Due to my nostalgia, and the fact that people keep reading this story, I have created a chapter dedicated to revealing my original feelings and ideas for this story.

This chapter is full of 3 "deleted scenes", parts of the story I omitted but still want to share with you. As a reference, all of the actual writing will be just like every previous chapter. Things in bold letters, are my thoughts and commentaries.

Here we go…

Chapter 18: Deleted Scenes

1. The Feast of Life

This scene I planned to include after chapter 9 but before the Feast of Becoming. It obviously didn't make it. I had planned for it to be a memory (1st person), but for this purpose I write it in 3rd person.

Samus sat by the Fountain clothed in the bright new robes Chonena had gotten for her. Today was the Feast of Life, the day when the Chozo honored life and love and dedicated themselves to one another in a sign of permanent union. These beautiful creatures would have spent the last year or so courting, male and female, and today would be the day they announced their engagements.

Samus sitting by the Fountain was an idea I later used in chapter 11.

She knew who some would pick.

Musia would choose the joyful Tretin as his bride. Yuewapi was going to pick the brilliant Kipate for her spouse. And Samus could name a dozen others, they were all her peers, and they were all finding love.

But what for herself? Chonena had told her that each year the number of Chozo ready to pick a spouse at the Feast of Life was even. Everyone would find their soul-mate. No one would be sad or lonely. It was just the way Chozo mating had been forever, was, and would be for the rest of time.

Except this year. This year the number was odd. 81 Chozo were in this generation, and Samus had made it that way.

What is going to happen? She thought. Even Tubela can't fix this problem…would it be worse if one of the Chozo picks me and then an actual Chozo doesn't find a mate? How did this happen?

So she sat by the Fountain, waiting nervously for what might happen. From her seat, she could barely see the Room of Council towering over the treetops. There were Chozo all around her, each one holding hands with another…

She sighed and put her head in her hands and gazed out at them. Then Benach walked up to her and she instantly smiled, feigning happiness.

"Hail Samus," said Benach friendly.

"Hello Benach," said Samus. She then added, "And to you too Uirlow," as he appeared behind Benach.

Samus continued to smile, but underneath it she knew what was going on. She had known that Benach and Uirlow would pick each other; it was obvious to everyone. Samus tried to be happy for them, but her own grief made it impossible. Am I that sad that I can't be happy for my friends?

"I have accepted Uirlow's request to be his wife," Benach gladly told her.

"I have accepted Benach's invitation to be her husband," said Uirlow as he gently placed his hands on Benach's shoulders.

"We wanted you to witness this before the Witnessing," they said in unison.

The Witnessing, thought Samus, when everyone goes before the community and makes their commitment public.

"Are you glad Samus?" asked Benach. She could see right through Samus's mask, nothing could be hidden from this Chozo friend.

"I am," said Samus with a genuine try at gladness. "I witness it, so now go to them."

The happy couple turned and walked away, Benach giving Samus one final look over her shoulder.

Samus sat there for several minutes, knowing that by now everyone was chosen. Will I ever find love? Will it be with Chozo or human? When?

Lots of people wonder if Samus should fall in love, myself included.

In the peaceful quiet she continued to sit, then Leniox approached her.

"Greetings friend," he said softly. "why are you sad?"

"Come on Leniox!" Samus almost shouted at him. She raised her head and stared at him with hot eyes. "I have no one!"

"No, that is not true," he told her. "You forget that you have all of us. The Feast of Life does not take your friends and peers away from you! It teaches them to love and then they can spread it to the world move freely and much more truthfully."

"Ugh…" moaned Samus. She'd heard enough of that talk from her parents and all the Elders. Could someone please give her a real comfort, not one out of a book?

"Please Samus, try to understand…"

"Lenoix!" called a voice.

They both looked up and could see a Chozo waiting at the Bridge. She was calling for Leniox, her mate.

"I am coming!" Leniox called back.

He rose to go to his love and left Samus with these words, "we Astronomers can hear the cosmos. They call to us and we listen as best we can. They will bring you life and a reason, so please don't be so full of sorrow when there is such life around you and in your future."

In chapter 12, Leniox tells Samus what Astronomers do. Well, what you just read was my original plan for saying that.

Later, as twilight settled on Creto, Samus was in her room. She was staring into a full-sized mirror that was mounted on her eastern wall.

"Why am I here?" she asked the mirror but no answer came.

