Reviews for Iris
Jeremy 'Zem' Williams chapter 2 . 5/19/2005
kool. i likes i likes lol :P :D

Ja ne,

T.K. Yurikoto
Sheo Darren chapter 2 . 4/15/2005
Hm. A tad slow, but- I think it's getting there.

That would be a good idea, though. Yuusuke and Angelica paired at the ball, I mean. Might be hard, though. Angelica is a created character, so she needs more fleshing out. Put the spotlight on her more and be detailed in describing herself and her personality.

Good. We'll see some more of this soon, hopefully.

P.S. By the way, what happened to Jess? Is she well? Please tell her her nii-chan is worried for her. Thanks.
Sheo Darren chapter 1 . 4/15/2005
This story is so dark and scary. It chills me. So many senseless deaths. And that little girl... Why kill or hurt a little girl...

And there is nothing we can do about all this injustice. Not yet. Not for a long time...

Despite the dark theme and briefness of this chapter, it's an interesting premise. Very radical, at the very least. I wil follow the story and see if it fleshes out well.

*reads the next chapter*