Reviews for Two Worlds
EvaZoldyck chapter 26 . 6/2
I love, love this. I hope one day it will be updated and they meet Koga. That would be totally awesome.
hama431 chapter 26 . 9/3/2015
Will yami and aqua get togther with yugi or will heba get in the way
Will yugi fall for atemu and aquarian
Who will yami choose
Will yugi fall for hojo and will yami get jealous
Winggs chapter 26 . 6/1/2014
Please update soon :-)
Arivania Moons chapter 26 . 2/24/2014
Yugiotto'on: -glares and growls- And she means it, too!
Guest chapter 26 . 9/18/2013
This is really good cant wait 4 the next chapter
ScifiSOS chapter 26 . 8/10/2012
Eeehh I'm so-so on this story. While i like it, its just InuYasha with added characters - these aqua and aquarian that I have never heard of so i'm assuming its OC - though those aren't names you'd hear in a feudal era I suppose and replaced ones. And a very weird thing that Atemu and uh...that other guy want Yugi. I find it strange if how quick they changed their opinions of a human - even if its just Yugi.

At the same time its kind of interesting - though I'd like a little bit more Yugi to shine through in more of a different way. Bring some more Yu-Gi-Oh elements into it and more of their personalities back :\. That's just me though I'm sure you have a lot of people who think its fine the way it is.

I'm just peeved a bit but I'll follow this story because it still entertains me .

Have a nice day!
Ak chapter 26 . 4/6/2012
I wish I could meet you and thank you, you took my favourite m/m/m couple and my favourite anime and created a masterpiece please keep writing more you are a genius.P. put in episode 129 of inuyasha in your version I think it will be a opportunity to get yami and Aqua really jealous (watch on youtube) and you could even inccorporate Atemu and Aquarian into it and give them a chance to get even more interested in Yugi cos they see his lovey continue with this work of art please .
AmethystBurns chapter 26 . 12/5/2011
Awesome story you got here!
HeartXCrossbones chapter 26 . 10/7/2011
*_* I looove~ it! Please update soon!
The Queen of Plot Twists chapter 26 . 10/5/2011
THANK YOU DIMAOND! Seriously i HATE the anime for cutting that scene from the manga espeically when it was such an important milestone for Kagome and inuyasha, and you did it brilliantly with yami and Yugi, and again i like how you brought up the idea of Yugi being heba's replacement and Yami assuring him that isn't the case.

Honestly, i love aqua to death but the way he acts around yugi i can't help but think to him yugi is just a replacement, while for Yami that's not the case.

I can't help but feel bad for Heba-but he has to move on, it wouldn't have worked for them anyway, just like with kikyo he couldn't love Yami and Aqua as they were (and in the orginal i always felt kikyo loved the idea of being an ordinary woman more than she loved being with inuyasha)

I'm actually excited now, cause next is night at tokliegen's with the demon tree if you're going by the manga adaption and i LOVE those episodes in the anime-the manga a bit less due to the cannibolism but nonetheless i loved them both. so i can't wait to see what you do! This is such an awesome stoy Diamond! my two fav stories in one!
andysanime chapter 26 . 10/5/2011
Really good job!
Kearitona Sjachraelgil chapter 26 . 10/5/2011
well at least Yami isnt a total idiot but still he has a LONG ways to go if he cant understand Heba is gone the one who walks the earth now is a soul yearning to rest but one that cannot rest till that which he claimed previously is obtained he wanted to die with Yami and Aqua together if he could not be with them in life then he would rather be with them in death but you now have Yugi who is alive and well and can see to your wounds better then Heba for he is not bound to the ways of priesthood he can help you while getting stronger even with him being in love the better choice is clear but it is your choice Yami what do you wanna do join Heba in death or live with someone who wants you to live and be happy not die and wallow in misery huh keep up the great work hun gtg now JA NE
princessfrankie chapter 26 . 10/5/2011
That chapter was great! And the ending was adorable! I can't wait to find out what happens next!
dragonlady222 chapter 26 . 10/5/2011
Yami is fianlly realising how he feels. I'm happy for them.
dragonlady222 chapter 25 . 9/13/2011
Too bad Heba can't take his revenge on those that really deserve it and not on the one who loves him. Yugi doesn't realise how confused Yami is right now.
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