"Where do I belong?" she questioned her reflection.

"I am neither Chozo, though I have their blood, nor human, though I am of their birth. Where do I belong? This creature raised by the enlightened?" she asked herself.

The beginning of the motif---Samus questioning herself.

Gently on her door came a tap, and Chonena entered.

Once again, this part with Samus and Chonena talking in Samus's room finds itself used in chapter 11.

"Sit child," she told Samus.

Samus sat on her bed, and it sank to her weight. Chonena remained standing in front of her child, arms folded in front of her, eyes full of care.

"What troubles you?" the mother asked.

At that, Samus spilled herself to Chonena. She was worried about the Feast of Becoming since she wasn't doing well. There was the fact that everyone had found their soul-mate except her. She was tired of being behind the Chozo, of being the impatient, easily tired, and uncomprehending human. She wanted to find out where she really belonged, and whom she was supposed to be with. This and much more made its way to Samus's lips.

"Shhh…" Chonena quieted her. "Be calm and listen to me."

Chonena knelt on the floor before Samus, the two pairs of eyes even. She covered Samus's hands with her own and said, "you must not let this hurt you."

"Samus, I believe in Gorbeta's prediction, your father, the community, believes in you. We will support you when you fall, don't you remember Tubela telling you that?"

Samus thought and then remembered what Tubela had said when she had been before the Council for the second time, 'they will look after you as will the whole community and this Council'. Not the exact words but close enough.

"So use that support child! Samus, you must always do things alone, why? Let us help you. You have never completely opened up, part of you is still on K-2L," said Chonena.

Samus looked at her mother with anger at the mention of K-2L. She recalled the last moments with her parents. What does she know? Samus told herself in blind anger, she wasn't there when they died or when the pirates came for me! But then a voice, the voice of her inner truth, said-she, all the Chozo understand more then you realize, return their love.

Samus looked into Chonena's eyes and knew it was true.

"They are in a better place, trust in that truth my darling," the Chozo said.

Samus nodded.

Chonena took Samus's head and turned it to the mirror. Samus looked at the reflection of a beautiful woman. This woman was strong and proud, but she was troubled and full of uncharacteristic confusion.

"You do not have to pick one or the other, Samus," said Chonena. "You are both Human and Chozo, embrace that aspect of yourself. You are beautiful."

Chonena drew Samus closer to herself and held the child there.

"You are of both worlds, you can live in both and flourish in both. You can find peace in both and love in both."

Via the mirror, Chonena looked into the depths of Samus's eyes, "for you must know that I love you. And if all else fails, you have a mother's love."

Samus relaxed in Chonena's hold and sighed, taking in the fragrance of her mother. It was warm and calm like autumn leaves.

"Kerune and I are helping you find your reason, but eventually you must decide for yourself. But whatever you decide, know that you can live here and that we love you."

I really wanted to develop the father-daughter and mother-daughter relationships of the Chozo and Samus. This scene really helps you get a view of Chonena and Samus' relationship.

2. Benach and Homecoming

In chapter 8, Warmth, Samus briefly describes her friends. Benach is said to be the closest friend, but as I continued the story, I gave Leniox more and more of the "best friend" role. To counter that, I had planned this scene, but it just didn't fit anywhere. It was too small for its own chapter and too important to add to an existing chapter, I was afraid it would be overlooked.

The final trees of Gerverda vanished behind them as Samus and Leniox climbed up the cliff to the Common. They were almost there and the sensations of laughter and eating filled their minds.

"Almost there," Samus panted.

"Right, almost there…" Leniox replied in a raspy voice.

They'd been climbing for the last hour and the sun was now down. The cliff was illuminated by the lights of the feast so they could keep climbing. The path was windy and narrow, weaving around outshoot of stone and tree roots.

Samus heaved herself over and up into the small clearing where her Warrior training had taken place. She turned and helped Leniox up and he sat down next to her breathing heavily.

"We made it!" laughed Samus. She rocked back and forth in laughter and gazed out over Gerverda to the Qulox Mountains. Beautiful…she was so glad it was over, and it had been well worth it.

"Let's go eat," she said and brought Leniox to his feet, "I'm starving!"

She got up and started to run. She was exhausted but found new energy in the promise of seeing her Chozo family again.

"Hurry up Leniox!" she called to him.

Leniox walked over, smiling at his friend. It is good to see her so happy.

