Yugi: Well, Zypher isn't here once again but she has a new story she wishes to share with you. After watching many episodes of Inuyasha, she thought about another crossover which means more danger, more romance, so on and so forth. Anyways, she presents to you, her newest story, Two Worlds.

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or Yu-gi-oh. Only my crazy ideas and story plots that sometimes go completely nowhere.

Short summary: Yugi, a high school sophomore, finds himself thrown into the feudal era where he meets two half dragon yokai aiming to find the Shikon no Tama. After an unforeseen incident, their journey takes them across the land but as their travels grow more dangerous as an old evil arises to finish its deceptive deed, with an old flame burn out to make way for a new and brighter hope?

Major overhaul: As of the edits from this point forward for new and old readers, characters will be changed and a few names as well for the future of adapting to manga settings and possibly Final Act depending on how the manga leads to the end point once I get all the remaining volumes at the next con I can haul them from. Attack names will be changed to Japanese variants and most abilities held by certain weapons will be split between the adjacent sibling of both pairs.


Two Worlds

Chapter 1


Many people say stories can have a good or bad ending. I thought the same during my journey through the feudal era but when it was finally done, it turned out to be good. Why you ask? Because you never think something good will happen at the end. Sorry, I never told you my name. I'm Motou Yugi, a sophomore at Domino High that has fallen into the Bone Eater's well and came upon the feudal era.

How I got there was a mystery to myself but after learning about how the possibility led me there, it was no easy trip getting back home until falling in there once from a yokai that was after me after a while of collecting pieces of the jewel that I accidentally shattered.

My story turns out to be bad at first but it gets better, even for me. After my travels, I learn something that shocked me and that was when the two yokai that I happen to have freed from a spell, wanted me as their partner. To me, I thought it was impossible since I thought they had feeling for another boy they met 50 years ago but after a tragic fate, he died. There was a big similarity between me and him, maybe that's why they cared for me so much, or so I thought.

After being gone for a while, because of jealously which surprised even me, they came for me, saying they want me to come back. At first, I didn't but that's when they admitted their feelings for me. I gladly came back with them, hunted for the rest of the Shikon no Tama shards, defeated Naraku then, after asking my kaa-san and jii-chan of course, stayed with them in the feudal era.

Well, instead of telling you this way, why don't I tell you the full story?


Yugi put on his shoes as he headed for the door, getting ready to head to school. "Yugi, don't forget your lunch." His mother, Aimee, called. "Oh yeah. Thanks, kaa-san." Yugi said as he took his lunch and left. 'I wonder where Kyra went to.' he wondered as he headed to school. He was a loner there and didn't really hang out with many people but that suited him just fine.

As he got to school, he was greeted by a girl named Keara. She was his only close friend to him and she was always there to watch out for him, especially when Anzu was around. She was one of those popular girls and she always made time to gloat about it. When Yugi was around, she always picked on him for the hell of it. That why he never really socialize with other students.

"Hey, Yugi, how are you today?" Keara asked. "I'm fine, just a bit tired since I almost overslept." Yugi replied. "Ah that's alright. Since you told me you have high grades anyway, you can just sleep through class. Calculus is a boring subject anyway." Keara said as they headed inside the school building, happy to not encounter Anzu or her group.

As the school day ended, Yugi waved goodbye to Keara as he headed home, quickly so he won't see Anzu if she did show up. Unfortunately, when he got home, she was already there and looking for him. 'Of course, let it be her lies that get through to kaa-san. No matter how many time I tell her she not my friend, girlfriend or anything for that matter.' Yugi thought and headed towards the Bone Eater's Well, hoping to be safe there.

He looked at the sealed well then spotted something white hiding around the corner. "Hey, Kyra. There you are. So this was where you were hiding all day." Yugi murmured as he went down the short steps and picked up the white and grey kitten. She mewled and licked his cheek.

