak and restless from his battle with Durza. Marie had cringed when she saw the scar the Shade had left Eragon.
"Oropher found a living guy. We need to help him," Marie said, her forest green eyes trying to catch Eragon's intent brown ones. He finally looked at her and she knew that his back was causing him misery.
"Ok…where is he?" asked Eragon, quietly.
"Over here," said Marie and she led him over to the pile of corpses, one with a chest moving up and down.
"What's wrong?" asked Eragon.
"My leg! That dragon! It sliced it open!" cried the man after they had cleared away the bodies that were suffocating him. Marie glanced at Oropher who hid his head in a wing. A spark of anger began to grow within her.
"Listen, you!" she said with a rising fury. "My dragon was put under a spell that he saved me from! He meant no harm because he couldn't even control his own body! This is a good dragon who is going to help save you, so you better be grateful you worthless piece of-"
"Marie!" Eragon said, laughing. Marie's face slid into a grin. She loved that laugh. It was one of the few times that she had heard it and it made her feel even better that he was doing it because of her. "I think he gets it. Let's just heal him, ok?"
"Oh, alright," Marie said with a smile. They both bent down and each laid a hand on the bleeding leg. "Waise heill."
The man got up after feeling his leg and walked around. "This is amazing! Thank you Riders so much!"
As the man burst into a loping run, Marie shouted angrily after him, "Don't forget the dragons!"
"Don't worry about it," said Eragon, laying a hand on her shoulder. Marie could hardly contain her glee. Ever since she and him had hugged yesterday, she felt closer and she wanted to be closer.
Eragon had changed as well. Every time he looked to Marie, his feelings about her had become confused and messed around.
Marie, remember to control yourself. I know you two went through lot but that does not mean anything, Oropher said, nudging his way in between Eragon and Marie.
Yeah…I know…Marie said, glancing at Eragon.
No, you don't. You aren't listening to me, said Oropher. He growled lowly and showed his fangs at her. Do not tempt him. I will let Saphira know of your infatuation so she can be sure to keep Eragon away from you.
Marie curled her fists and glared at Oropher. You wouldn't.
I would. And the next time I feel you getting close to out of control, it will happen. Oropher said, leveling his deep golden eyes with her green ones.
With a groan and a stamp of her foot, Marie turned on heel and stomped over by Eragon as they continued to search for survivors. Eragon questioned her sudden change in mood but she retorted with a single word. Dragons.
"Look," Eragon said. Marie followed his gaze to see Ajihad's right hand man, Jormundur.
He was panting as he went up to them. "Eragon! Marie! I'm glad I found you when I did. Ajihad is coming back…he wants you two to be present when he arrives. The others are already gathering as we speak by Tronjheim's west gate. Quickly now."
Marie and Eragon began making their way to the gate in the dark gloom of it all, sucked in their own thoughts.
As they neared, the waiting party soon came into view. Among them was Orik, a pleasant dwarf that had befriended Eragon and Marie and Arya.
Chills spun down Eragon's spine as she looked at them. He might have feelings for Marie, but he was sure of the ones going to Arya.
Marie clenched her fists, her mouth curving into a snarl. Marie had finally classified the elf as her rival. The elf bested her in everything-skill, looks and the ever-wanted talent of winning Eragon's heart. Maybe Arya didn't do it intentionally, but Marie did not care.
To divert her attention away from her jealousy, she began looking forward to Murtagh's return. She missed being able to talk to someone other than Oropher that was able to relate and talk back. She had become close to him, enjoying the thought of having the sibling she never had. Murtagh was like her older brother, leading and guiding. Marie decided that she would spend time with him…without Eragon.
Marie watched as a group of ten men rose out of the black chasm before her, bearing a small light. As others helped the dwarves out, a man, presumably Ajihad, raised a hand and all of the warriors formed two neat lines behind him. Then the formation started waking to Tronjheim.
Marie squinted, as suddenly there was a bunch of movement behind them.
Suddenly anger and despise flowed from Oropher and he shouted, Those are Urgals!
"Urgals!" Eragon and Marie cried out together and they leaped onto their dragons.
Oropher flapped his wings hard as did Saphira and it was almost as if they were racing like they used to, moving like bullets.
Marie watched in horror as the Urgals overcame the group. Suddenly, there was an opening and there was only four warriors standing: Ajihad, Murtagh and the Twins.
Oropher faster! Marie cried as the Urgals blocked their view again. But the pearl dragon could do no better than Saphira, who was also flying as fast as she could a little ahead of them.
Marie flung herself off Oropher when he was close enough to the ground and somersaulted to her feet. She raced through the small form of bodies, looking for anyone alive. In the middle was Ajihad, gasping for breath.
"Eragon!" Marie shouted and he raced over and bent at his side. Both of their hearts sunk as they realized the wounds were beyond healing.
Arya stood there, her face reflecting Marie and Eragon's when she too saw the damage.
"Eragon…Marie…" Ajihad said. Marie shook at the sound of his almost lifeless voice. She had had enough death.
"We are here." Eragon said after Marie stayed quiet.
"Listen to me Riders…I have one last command for you two," Eragon and Marie leaned in to listen. "You both must promise me something: that you…won't let the Varden fall into chaos. They are the only hope for resisting the Empire…They must be kept strong. You must promise me."
"I promise," said Marie and Eragon in unison, tears streaming down their faces.
"Then peace be with you…Marie Shur'tugal and Eragon Shadeslayer…" and those were the last words of Ajihad.
Marie shook her head and wept. She hadn't known Ajihad very well, but his presence was so comforting. Now that he was gone…she felt no hope for the Varden.
"The Twins and Murtagh's bodies are missing!" called Arya. Marie felt a flicker of hope rise within her chest.
Eragon stood and looked around. "You're right!"
"But…but Urgals don't take hostages…do they?" asked Marie. Arya and Eragon were put into a hesitant silence.
"This is horrible…" mumbled Eragon. He was silent for a moment. He looked at Saphira and then turned to Arya.
"They took them hostage didn't they?" asked Eragon. Arya nodded. "Will you pursue them?"
Arya was silent for a moment and Marie looked at her hopeful. Arya finally looked Eragon in the eyes and said, "Wiol ono." For you.
Through her clenched fists and past her jealousy, Marie was grateful. If Murtagh didn't survive…she didn't know what she'd do.
Eragon gave a tired sigh and explained everything to the dwarves and men who came before laying a hand on Marie's shoulder. "Let's go…"
She nodded silently and stood. Oropher nudged her comfortingly and she rubbed his face for a moment before climbing up onto his back.
I do not know what to say for the comfort I myself need. Oropher said softly. Marie hugged his neck.
There is nothing to be said. I do not wish for you to say you are sorry because you did not do anything and I do not wish for you to say that this is life because who besides Eragon and me have a life like this? Marie asked.
I do. I and Saphira do. I know our feelings are a bit more controlled but we share the same life Marie. We are one. Oropher said.
I know…I know. But Murtagh…could he be killed if Saphira isn't fast enough? He's as good as me and Eragon…just that he has no magic. Marie started contemplating ways that Murtagh could escape but a lot of them had to do with magic.
DO not get your hopes high…Murtagh might not make it. Though…the loss of the Twins is expectable. Oropher snorted as he said the last comment.
Marie smiled slightly but it vanished from her face as the grim thoughts returned. She focused on the back of Eragon's head as he rode Saphira in silence. This was going to be a hard life.