Title: No Restraint
Author: Gibbsgirl
Rating: T (to be on the safe side)
Spoilers: Twilight, as this takes place after that. Also it will
help if you've seen most of the second half of season two, as some
incidents from those episodes will be referenced.
Disclaimer: I don't own NCIS. That belongs to others with more money and the enviable right to play in their world all day long. Any characters you do not recognize from the show are mine. If you're going to sue, I'll save you the trouble and the lawyers the laugh… I'm broke so don't bother.
Author's Note: As stated above, this takes place after Twilight. It is not really a post-Twilight fic, though. It's just a casefile story that I got in my head, thanks to Mac and her plot bunny, and it happened to fit better in this time frame. There are no pairings in this one, it's just straight casework.
I must take a moment to thank, as always, my writing partner, Mac. Thanks so much again Mac! Both for the inspiration and the awesome edit work that you do! Take a bow, you deserve it!
Finally, I'm going to try to update this a little differently than in the past. I plan to post a chapter a week, two if they're short. It seems to work well for other authors and that way, you'll know when to expect the next installment.
Gibbs pressed down on the accelerator and followed the motorcycle around yet another curve. The rider wore yellow leathers with green accents, not white, but Gibbs was still certain that the man playing games on the sport bike in front of him was none other than Kate's murderer, Ari Haswari.
He wouldn't even have been out this afternoon, driving this particular stretch of deserted highway if it hadn't been for some half-assed deputy sheriff's call earlier that morning. The guy had been long on attitude, short on detail. Best Gibbs could figure was there was some trouble with a couple of young Marines who'd had a few too many and tried to hit on the wrong girls. Now the Marines were cooling their heels in the county lock-up, DiNozzo and McGee were due in court and Gibbs was taking an afternoon jaunt alone to sort out the mess.
What started out as a rather enjoyable drive became a chase about three miles back, as he sat at a red light near a shopping center. He watched the opposing green light cycle to yellow, then red. As his signal flashed green, he suddenly he found himself cut off by a cocky son-of-a-bitch on a sport bike popping a wheelie and flipping his helmet visor at him before taking off like a bat out of hell. Gibbs knew it was Ari, taunting him, daring him to follow. Bastard.
Now he was careening down country roads with only one objective, the figure in yellow and green ahead of him. He had no concept of how fast he was driving; he knew he could handle the car no matter what. His eyes were fastened on bike ahead of him as it swung off the main road. Gibbs fishtailed around the corner behind him and for the first time a frisson of worry skittered along his nerves. Goddammit, something's not right with the brakes.
Just then, the bike popped another wheelie and shot ahead. What are you up to, you slimy shit? Gibbs thought grimly as he forgot the brakes and sped up to catch the bastard. Without warning, a ninety-degree curve loomed ahead. Yanking the steering wheel and laying on the brakes, he spun around that turn only to find the road made another ninety-degree turn back the other direction almost immediately. But there was too much speed, nothing left of the brakes and a giant, scarred oak; mute testament to previous drivers' misfortune.
A figure in yellow crept close to the wrecked vehicle. Moving around to the driver's side, he set down the small case he carried and opened it to reveal a small medical device. He smiled coldly and gloved hands picked up the object, its appearance a cross between that of a large syringe and a small gun with a truncated grip. He loaded the device with a pre-measured liquid vial, primed it for use then applied it to the bared bicep of the unconscious driver, reached carefully through the shattered window. A barely audible hiss accompanied the activation of the instrument.
After replacing the injector, a stack of used cups was removed from the case and tossed carelessly about inside the car. When the makeshift doctor heard the man groan in response to the treatment, he pulled out a cell phone as he sauntered off past the front of the car.