Three months later . . .

"Dammit, this is ridiculous!"

Sesshomaru raised his head the moment Inuyasha started to speak, mildly curious as to what had caused his half-brother's outburst. As of late, Inuyasha had been docile, attending his lessons and practicing with NatsuMaru. He generally refused to remain idle, and Shinsei often supported the half-demon's desires. Not that Sesshomaru would have denied Inuyasha anything at this point, but it was nice to hear the old healer say Inuyasha's active state would not harm the pups.

Across the room sat his half-brother and Haru, where they had been conversing quietly amongst themselves. For the last two days, the Seer had kept close to the half-demon's side, often insisting he share the same room with them, and all he would say to Sesshomaru was he sensed something was about to happen. What the occurrence would be, the older male was not entirely sure. What images he saw were often too vague and flitted by too quickly for him to make any sense of them. Haru did make his presence less noticeable for the most part, and Inuyasha never seemed to mind, from what Sesshomaru observed. Now Inuyasha appeared irritated by something, his hands rubbing his overly swollen abdomen. However, Sesshomaru could not see anything which could have caused his brother's aggravation. Even Haru was slightly perplexed by the outburst, but the emotion evaporated quickly. Realization settled on the Seer's face, and he rose carefully to his feet.

"Come with me, Inuyasha." Haru held out his hand, his tone gentle and soothing. His brother shook his head, a mixture of emotions dancing across his face, but it was obvious he was in some distress.

"I don't want to."

"I know," Haru murmured. "But you feel better for it."

"Why?" Inuyasha regarded the Seer with great caution and some suspicion. Sesshomaru frowned at the display. Such behaviour, in his opinion, was not acceptable, but Haru took everything in stride.

"Because you and I are going to visit Shinsei," the Seer replied.

"I don't need to see him." Inuyasha shook his head again. Sesshomaru fought back a growl of frustration and rose to his feet. Whatever reason Haru had for wanting to take Inuyasha to the healer, Sesshomaru was determined to see that Inuyasha obeyed.

"Maybe not," Haru agreed, quickly waving Sesshomaru down. The demon lord paused, now feeling perplexed himself. Haru needed help with Inuyasha. That much was obvious to Sesshomaru. "But I would like to chat with him for a moment and have some tea. I'd like for you to join me."

"Tea . . ."

"Yes," Haru said with a nod. He still held his hand out to Inuyasha. "Tea."

"You drink a lot of tea," Inuyasha pointed out. He did, however, take Haru's hand and allowed himself to be pulled to his feet.

"Indeed, I do," Haru replied, smiling warmly. "I find it to be quite soothing. Don't you?"

"A little," Inuyasha confessed. He winced as he stood. "It does sound good, too."

"I thought it might, and Shinsei is most wonderful company." The Seer paused then glanced at Sesshomaru. "Would you care to join us, my Lord?"

Sesshomaru was about to refuse. There was much he had to do before Naraku decided to finally attack the castle, and there was also the arrival of a certain kitsune he had to prepare for. However, something in Haru's eyes indicated it would be unwise of him to decline. The Seer looked at Inuyasha then back to Sesshomaru at the same time Inuyasha looked at him and spoke.

"He better join us for tea. Otherwise, I'm going to kick his ass."

"Pardon, little brother? I doubt very much you could do that right now."

"Oh, you'd be surprised, Sesshomaru. You'd very . . ."

At that moment, Inuyasha doubled over, a strangled cry cutting off the rest of what he was about to say. Haru grimaced as the half-demon's hand squeezed his, and he followed Inuyasha to the floor. Sesshomaru was at their sides in the time it took him to inhale a single breath.

"Yes, my Lord," Haru said, his tone pained. "You would be very surprised. Please. Let us get him to Shinsei and fast. They are not about to wait any longer."

Sesshomaru blinked before the realization settled in a second later. He then scooped Inuyasha into his arms and started to take off, though it was at an awkward pace. Inuyasha had not released his grip on Haru so the Seer was forced to follow. The entire time, Inuyasha's breathing grew harsher and more ragged, his hand squeezing Haru's often. They both murmured softly to the half-demon as they raced through the hallways as best they could, ignoring the stares of the servants as they passed by.

How long it actually took to reach the healer, Sesshomaru could not say with form of certainty. It had probably been scant minutes, but traversing the familiar hallways felt like the trip had taken several hours. Sesshomaru only knew he felt great relief when he saw the healer outside his work chambers, talking quietly with Rei Inu and NatsuMaru. All three inuyoukai turned their heads when they sensed his approach, and Shinsei moved towards them, a knowing expression on his face.

Next to him, Sesshomaru heard Haru murmur something to Inuyasha. The half-demon replied more with a strangled and pained sound, which Sesshomaru believed to be a negative answer. His brother had relaxed a little, but Sesshomaru still smelled his distress and anxiety. He gazed at Shinsei.

"He's . . ."

"Yes, my Lord, I know." Shinsei offered Sesshomaru a faint hint of a smile. "It is time. Please, hand him to me."

Reluctantly, Sesshomaru complied. Inuyasha whimpered only once then clung to the healer, though he had yet to release Haru. Sesshomaru found it curious and a little on the disturbing side. He was Inuyasha's mate, not Haru. Why did he still hold on to the Seer when he no longer needed to?

