The next morning was filled with questions from Aiden and Collin about my detention. I answered them as quickly as I could, ate the last of my breakfast and left the great hall. I didn't have a class first period, so I went down to the lake and sat under a tree nearby. I leaned my back against it and closed my eyes, feeling the warm breeze brush across my face. The good news was I didn't have any classes for the first two hours of the day; the bad news was that I had Defense Against the Dark Arts again today.

I was just about to doze off when I felt a presence near me. I opened my eyes to see Professor Snape standing beside me, smiling.

"I almost thought you were dead there for a moment." He said with a little laugh. "Then I saw you breath, and knew you were ok." He gestured to the spot next to me, and I nodded my head telling him he could have a seat. He sat beside me and stared out at the lake. I didn't realize I was staring at him and how the wind whipped his long black hair that was tied back, until he said, "What?"

"Oh, sorry Professor, I didn't realize I was staring." I looked away blushing.

"It's ok; I've had a lot of people staring at me since I arrived." I suddenly felt worse for staring at him.

"You resemble him a lot you know. That's why they stare. And besides, they are curious, you're new, and no one knew anything about you." Professor Snape continued to stare out at the lake, but I watched his expression, to see if he would get mad at what I was saying. But all I saw was an unreadable expression, not bored like his fathers, just…unreadable.

"Yeah, that's how he wanted it. It was always better for him if no one knew." He said bitterly, the first form of real emotion I saw from him. "My mother used to tell me that it was a way to protect me, and I believed her. But now, it's just hard to believe things after you've grown up, and experience things for yourself."

"Yeah, people think that when you are younger, you don't need to know the truth. The thing is though, you'll eventually learn the truth, and when you do, it hurts worse than you could ever imagine."

"Exactly, I don't think I could ever hide the truth from my kids when I have them. And I sure as hell won't abandon them."

I saw something flicker in him; something that resembled hate or anger. But as soon as it appeared it disappeared. We sat there a few minutes, both of us staring out at the lake silently. Then finally I spoke.

"So what made you want to be a potions professor anyways?"

He was silent a moment, contemplating his answer. Then he took a heavy breath and said, "When I was younger I was so sure my father was coming back. So I wanted to be just like him. Maybe just in some way to make him proud and not make him ever leave again.

"There was this one time he was at our house, in the basement. Someone came over, I'm not sure who, but they wanted a potion. So my dad went down to the basement to make it, and I followed unbeknownst to him. As I hid behind a table I watched as he made a potion. It turned many colors and fizzed and bubbled. The colors mesmerized me since I was such a young child, and I always wanted to learn how to do that. Then a few months later, after he left, I asked my mother for a small potion set so I could be like my father. She got me one, and I worked hard at it, hoping one day he'd come back, see how well I was doing, and want to stay. But he never came. I kept working at it though, but I never got to show him how great I was at it. I got top marks in all of my potions classes, so I decided when I got out of school that I would become a teacher. Even though I hate my father, I guess in some way I'm just trying to be good enough for him. But I know it will never happen, however this is what I love to do, so I guess that's why I do it."

"Oh." I said and we both looked back out at the lake. "I don't understand why anyone would leave their family like that. If only they could just see how much it tears up their children then maybe they wouldn't go. However, we are discussing Severus Snape here, and he never once expressed to anyone here that he ever had a heart."

"I always thought he didn't have a heart, but my mother did. She worshiped my father 'til the day he died. She always said he had a horrible past, but he was trying to make a better future. He was doing so much better she said."

"Killing people and trying to take over the world is 'so much better'? How could she possibly justify that?" I asked anger and confusion rising within me.

"My mother died before my seventh year. So she died before everything had begun to happen again." He said in a soft voice, just above a whisper.

"Oh, I'm sorry." I said beginning to feel stupid for getting angry.

"It's alright. My mother was a great woman, with a heart so full of love. She always found the best in people and prided them on their strengths and never degraded them because of their flaws.

"She didn't deserve to die, but I think it was probably better for her. That way she never got to see how my father turned out." Just then the bell rang, reminding me that I had to be in Defense Against the Dark Arts. I jumped and quickly got up.

"I'm so sorry to run, but I have to get to class. I have Defense Against the Dark Arts, and I don't need an excuse for another week of detention with Professor Malfoy."

"It's alright." He stood and began walking with me. "Another detention?" He asked.'

I rolled my eyes and said, "It's a long story, so maybe some other time I'll tell you about it. But the only thing I have to say is that I have to watch what I think around that man."

Professor Snape looked confused for a second then it dawned on him and he nodded his head. "Ah, yes I see; Legilimency. My father was quit skilled in that, and Occlumency."

My back stiffened and I said coldly "Yes, I know." Then I quickened my pace but turned around to say something walking backwards. "I'll see you in class Professor, and thanks for the talk."

"Anytime. He said, smiling widely. I smiled back then turned to enter the building. Once inside the doors I took off in a run towards the dungeons. I was not going to be late.

A/N: Yes, I know, this took forever. I know. But really I was stuck at this story. One day I sat down and started writing it without even coming up with a plan for it. But now I have one, and I kinda have a purpose for ol' Julius Snape. So yeah…if college time permits…I may just work on this some more. I hoped you liked the glimps into Julius Snapes life there. Don't worry, there is more to him that I'm not gonna just come out and tell you about in the first few chapters…so, review, and maybe I'll write some more…woo –tiff

P.S. oh and i'm so sorry that this is short. i wanted to get something out, but i don't have the class planned out for the day...maybe after i write it, i'll combine it or something...