Reviews for Marie's Dragon II: Eldest
DragonLover1551 chapter 28 . 4/27
I’m sad to not be able to learn the colors of the eggs
enejameson612 chapter 28 . 2/11/2015
Great story I see u haven't updated I a while I hope u come back to it I read both of ur Marie stories in one night hope u update soon
FuzziCatz chapter 28 . 8/19/2014
Please write more! I loved both of these stories. I look forward to more.
Md5221 chapter 28 . 2/5/2013
This is awesome such a great story
Eldunar chapter 28 . 9/15/2012
Great story, and once again I deeply regret that a very good fanfiction remains unfinished.
*Sigh* why do all fairy tales end.
srade9779 chapter 28 . 6/17/2012
please update this it is a great story. Please!
CaptainBeer chapter 1 . 3/5/2012
One of my favorite stories :D I'm just sad that you ended it :(
lauritalaloca chapter 28 . 1/1/2012
Please update soon. Don't give up on the story.
KT-LIZ94 chapter 18 . 11/23/2011
loving this story so far.
KT-LIZ94 chapter 6 . 11/23/2011
love this chapter!
iamnotlordvoldemort chapter 13 . 11/12/2011
When I saw the REM sleep line, I almost burst out laughing, a pretty technical term for the dark ages.

Great Story! There are a lot of stories similar to this out there, but few of them ever get past the tenth chapter.
Mim chapter 28 . 11/12/2011
Hi I'm Mim, I read thisand the prequel in one day, I know that you havn't updated in years but I really enjoy this story lne. I would love it if you continued it. Also, my younger sister asked nme what I wasnreading an when I told her she asked me if I

could post here and suggest a name for one of Saphiras eggs (the free one) she asked

That I suggest the name Elasiea pronounced Eh-lass-e. Sorry that she mad me put that in but she thought that it was a pretty nae. Again, great ststory, you're a great writer.
Oruzhiye chapter 28 . 7/13/2011

I'm sorry for that crazy momment, it's just that this story is in simpler words just plain amazing! Like I mean seriosly, there is soo much content that I just can't begin to describe the greatness of it!

Please I beg of you! You must continue this!
yue moon chapter 28 . 3/22/2011
so is murtagh going to end up captering her and them stating a crush
Taylor chapter 28 . 12/28/2010
Over my Chrismas break I have been reading your stories and they are absolutely amazing!I enjoy your stoy more than the actual book and I like how you are able to take on the different charector roles. They act the same as they would in the book, which is a really difficult thing to do. A lot of the other stories do not do the charectors any justice. I also like how you portray the dragons. You make them believable. I like how they have their own personalities, but they still act very regal and dragony. I mean that they are powerful, they guide the riders, always have answers and opinions and are respectful, but they still ahve a certain innocence. I think you do all this perfectly. I hated Triana in the books so I like how she became an enemy in this story, I REALLY hate her and I want Oropher to squash her like a and Marie make the perfect couple, even if in the beginning he was a dirty two-timer and kept switching back and forth to Arya. But I can see how the charectors mature as they go through the story and I like where they are now. I don't know if I could take another separation between Oropher and Marie, the last one made me cry. You are very good at creating emotion in your work! Oh, and I like how you came up with Swiftblade! In your faces you sexist dwarves! TAKE THAT! Again, I really hate Triana. But I'm really excited to see what happens with the fairth!I really really want Eragon and Marie to have a happy ending!Your writing is amazing! PLEASE hurry with the next chapter! oh and I apoligize for any bad spelling and grammar. I am terrible at both of those. (_)
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