When Haru followed Shinsei into the healing chambers, Sesshomaru soon understood the reason. The Seer's aura was one of calm reassurance, constantly soothing Inuyasha and keeping his distress as low as possible. He felt the lack of the aura the instant the door closed behind the trio, and Sesshomaru sagged to the floor, releasing a breath he did not realize he had been holding. A strong hand clasped him by the shoulder, and Sesshomaru lifted his head to see his grandfather standing in front of him.

"He will be fine. Those pups will be born before you know it," the ancient inuyoukai said.

"I know," Sesshomaru murmured. "I have faith in Shinsei."

"Yes. We all do." His grandfather smiled. "If we did not, he would not be in there with Inuyasha now. In the meantime, relax, child. There is nothing more you can do for him except be patient and wait for Shinsei's announcement."

"How long do you think it be before he comes back out?"

Sesshomaru hated to ask, but curiosity compelled him. His firstborns were coming into the world so he had no idea as to what to expect.

"I don't know," Rei Inu answered solemnly. "It depends on Inuyasha and those pups."

There was something his grandfather was not saying, and Sesshomaru felt it had to do with the delivery. He also believed it was something he should know already, but the knowledge remained elusive, just barely within his grasp. Sesshomaru frowned.

"What is it?" he asked, keeping his voice low. Panic threatened to worm its way into his heart, but he killed the tendril of emotion before it could send him into an unnecessary fit. "There is something I should know about this, and it is of great importance."

"Indeed there is," Rei Inu said. His tone remained solemn, and Sesshomaru mentally shook himself. He knew he would not remain calm otherwise.

"What is it, grandfather? What is it I'm missing?"

There was a brief pause, and a saddened look crossed the ancient dog's features. The expression quickly disappeared, replaced by a smooth, confident look.

"Shinsei must cut Inuyasha open so the pups can be born. If he does not, they will surely die."

Sesshomaru kept his features schooled. The news sounded terrible in its own right, but it also made sense. He also realized it was the information that kept evading him. Naturally, Shinsei would have to cut his brother open. It was the only way for them to be born, and Sesshomaru knew the old healer could accomplish the task with minimal difficulty. His brother would be fine and so would his pups.

However, such thoughts did not prevent Sesshomaru from worrying a little over his brother and his pups. He could not help himself, really. Sesshomaru desperately wanted to be in the room if only so he could see for himself how they were faring. An hour dragged by, and all remained quiet behind Shinsei's door.

The silence itself was not too terrible, but it was still maddening. Despite how hard Sesshomaru strained to hear what was going on, the noises behind the walls and the door were faint at best. Low voices were giving instructions and answering back, but Sesshomaru could not make out distinguished words or anything else of the like. The hour continued to march slowly along.

Just when the next hour started to crawl along, much to Sesshomaru's annoyance, Haru opened the healing chambers door and stepped out. He appeared exhausted, but he wore a pleased smile on his face. His eyes swept over NatsuMaru and Rei Inu before Sesshomaru, and the Seer bowed.

"My Lord," he said. "Your pups are born."

"My pups . . . they're . . ."

"All four lived, my Lord, a rarity to be sure, and they are as healthy as can be." Haru's smile grew wider. "I daresay they would very much like to meet their father as well."

Sesshomaru did not wait for any further invitation. He breezed by Haru and followed Inuyasha's scent. His brother sat on a pallet, sweat cooling on his forehead, but he looked as pleased as Haru, if not more. Inuyasha looked at Sesshomaru the moment he entered and offered a tired smile.

"Shinsei will be bringing them out in a moment," the half-demon said. "He wanted to make sure his assistants got the pups clean enough before you met them."

Sesshomaru nodded, and he joined Inuyasha on the pallet. Instinctively, his brother leaned against him and let out a weary yet contented sigh.

"I thought they would be tiny," he murmured, continuing before Sesshomaru could ask him how he felt. "There were four of them, and they were all taking up so much space. I watched the whole thing, you know. Shinsei let me. Said it would be too dangerous to give me something to make me sleep and something for pain at the same time. It could have hurt the pups if he had." Inuyasha raised his head so their eyes met. Sesshomaru's heart ached to see how exhausted his brother was. "I can't believe how adorable they look. You'll be proud when you see them, aniki, so very proud."

"I know I will be," Sesshomaru told him. "Now rest."

"I can't." Inuyasha shook his head.

"You can't?"

"No . . . I'm too excited. I want to see our pups again. I still feel like I'm dreaming, that I couldn't have carried such adorable creatures in me, you know?"

A light smile touched Sesshomaru's lips, and he slid his arm around his brother's waist. He followed the simple gesture with a kiss to Inuyasha's temple. While he had not seen his offspring as of yet, he could imagine how Inuyasha felt. The half-demon probably did not realize just how gorgeous of a creature he truly was since so many often told him he was nothing more than a disgusting, filthy half breed. Sesshomaru knew he was guilty of saying such things himself, but he also understood he was wrong. Inuyasha was simply stunning in his eyes, and Sesshomaru could not have been any happier in choosing him for a mate.

"I hope Shinsei brings them in soon," Inuyasha murmured. "I want to see them again so badly. I want you to see them, too. Two boy pups and two girl pups. They're gonna be little fighters, too. I know it."

"If they are anything like us, otouto, I am sure they will be," Sesshomaru replied at the same time he promised himself, 'They will not make the same mistakes I have. I will see to it. I promise you, Father, I will not let you down again. I promise.'