This is my second fanfiction, my first Sonic one. Hope you like it!

For the sake of a timeline, this story takes place a year after "Sonic Heroes".

I have been a fan of Sonic since his Sega Genesis days and played nearly very game (Sonic Heroes was a bit of a disappointment).

So don't worry, Sonic & co. will be used respectfully.

These first couple chapters are kind of short. Don't worry! Soon they will become longer, this is just the beginning.

Anyway, please review and don't be afraid to criticize.

Chapter 1: A Day with Tails

Miles "Tails" Prowler, on the day this story begins, was sitting on his porch. It was a beautiful day, and the sunlight filtered through the forest canopy to rest on the fox's face. Tails had nothing to do today. Sonic was off on one of his weeklong runs, and everyone else seemed occupied. Of course, Amy had asked him to come shopping but the thought of shopping with Amy… we won't go there.

So for now Tails just sat on the porch of the secluded house Sonic & co. called home, trying to think of what to do. It's Monday, so Knuckles will be busy polishing the Master Emerald. I'm so bored! Then a thought came to him, Cream! I'll go visit her in the Chao Garden. He always enjoyed being with Cream, and playing with the Chao would relieve his boredom.

Tails hopped the steps and took off without another thought. His twin tails twisted and in an orange blur he ran to the Chao garden. He wasn't nearly as fast as Sonic, but he could get from point A to point B.

Racing through the trees he felt elated. It was so fun to weave in and out between the giant oaks, cutting it close just for the fun of it. It had been nearly a year since their last adventure and the non-action was getting to him.

Within 15 minutes the young fox came to a sudden halt. He was there.

The expanse of soft grass and the gentle waterfalls came to Tails's eyes and his busy heart relaxed. An air of warmth drifted over him, and he understood why Cream would want to live here.

He walked a little ways and started to see Chao. Each one was different - pure color or a collage of animals, shiny or speckled, sleeping or playing.

Tails walked beneath a fruit tree and started tolook for Cream. He looked out at the garden, concentrating hard, whena loud blast from behind madehim jump. His heart pounding, he turned and saw a gold Chao with a trumpet standing behind him. The Chao tilted its head, stuck out its tongue, and then ran away laughing.

Tails opened his mouth to call the troublemaker back when another noise came from behind him.

"That's Ajex," said Cream the Rabbit in her deliberate voice. "He's always getting into trouble, but he's good-natured."

"I see…" said Tails.

"Would you like to have lunch with the Chao and me?" asked Cream although she knew the answer.

"Yes I would Cream."

The rest of the day was a vast improvement to just sitting on the porch. Cream made Tails a wonderful lunch, which they ate with the Chao near the pond. Then Tails followed Cream on her rounds and helped her care for the Chao.

Near the end of the day, a group of Chao that included Ajexplayed musicfor Cream and Tails. Ajex wailed on the trumpet, while a silly grinned blue Chao tried (and failed horribly) to keep the beat on a bass drum. A strange rabbit-like Chao played the cymbals with comical enthusiasm, and, to the pair's amusement, the final Chao wiped out a pair of over-sized maracas.

After the loud but hilarious noise subsided Tails and Cream were left alone. They sat under a tree as the sun began its decent. Tails thought and deemed this a very good day, I am so glad I came.

"So where is Sonic?" Cream asked of the fox.

"He left on a run," replied Tails. "Said he was going out west and would be back by Friday. It's not like him to miss the Chao races."

"Yes, this Friday will be very competitive."

Tails sighed and leaned back. As he did his head hit something soft and round. What the…?

"Chao cha cho chao!" said a Chao. It was white with gorilla arms and a tail of red and green. The creature looked at Cream with concern and the parrot crest on its forehead rose like an eyebrow.

"What is it Choc?" she asked. Choc replied in a series of 'chao', which Tails did not understand.

"Come on Tails!" exclaimed Cream as she got up and followed Choc, who ran ahead of them.

"What's going on!" yelled Tails.

He checked his pace and jogged behind Cream. Choc was leading them west and their shadows raced in front of them. Soon they stopped. Before them, in the middle of a flower patch, lay a shiny white egg. The egg was shaking violently and cracks were visible on its surface.

Tails bent forward to touch it, but Cream stopped him.

"No," she said softly, in awe. "It needs to hatch on its own."

The trio stood in silence, as the convulsing egg was painted orange. Wow, this day keeps getting better, thought Tails. He had never witnessed a chao birth, and it was really exciting.

Cream was thinking-Where did this egg come from? I don't remember an egg being laid…Oh well! Come on little one, keep coming!

Choc was thinking-Chao cho oh cha chao! Which means- Keep trying!

The eggshell sparkled in the sunset and then suddenly burst open.

Sitting in the middle of the broken shell was a dazzlingly white, almost transparent, child Chao. Its eyes opened delicately, revealing black pupils surrounded by gray irises. It shook and a faint rose color entered the small body.

It looked at its brother, then to Cream, and finally Tails. When the child's eyes reached Tails they lit up with love. It reached out its short arms to the fox and cooed with obvious affection.

"Take her Tails," Cream said slowly.

"Her? Why?" said Tails who took the Chao in his arms.

"I can tell it is female because females turn rose after birth and males turn light green."

Choc nodded as if to confirm this.

"And I think she has imprinted you."

"That means…" asked Tails as the Chao snuggled him fiercely.

"She thinks you're its parent," said Cream, trying to hold back her giggles. Tails, a parent? "They normally don't imprint anyone, since most are raised by caretakers, like myself, instead of their Chao parents; but this one… apparently has."

The Chao had now successfully cuddled its way under Tails's chin, forcing his head up so that he had difficulty keeping his eyes on Cream. She must have decided that it was a good place because she next sighed and closed her eyes.

"What do I do?" asked Tails. He was a little freaked out at this, I can't be a parent, I'm hardly a teenager!

"Well, lets try setting her down first," Cream told him.

Tails lowered himself and tried to set the Chao down. The result was serious whiplash when Tails realized the she was latched to his neck. After prying her off, the shiny thing preceded to shriek louder then Cream could remember any child shrieking. Tails moaned and flew to the ground with his furry ears covered. He was pulled up by Cream as she forced the Chao into his arms.

The following silence was like a slice of heaven.

"Chao cho chao!" said Choc. Wow! Some pipes!

"That didn't work," Tails pointed out.

Cream took on a thoughtful look and then turned to Tails. "You'll have to raise her until she is old enough to live here. Or you could keep her as a pet, since she is so attached to you, literally."

"But I don't know how to raise a Chao!" shouted Tails.

"Why don't you stay with me for the next couple days and I can help you?" suggested Cream.

"I guess…" said Tails. He had always been a little shy when it came to sleepovers, something to do with not sleeping in his own bed and forgetting his toothbrush.

"Come," Cream gestured. "I'll make a bed for you and her."

Tails followed Cream to her lodge near the waterfall, the Chao in his arms, wondering how this great day had just turned to chaos.