Summary: The whole story of Poltergeist Report, retold with new characters and new pairings (!) Find out.

Disclaimer: Yoshihiro Togashi and the other companies who hold the liscence and copyright to Yu Yu Hakusho/ Poltergeist report has all the rights for this show which means I do not own a thing on that show, only this plot and the new characters I squeezed within this story.

The prologue is not worth reading, you may just go back here when you suddenly confuse yourself with the other chapters. Seriously, this is another of those boring prologues some books have.


© of eina

Prologue The Slaughter of Rei Kai

The moon was shining perfectly well, everything seemed perfect, nothing horrible could possibly happen, Botan thought as she flew around Rei Kai in her oar. Her paper work was all done, she had already changes shifts with Yuri, and so a little air trip won't be bad.

But it wasn't that perfect on the other side of the invisible worlds. In Makai, the monsters who were led by Kitsune, a silver-haired monster who everyone feared, even by some members of the Rei Kai council. Tonight was going to be night, they were going to bring down Rei Kai into ashes whether it is the last thing they do in their long lives.

"Do all of you understand the instructions, clearly?" Kitsune asked sternly. He could notice that his friends, Yomi and Black Raven were admiring his leader-like attitude in a really irritating way, and it wasn't really pleasing him.

"Er… will we let anyone live? You know… like the children and women, I- I was just wondering." The poor monster's voice was stammering in fear.

"That place is the land of the dead, if anyone there is alive, kill them." Kitsune ordered.

"Hey, you do know that the King isn't there, do you? He might want to get revenge or something." Black Raven asked his friend. King Enma Daioh, the ruler of Rei Kai and his son Koenma Daioh, the prince were attending the peace talks located in the southern portion of Makai, probably in the territory of Raizen, their king, which meant they could destroy Rei Kai without having problems.

"Yes Black Raven, I am sure." Kitsune said firmly.

Hours have passed, the residents of Rei Kai did not know what was going to happen to them, they only knew one thing, and it was that their King was away, which meant they could 'slightly bend' some of the rules. On the other had, the monsters were skillfully sneaking in Rei Kai unnoticed, some of them have even took the form of the low class demons that were serving in the temple.

"What's wrong Botan?" Jorju asked his fellow assistant as he noticed she suddenly became quiet.

"No… it's nothing. I just thought someone was sneaking in Koenma's room." Botan said uneasily. She was sure she saw something; perhaps it was someone for she had spotted a silver-haired demon. "Ne Jorju, is there any silver haired demon working here?"

"Hmm… silver… silver, well there are some with gray hair, but I don't think there ain't any silver-haired dudes here." Jorju said.

"Oh… I see." Botan said, trying to ignore the moving shadows she has been seeing, perhaps her work was making her delusional.

"She has spotted us, Kitsune." Black Raven pointed at Botan, who at that time turned her head away from their direction. "Sooner or later, there will be more who can spot us."

"Right, like this kid." Yomi pointed at the girl who was innocently staring at them, she was around 2-3 and was carrying a black and blue teddy bear. "I do not do well with kids." Yomi sighed.

"Go back to your mother." Kitsune whispered gently to the kid. If they were to scare her, she might cry and attract attention.

"I don't have a mother." The little girl said. For a kid her age she was extremely remarkable, she was walking and standing straightly and she was speaking fluently.

"Your father then." Kitsune sighed.

"King Enma isn't here." She said sadly.

"Is she-?" Yomi looked at his two friends.

"Is he your father?" Kitsune asked. Who knew Enma had another child?

The girl nodded. "That's what they all say. Look… BOTAN!"

With that tiny scream coming from a mysterious child, the terror started. Kitsune and the others had no choice but to attack, they were planning of taking the little girl as hostage but there was a barrier protecting her from them, protecting her from everyone.

The once blue skies, which lay like a blanket all over the peaceful land of the dead was now a scarlet cloth lethally hanging on the skies, why for even the moon suggested blood bath, for it was in the shade of vermilion.

"Our job here is done." Kitsune said observing the now infertile lands of Rei Kai, everyone was lying dead. Some might be alive but they were so weak to stand up and fight. Nothing but an Iris flower was visible; it was dazzling in its white shade that symbolized purity. "I can't wait to see you, Enma."

"But, Botan…" Nothing could escape the hearing of Kitsune, even if his companions have left to cure some of the wounded shoulders, he was sure that he could handle one more slaughtering.

"Ssh… Yukira, we need to get you to your father." Botan sighed, she was wounded and knew that sooner or later she would need blood.

"How would you get me there if you are badly wounded?" The little Yukira smiled kindly as she positioned her hands over the wounded ribs of the blue-haired girl. It was now glowing and sending warm energy all throughout Botan's body, she was curing her!

Astounding. Kitsune thought, now he was in dilemma, would he let these two defenseless beings live? But they weren't defenseless at all, there was this girl who has her Rei Ki contained in her body. Just in case he let them live, Enma would be raged and decide to kill them, just as planned.

"Oh my god." Botan gasped. She now saw the murderer of Rei Kai in front of her, watching the King's daughter heal her. "Yukira, we need to leave."

"Just a little more, Botan." Yukira said patiently.

"Tell your king that his daughter could have been invincible." He smiled nastily.

"Could have been?" Botan asked quizzically? She now feared for the princess's life, what if he was going to kill him, what would King Enma do?


A little girl's cries echoed throughout the deserted life, she was crying due to pain.

"Please, stop!" Botan begged. For some reason she could not order her legs to walk, it was like someone was ordering her to watch the murder of the innocent young girl. "Why…"

"Now go! Before I change my mind." Kitsune stared at the servant's trembling eyes, "Such a shame I have had to meet a girl like you in this situation…" He smiled.

Watching her leave together with the nearly dead body of the girl, he felt a feeling he had never felt before. Perhaps it was pity for the two remaining residents of Rei Kei, probably it was.

Thanks if you guys even bothered to read the prologue, it is much appreciated if you continue reading the first chapter and tell me whether you would want me to continue this little story.

Due to the publishing of this story in I will be deleting Pink Roses and White Chocolates and The Next Rei Kai Tantei, because this story is the whole thing. I mixed the plots of those two stories and placed it here.