Reviews for To the End and Back Again chapter 5 . 2/23/2007
you story is worh so much more than the five reviews it has at the moment. its a very good story, very well written and well structured. Excellent.
black111star chapter 5 . 5/14/2006
aw you see i have read over 100 fanfics both complete and incomplete, but i knoticed the older ones are infact more... more like what jk rowlings would write, more realistic to what the original harry potter story is. i love the way you write like that. keep it up and please email me when you have the next. no rush btu do keep in mind that we love your story and are exited to read the next chapter.
Nyx666 chapter 5 . 3/19/2006
I really like your story so far; Professor Snape is fast becoming one of my fave characters...unless you have something evil planned for him...oh, can't wait...
PotentialTempest chapter 3 . 8/31/2005
Haha, it would be amazing to read someone's mind like Draco did just there. But creepy, yes.
Blonde-gym-chick chapter 4 . 8/25/2005
You got a good story started.

But what is up with Julius Snape? Does he like Ginny or what?
PotentialTempest chapter 4 . 8/25/2005
This is interesting, I like it _