Disclaimer: Me not owning this story. Me only a mere amateur author in me only me, not being able to air an anime show. YYH is owned by Yoshihiro Togashi, remember that. And no, this story does not contain such horrible grammar. That's only the disclaimer.


© of eina

Chapter 1 Red + Blue ?

"Wow Botan, I can't believe you could draw like that! You never showed anyone." Keiko said, still staring at Botan's sketch. Although it was dark and portrayed a picture of death and misery, it all seemed so real.

"Hahaha, actually, I did not know as well. I do not even know where that place is." Botan sighed as she continued playing with her long azure-like hair. For all she knew, that place has been haunting her dreams ever since her childhood, and every time she would ask Genkai whether she knew what that place was, Genkai would simply say that it was only a product of Botan's imagination and that she should go back to sleep before it gets worse. But Botan knew, that Genkai was hiding something, she just couldn't ask about it.

"Hey, let's go greet the new girl." Keiko said to Botan. "She seems a little bit sad, maybe she is missing her old friends."

"So, are you saying we be her new friends?" Botan asked Keiko. "No offense, but she looks gothic, and Goth people scare the heebie jeebies off me."

"Oh come on, I'm sure she does not bite." Keiko winked as she slowly approached their new classmate. She was really pretty, except the fact of her being gothic and all, but she also seemed kind, considering the way on how she smiled at Keiko.

"Hey Botan." Keiko smiled, holding the new girl by her hand. She was blushing, probably shy.

"Hey." Botan answered back. "So, who's your companion?"

"Oh, yeah, silly me." Keiko sweat dropped. "Botan, this is Angelica Rochieken, she just moved from England."

"Hello." She timidly offered her hand. But Botan was wondering why she was doing that.

"It's a handshake." Keiko whispered quickly. "And Rochieken, this is Botan."

"Oh, please call me Angelica. I believe my family name is quite complex to pronounce everyday." She smiled.

"Yeah, it is kind of hard to pronounce." Botan said, shaking her hand. So this is how the westerners greet people, by shaking their hands. It was quite weird, but still it was more comfortable than bowing all the time.

"Wow, awesome sketch." Angelica said, picking up Botan's sketchbook. "Would you mind?"

"Oh, no not at all." Botan shook her head.

"I told you she does not bite." Keiko teased Botan with her fear of gothic people.

"Whatever." Botan grunted.

"Hey, what's happening with her? It's like the thing that keeps on happening with you, you know the weird staring into blank space stuff." Keiko whispered.

It was true; Angelica was holding the sketchpad, she was holding it tightly causing the sides to crumple up a bit, but she was also shaking.

"Excuse me, did someone say anything?" Angelica asked them.

Both of the girls shook their heads. "What's wrong?" Botan asked.

"Oh sorry, I must have freaked you guys out." She apologized and then ran away from them.

"You know, I don't get it with the both of you. Why are you bothering being friends with her, did you not here that before she went to England, she was a school bully?" One of their classmates asked.

"What do you mean by that!" Botan asked angrily. It was one thing insulting another people but it was different insulting a person none of them even knew.

"It's Kurama." Keiko pointed at Kurama waving at them, signaling them to come over. "Poor thing, he fears of being devoured by our immature classmates."

"Are you alright?" Botan asked. Keiko did not normally talk like this.

"Yeah, I'm feeling fine." Keiko smiled. "Come on, let's go."


While everyone was busy reading books or chatting with their friends, there was a person busy doing nothing also known as slacking around, and of course that would be no other than Yusuke Urameshi.

"Aack… what the hell is with this self-study program anyway?" He asked loudly, even though he knew no one would be answering back. Probably because the rooftop was prohibited until all classes has ended.

"Self study?" A female voice asked.

"Keiko?" Yusuke asked while looking around, he wasn't up for any jaw breaking slaps today. Besides, if that wasn't Keiko who could that be? It won't be Botan because she never goes to the rooftop without any emergency whatsoever.

"Oh, sorry. Yukimura's not here, I believe she hasn't left our classroom." The girl smiled at him.

That certainly isn't Botan, Yusuke thought. The girl had black hair and silver highlights, she had the palest skin Yusuke had ever seen, and she was much more taller than the normal girls around here. Maybe she was a foreigner.

"Oh, who are you then?" Yusuke asked.

"Oh. Hello. I'm Angelica. Angelica Rochieken." She smiled politely. "And you are?"

"Keiko's friend. Yusuke Urameshi." Yusuke said dryly. There was something wrong with this girl, Yusuke thought. He was still trying to sense whether she had a Rei Ki, but it seemed that she was capable of hiding it.

"Yusuke!" Keiko cried. "Oh, I see you have met my new classmate."

"She's your classmate?" Yusuke asked, with a little disgust with his voice. "But I thought the only students put in your class are those juvenile delinquents?"

"You are a jevenile delnquent?" Angelica asked, quite surprised.

"NO! Definitely not." Keiko smiled as she stepped on Yusuke's right foot. ("YEOW!" Yusuke cried out in pain.)


"You have to excuse Yusuke, he likes to make up stories." Keiko tried to laugh.

"I have to tell you two something." Angelica smiled. "You look like a real nice couple. Are you sure the both of you aren't going out with each other?"

By that question, Yusuke and Keiko blushed intensely and froze. They distanced each other and Keiko quickly asked Angelica if she would like to go to the mall with her and Botan later and so on, while Yusuke kept on whistling.

"No seriously, why won't you guys answer my question?" Angelica insisted.


"Uhm… so, why were you calling us a while ago?" Botan asked as she was still wondering why Keiko left in an instant saying she needs to go find the new girl.

"Are you going to the Welcoming Ball, Botan?" Kurama asked.

"Hmm… I don't really know. You know, since Yusuke will, somehow ask Keiko. I might go out with Angelica… but she's become so popular, even those girls hate her instantly." Botan sighed. "But I can't blame her, she is pretty."

"Oh, ok." Kurama sweat dropped. "Well, would you want to go the Welcoming Ball, with me then?"

"As friends? You know… with the whole group, Yukina could come with us even though she is just freshman…"

"No Botan." Kurama sighed. "I am asking you as a date." He smiled.

"W-what?" Botan asked, which caused her to blush. Kurama was asking her to a date. Maybe Keiko had told him yesterday at the Kasei shrine that she thought Kurama was kind of… hot. But Keiko is not the kind of girl to gossip… maybe Kurama is asking her to a date by his own. That's new.

"Why? Did someone ask you already?" Kurama asked.

"Huh? Oh… no one did." Botan laughed nervously.


"Yeah, sure, that would be nice." Botan nodded.

"That's great. So, are you going to be at the Kasei Shrine or are you going to be at Keiko's this Friday?" Kurama asked. "You know, so that I could pick you up."

"Oh, can I tell you about that tomorrow. Because I certainly remember Angelica telling us a while ago that she would like to show us her house." Botan smiled.

"That's cool." Kurama smiled back as he bent over to give the girl a kiss on her right cheek. "See you later at the shrine, then!"

"Sure…" Botan said dreamily. But inside her head she was crying with joy. This was the day she was waiting for… but why was it happening so fast?

A/N: weeeee… still want me to continue? Go choose the review thingie on the Drop Down List and then click the "go" field button.