Disclaimer: You will find that in this fic the majority of the characters are my own original ones. You'll see what I mean eventually. You will also see a bunch of characters from Pokemon, and I do not own any of them. Oh, yeah, and if my OCs have any likeness to a real person (who I don't personally know), it's completely coincidence.

Chapter 1 : Beginnings- A Typical Day of School

Zac Merlo sighs and puts his head down on the lunch table. The cafeteria is loud with the talk and laughter of many 5th graders. Being in the lowest grade in middle school sucks. Zac is done eating and is waiting for recess to start. His good friend Chris Mattice pokes his shoulder.

"Hey, Zac, what's wrong?" Chris inquires.

"Oh, nothing," Zac sighs. "Just kinda bored."

"Aren't we all?" Chris replies sullenly.

Zac sits up and watches the other kids in the lunchroom. He watches the "popular kids"; Zac has never had any interest in being popular. He and his friends are not popular. They're generally hated and made fun of. He sees a couple kiss.

"So stupid," Zac mutters. "We're only in 5th grade.…"

"What are you talking about?" Chris asks.

"That guy and his girlfriend," Zac replies, pointing at the couple. "I mean, 8th grade is one thing.…"

"When I have a girlfriend, it won't be until high school," says Chris.

"Whoa, whoa, wait, wait. Did Chris Mattice just say 'I have' and 'girlfriend' in the same sentence? Not possible. That sentence doesn't make sense."

A kid name Michael Levitz sits at their table. He's new... kind of. He was kicked out of his old school for going crazy and attacking his teachers. Kids know who he is. Zac and Levitz are kind of friends. They barely know each other. Levitz enjoys making fun of Chris and not being friends with him.

"Shut up, Mike," Chris says angrily.

Levitz laughs. "Why?" He suddenly glares at Chris. "I'll fucking kill you."

Zac shakes his head. "Levitz, you're amazing."

"What are you talking about!" Chris cries. "He's gonna-"

Suddenly, the lunch aid lady person calls out, "It's time for recess! Single file!"

Everyone frantically runs to the door in a very non-single-file fashion. A few kids who don't like being outside in January stay inside, including Levitz. Zac and Chris make it outside.

"Hmm... I guess Levitz didn't wanna come out," Zac says thoughtfully.

"Whatever," Chris says, obviously uninterested. "Let's play a game!"

"Yeah?" says Zac. "Like what? Like the kind of shit you, me, and Geoff did in elementary school?"

Geoff Ng (pronounced "Ang". Yes, he's Chinese.) is an old friend of Zac's and Chris's. In elementary school, the three were inseparable. However, they became separable when Geoff had to go to the Catholic private school for middle school. Geoff is Zac's best friend, but they haven't talked in a pretty long time.

"Well, let's play Pokemon," Chris says brightly. "We don't have the Game Boy version..." He points to the group of kids surrounding another kid playing Red Version on his Game Boy Pocket. "...so we can play our own version."

Zac shakes his head. "Sounds stupid, but... okay."

They proceed to pretend they are in the Pokemon League. Zac uses Blastoise; Chris uses Venusaur. They go through the tournament and beat all the other Trainers in the League. They now have to go against each other.

"Ready?" says Zac.

"Yeah!" Chris replies excitedly. "Go Venusaur!" He pretends to throw a Pokeball.

Zac smiles. "Hm. This is gonna be easy. Go Fearow!"

"What! That's not fair! You have to use Blastoise!"

"Who says? Now go, use Fly! Then use Drill P-"

Suddenly, everything freezes. No one and nothing is moving. There's no sound. Zac starts to freak out. Then, there's a sudden WOOSH! Everything goes black, then everything starts spinning and Zac suddenly takes off into the air. His surroundings are now completely unrecognizable as he hurtles through the air, screaming but not hearing his screams in the whoosh of sound.

(I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die, I'm gonna-) Zac thinks to himself. (A/N- Anything in ( ) is a thought.) Zac's thoughts are interrupted; everything goes black again.

(Oh god, I am dead.)

Actually, he isn't dead. The trip just ended, that's all.

"I have a feeling I'm not dead, and my trip just ended, that's all," Zac says to himself. "But trip to where?"

He suddenly hits something very hard face-first. At first he thinks it's an invisible wall. Then, his sight and smell and kick in. He realizes he actually hit the ground, or a ground anyway, because he's definitely not on Earth anymore.

Zac groans. "Oh God... this must be what being trashed feels like. Huge headache, can't stand up... ooohh..."

Despite the fact he is battling some sort of hangover-like symptoms, he is able to struggle up to his feet- and he nearly falls back down again when he sees his surroundings.

"Wha-what the...!"

Nothing is the same. Nothing looks... real. It's all... animated. The grass, the trees, the fat person laying face-first a few yards away...

"Wait, what! Is that... Chris?"

Zac runs over to the still figure. He tries with all his might to roll Chris onto his back, but like I said, he is fat. However, Chris groans and rolls over. They look at each other's face and jump away, yelling.

"What the hell is going on!" Zac yells. "We're animated! We have big eyes, big hair, small mouths...! What is this called again?"

"Um, uh... ooh, ooh!" Chris says as the answer comes to him. "It's... anime! We are anime characters now! COOL!"

"Nooo, not cool. How are we gonna get home, moron?"

"Who cares!" Chris replies angrily. "I hate home anyway..."

Zac sighs and looks around. To his right, there is a big grassy slope going up. He can't see what's beyond it. To his left, there seems to be a large body of water. He runs over there, Chris puffing along behind. He looks into the water, at his reflection. He gasps. His huge, blue eyes go even wider as he touches his face over and over again. It feels like skin, but looks so... unreal. He ruffles his brown hair. It's still the same, just bigger-looking and a little spiky. Chris also looks at his reflection in amazement. His hair is yellow blonde instead of dirty blonde. Unlike Zac's, it is flat and combed, the long bangs almost reaching his hazel eyes. It is unnaturally shiny in the front. A nearby fisherman watches in confusion with a very strange look on his face that says "what the hell are these guys on?" Suddenly, he is interrupted by a tug on his pole. He immediately pulls his catch out of the water. This catches Zac's and Chris's attention. They gasp as realization dawns on their faces. The fish that was just pulled out... is a Goldeen!

"We're in the Pokemon World!" Zac and Chris exclaim together.

The fisherman watches the kids run off in amazement as he throws the Goldeen back in. The two friends run to the grassy slope. All the way up until they reach the top of the hill. They look down and gasp. Laid out before them is a town, a rather small-looking town, but a town nonetheless. Chris is breathless.

"Which town do you think this is?" Chris says, eyes wild with excitement.

"I dunno..." Zac replies. "Let's go find out!"

Without hesitating, the two kids run down the steep hill. Zac falls and rolls the rest of the way down while Chris laughs his ass off.

Zac is out of breath. "Look... a sign..."

"It says... 'Welcome to Pallet Town'..." Chris reads, also out of breath. Zac and Chris both gasp in excitement.

"Pallet Town!" Zac exclaims. "Home of Ash Ketchum!"

"Come on!" Chris says excitedly. "Let's see if we can find him!"

"All right!" Zac agrees.

The two boys run into town with the most excited looks on their faces. Residents working on their yards look up and stare at them as they run past. Zac and Chris just give them big anime-type smiles and wave. An elderly man looks out his window as they pass by.

"Hmmm... who are these kids? Friends of the Pokemon Champion, perhaps...?"

So how is it so far? I'm actually kinda disappointed at how the first chapter came out, but hey, that's my opinion! Now let's hear yours! Please review!