Soon they made it to the Common. Walking through the ring of Statues, Samus went to parents. Leniox followed her.

"Samus!" rejoiced Chonena. "My daughter has returned!" she cried for all to hear.

"They have returned!" echoed Kerune to the other Chozo.

The community quieted and Tubela the Grand Councilor rose from her seat. At the Grand Council's table were all of the other Warrior and Astronomer pairs. They all turned to Samus and Leniox.

"Welcome my dears, Samus the Warrior and Leniox the Astronomer! Come and join your brothers and sisters. You are proven, become who you have chosen to be," spoke Tubela.

To the cheer of the community, Samus and Leniox went to the Grand Council. As they walked, Samus felt complete and at home. This was her homecoming. Now she was a true Chozo, and Leniox with her. They could really start to live now!

They took their seats at the table with the other pairs and Tubela came to them. All around them, the festivities took place. Talk and laughter mingled with eating and drinking. The entire Chozo population of Creto was celebrating the end of the Feast of Becoming, but there was still more to come.

"Good job Samus. Good job Leniox," Tubela told them. She gave them both a hug and bind them eat and have pleasure.

"I must find my parents and Pheniola," Leniox said to Samus. "They will want to see me."

"Oh course, go to them, my friend," replied Samus. And so Leniox went to his parents and fiancé. She watched him go with caring eyes.

It was hours later, when the night was growing old and everyone was full of food and drink that the whole Grand Council stood and spoke.

Samus had moved from the Grand Council's table to where her family was sitting. She watched her mother rise. Chonena moved in her flowing gown to a platform of stone that set next to the Common's edge. She was met by all of the other Musicians.

"The last to prove themselves--" said Gorbeta.

"But not the least by any means--" said a male Elder, Samus recognized him as the one who had spoken to her at her second Council meeting.

"Prove yourselves," finished Tubela. The Grand Council repeated it, and they all sat down.

All one hundred of the Musicians stood on the platform and everyone could see them. Dressed in light pink were Benach and the other would-be Musicians. Chonena and Fyre, all the proven Musicians, were robed in pure red.

Some took up their instruments, things like lutes and harps. They carefully plucked them in test and then fell silent. Others cleared their throats and held their heads high, ready to sing.

Chonena broke the formation and came in front of them. She lifted her slender arms, the sleeves of her robe moving with her. Holding the choir ready, she eyed them all then slowly dropped her hands in the first beat.

A low rumbling of bass voice filled the air. It pulsed, and the hair on Samus's arms rose. The lutes and harps entered and then the other voices.

It was the Chozo's creation, their birth into the universe. At first there were no words, only sounds, pure sound. They crashed onto one another and mixed together, a battle. Samus could detect the faint rising of soprano voices, and so did the Chozo's search for a home begin.

Listening to the now Chozian words, Samus could see the story in her mind; the Chozo finding Creto, their technology and expansion, and then the battles against evil.

Samus looked around at the other Chozo. They all had the same expression of joy and admiration on their faces. Some had closed their eyes to better see the pictures.

Because the music really did form pictures in your mind! Samus closed her eyes and could perfectly see the Chozo cultivating Creto. Every detail as real, each shadow had weight. How can this be? She asked herself.

I would like to think that Chozian music would possess an unknown quality to it. Something that would make it better then human music.

Samus didn't know how long the Musicians song lasted and it didn't matter to her. Like Chonena's song, she could have spent cycles listening to it.

Soon though, the pink robes moved forward and the red robes stopped singing. Chonena left the front and then the young ones were on their own.

Samus looked up and saw Benach start to lead them in song. Lead them well Benach, she wished to her.

Listening carefully to the soft words, Samus caught the story line of their song. It was one they had written themselves, the song of their generation. Wow, Samus admired. Their song was just as beautiful and just as powerful. The pictures were still clear and the community listened with ado.

Then one by one, the Chozo meaning to prove themselves stepped out and sang a piece of their life. They told the story of Samus's generation, of their births and challenges and triumphs.

Then, finally, Benach stepped out.

She was the last one to sing and everyone listened because they knew this was the end.

Benach started with a high note of piercing strength. The picture in Samus's mind was of pure light and power. It then changed to one of bright red sunsets, and relaxed to a picture of the seaside.

Drawing an allusion to Samus's "warmth" memory.

Benach sang on and looked out to the crowd. In it, she found Samus. The two friends locked eyes and, smiling, Benach broke into another phase of her solo.

