Bath Time

Riza did not worry often. In fact, for the most part, worry wasn't even a registered emotion. Of course, she felt guilt, fear, and concern, but never worry. (Despite what others may have said, she considered worry and concern two very different emotions.) That was why the screaming that was currently sounding from the bathroom didn't worry her in the least bit.

Guilty? No. Fearful? Perhaps a tad bit, after all, "Bath Time" did not usually ensue screaming. Concerned? Hell yes.

But she respected and believed in her husband's parenting abilities, and thus fought off her internal instinct to charge in there with her gun in hand, safety off. After forty-five minutes, however, she felt that belief and respect slowly withering away, and her gun, currently sitting in a locked drawer at her desk, was beginning to look very tempting. Her grip on the arm of her chair tightened a bit.

But still, the screaming was mixed with what she hoped to be laughter, and so she was fairly certain no one was dieing. She hoped.

Finally, the click of the bathroom door sounded, and she was on her feet in an instant.

"Alright, who drowned?" she called, turning around to face her family.

Before her stood a relatively dry little girl with dark curls and amber eyes, and a very wet Roy Mustang. Riza coughed to cover her laughter.

"Which-" a small snort escaped. "-one of you had the bath?"

Roy glared at her, before turning to look at the little girl. "Wanna see something funny, Rio?"

Little Riona Mustang nodded her head with enthusiasm, bouncing slightly in excitement. Roy looked at Riza again, a very cocky grin plastered on his face. Riza could've sworn she felt her skin go a shade paler. Which was something, considering she usually didn't admit to being afraid of anything. However, that smirk she recognized. That was not a good sign.

Without warning, Roy threw himself at her, shrieking out a battle cry as he tackled her to the floor. She shrieked in good nature as they landed, him on top of her, the water from his clothes beginning to soak through her own clothing. Riona clapped her hands and laughed. Riza cast the little girl a small glare.

"Great." She stated, sarcasm lost on the little girl. "Now I need a bath."

Author's notes: Yay! My first FMA fic. Drabbles are so easy to write… I may turn this into a series of drabbles, if people like this one enough. Most of them will revolve around what I'd imagine the "Family life" of Roy and Riza would be. Don't kill me, ne? Reviews, please? I'd like to know how I did on my first FMA fic. And yes, I know the characters are agonizingly OOC. I'll have to work on that --