While he was occupied with her, he didn't notice the seals starting to peel off the well until he felt a great amount of aura coming his way. He didn't have time to react as the boards sealing the well burst up and ghostly hands grabbed at him. Kyra held onto his shirt tightly as they were pulled into the well. Anzu used that time to come in but just barely missed the sight of him after he was tugged into the well. She growled before leaving.

As he went through the well, a woman looked to him. "You are him. The reincarnation of Heba, give me the Shikon no Tama!" Yugi struggled in the yokai's grip as Kyra tried to scratch at her. "Give me the jewel!" she hissed. "Let go of me!" he cried, pushing the yokai spirit away but as he did so, a strange light came from his hand, pushing the yokai away and two of the yokai's arms was still gripping onto him as he finally hit the floor of the well. He looked around before pulling the arms that was still on him away.

"Jii-chan? Kaa-san? Are you still there?" Yugi called but he didn't get a response. He placed Kyra onto his shoulder and he climbed up the vines that covered the well and noticed he was in a forested area.

'Where am I?' he wondered as he climbed out of the well and looked around. 'I know I'm surely not at home.' he thought as he continued to walk through the forest. Kyra mewled and jumped off his shoulder, running off. "Wait, Kyra!" Yugi called, following her until he found her in front of a large tree that looked like the one back at home only there were two people pinned to the trunk by arrows.

One was a human in appearance while the other was a dragon. To Yugi, they both looked like they were asleep. He crawled onto the large tree roots and saw that the one resembling a human wasn't human at all. 'He must be some sort of yokai. Could I actually be in the feudal era?' Yugi thought as he gently touched one of the large black wings.

"Child! What are you doing?!" A voice cried and a middle aged woman came from behind a tree and over to him. "Oh, I'm sorry. I was just curious." Yugi murmured as he got down, Kyra jumping onto his shoulder. "Well, seeing as you're from a different place, you don't know the history of this tree and these yokai. Please, come with me." The woman said and he nodded as he followed her.

They arrived at the village where she stayed and she took him to her home. "So child what's your name?" she asked as she started a small fire and started making a stew. "I'm Yugi and this is my kitten, Kyra."

"It's nice to meet you, Yugi. I'm Kiyane and I'm the head priestess of this village after my brother died." The woman spoke as she finished the stew and poured some into a bowl and handed it to Yugi, taking some broth and placed it into another for Kyra.

"So, how did you get here? Your clothes are very different from ours." Kiyane asked. "Well, you may not believe me if I tell you." Yugi muttered as he took a sip of the stew. "You can tell me. I'll believe you." Kiyane reassured.

He looked to her and nodded before telling her about how he gotten there and the yokai spirit he met on the way here. "Hmm, it does sound a little farfetched seeing as no one goes near that well but seeing that you came through must mean something. And as for that yokai spirit, I think I know what she wants."

"What could she want that I might have?" Yugi questioned.

"Well, you look so much like my younger brother, Heba, who was head priest of this village. But the two yokai that you saw earlier did something horrible and he died to protect us from their rage. Using his arrows, he pinned them to the Sacred Tree, never to be awakened again and he told us to incinerate his body with the Shikon no Tama. Since you look like him with some differences, you must be his reincarnation so you would have the Shikon no Tama somewhere in your body." Kiyane explained and he nodded.

Soon, a villager ran inside and looked to her. "Lady Kiyane, a giant centipede yokai is terrorizing the village! You must stop it cause nothing we're doing is keeping it at bay!" The villager exclaimed and she nodded. "Keep trying whatever you can. I'll be there soon." Kiyane confirmed and he nodded as he left. She looked to Yugi.

"I'm guessing that's the same yokai that came after you. I suggest you head back from wherever you came from until we get rid of this yokai." Yugi nodded as he picked up Kyra and headed outside while she picked up a quiver of arrows and a bow and headed outside as well.

"Where is the boy?!" Mistress Centipede screeched as the villagers continued to shoot arrows at her, trying to subdue her. "He is not here! Now leave or be killed where you stand!" Kiyane demanded as she shot an arrow at her but she slapped it away harmlessly and sensed the boy heading into the forest. "He is here still, give him to me!" she hissed as she tossed her large centipede body towards them, sending Kiyane flying before she shot after Yugi.

"Stop her before she finds the boy!" Kiyane cried and they continued to shoot arrows, these accompanied by ropes to try and drag her body away from her charge.


Yugi ran through the forest until he came up where the Sacred Tree was and knew he was halfway there. But before he could move on to the well, Mistress Centipede broke through the forest and grabbed him. Kyra jumped from his arms, knowing she couldn't do anything with her small form, and ran over to the tree and jumped up, pawing at Yami's leg. He opened dark cerise eyes and looked down to the kitten.

"What do you want, you flea bitten thing?" he snarled as he tried to move but forgot that his wing was pinned to the tree thanks to that arrow and he couldn't remove it on his own.

Yugi struggled in the yokai's grip. "Let me go!" he cried.

"I cannot do that. You have the Shikon no Tama." Mistress Centipede spoke and bit into his side, making him wince but she screeched as arrows pierced her side and she was pulled away, causing her to drop Yugi. As he fell, from the large wound the shining Shikon no Tama dropped from its place held within. 'So that's the Shikon no Tama.' Yugi thought as he hit the ground hard, catching Yami's attention. Kyra jumped away from the tree and went to check on Yugi.

"So, Heba, I thought you died. Losing your touch already?" Yami questioned as he looked to him. Yugi sat up, rubbing his sore side as he looked to the yokai. "I'm not Heba…I'm Yugi." he grumbled as he got up. 'And I need to get out of here.' he thought as he picked up Kyra and started heading to the Bone Eater's well but Mistress Centipede's body was blocking the way.

She broke the ropes that were connected to the arrows stuck into her side and leaned down, picking up the jewel and swallowing it. "Oh no, she's eaten the Shikon no Tama. Run Yugi! Run!" Kiyane cried as the villagers continued to shoot arrows but they bounced off her newly strengthened hide. "I'm at full power now. You all will die!" she hissed as she aimed for Yugi first but he dodged her, landing near the Sacred Tree.

'So, he had the Shikon no Tama. Maybe I can use this to my advantage.' Yami thought as he watched the situation unfold before him. "Hey kid, if you help me out, I'll get rid of this yokai for you." Yami urged and he looked up to him. "Nay child, don't help him! He is only after the Shikon no Tama like all yokai!" Kiyane called.

"But he may be our only hope…" Yugi whispered as he climbed up the root and grabbed onto the arrow just as Mistress Centipede made a move to attack him again. He tried to pull the arrow but it wouldn't budge. The yokai grabbed him and tried to drag him away but he held onto Yami and the arrow.

The arrow soon shattered, the magic broken, and so did the other that held the other yokai pinned to the tree. He woke up as well. "What's going on?" he asked as Yami sliced away Mistress Centipede's arms, causing her to screech as she backed away.

"We got a little pathetic yokai on our hands." Yami said, grinning, as he dodged an attack from the yokai and flew up. "Kyofu no kaze!" he called and without giving her time to block, he sliced her in half using sharps blades of wind that came from a flap of his wings. Blood splattered onto the ground as he landed and Kiyane walked over to Yugi while Yami was occupied.

"Go and look for the jewel so the yokai won't come back and head home. Since you have freed them and you look like my brother, they will surely come after you for the Shikon no Tama." Kiyane warned and he nodded as he went to look for the Shikon no Tama. Seeing the pale pinkish-purple glow of the jewel, he picked it up and was about to head to the well when Yami landed in front of him.

"Now, I think you own me something." Yami spoke, Aqua coming to stand behind Yugi so he won't get away.


Zypher: Ok, that's all for this chapter. I hoped you enjoyed it and only one of the two will indict the same attitude as Inuyasha throughout the majority of the story. Most of the characters will stay the same for lack of names except for the main ones such as Shippo, Miroku and Sango just to answer any questions that may come up.

Translation Note: Kyofu no kaze – Gale Wind