Samus stared at her best friend and tried to find a way to describe her beauty. I have no words to explain my love for her, it is like her song, you can't capture it.

And as Samus listened she found herself being mentioned. Benach was singing about her! What? But even as she questioned, Samus thanked Benach for her constant loyalty. What else can a friend be?

Benach told the story of the Newborn to the community, and how it intertwined with their existence. Of her own personal love and friendship, she also told. 'This is our time, our generation for being' she sang.

And as the Feast of Becoming ended, Samus watched Benach finish the Song of Generations in perfect bliss.

That was a large expansion on the tiny detail of Samus dreaming in the beginning of chapter 15. I just felt like every friend I gave Samus was male and that she needed a female friend. Ever have a friend that exits your life but leaves a permanent mark? That is Benach.

3. Metroid Prime

In chapter 1, at the end, I mention the "horrors that" Samus "met on Tallon IV". I had meant to close this story with a clip of the battle with Metroid Prime in the Impact Crater, but when I ended the story I decided it didn't fit.

This next scene is placed in chapter 16-Departure, as Samus leaves Nebulon.

Caution for those playing Metroid Prime, this scene contains serious spoilers.

Samus sat in the cockpit and thought about what had happened on Tallon IV and how the Federation was investigating there. Would they find any traces of her? Would they find the metroids or decipher the pirate logs? Would they find the remains of the Impact Crater…

"At the Impact Crater," she thought out-loud.

"Samus?" asked Creto.

"Nothing Creto, just thinking about Tallon IV," replied Samus.

"Oh yes my Lady, the files from your suit were very graphic," said the computer.

"Creto, upload those files for me," commanded Samus.

"Yes right away," complied Creto.

The files came up on the control panel's screen, and Samus studied them.

Under Metroid Prime it read-'recommend maximum firepower when engaging this enemy'. Samus thought, yeah, like I needed to know that.

She kept reading the files on the last enemy she had fought, recalling the battle in her head…

I think, this fight seems to last forever! Metroid Prime has to be the most durable foe I've ever faced.

As I waste this thought it ensnarls me in that green light and draws me close.

So close I can see every gleaming facet of its eyes, the black stench filling my suit, and I can feel its hatred, the pure evil of its inner being.

I fire a power missile at it and it releases me. Then it charges and I barely have time to get into morph ball and roll under it to safety. When I'm back up, it changes in color and makes my power beam useless.

I switch to the plasma beam and hope to burn Metroid Prime back to the hell it came from. I pump out blasts of plasma but they do little damage.

I keep fighting for what seems like days. When does this end?

I can tell that Metroid Prime is weakening. I check my energy and find it ¾ full. That's decent, considering the firepower I've used and the length of the battle.

She paused in that memory and her eyes scrolled down the information. They hit the log on Metroid Prime's second form…

This thing floats in front of me; it wishes to consume me. I will not give it the victory!

I see its tentacles rise and fall. I didn't expect the shockwave, and it blasts through my shielding. The power rips through my body and I can feel my energy level falling.

Metroid Prime then disappears. Where did it go?

I turn on the X-ray visor and find it, laughing at me. Oh, how I hate this creature! It destroyed this planet and corrupted thousands of Chozo. Because of it, my father had to leave me to guard the Grand Council while they made the Cipher. Then I realize that my father most likely died at the hands of Metroid Prime…

A blind rage flies onto me, the red heat of battle takes over.

The pool of Phazon! There it is and here I come for it. My Phazon Suit takes in the mutating substance and throws it at my enemy. Power surges through me and I can feel the icy cold electricity of the Phazon.

My foe recoils and I wait for another pool of Phazon to form. Doesn't it realize it is setting itself up? I don't care though, whatever will defeat it.

After a fight nearly as long as the first, I deal the final blow. My eyes are full of light as it dies.

But as it does, it reaches for me. I try to flee, I'd do anything to evade its revolting touch. Metroid Prime touches my suit and my mind screams 'no'! The transparent tentacles go through my bio-suit and I can feel it touching my very body.

It wants me to die. Above all, it wants me to die. I can hear its thoughts, the gurgle of its failing mind. It can feel the Chozo in me; it knows I am the last Chozo Warrior. It wants to kill me, but I am going to win this fight.

My suit changes. I can feel new power and break the bond with Metroid Prime and run.

I reach the Temple and call my ship. Just before the explosion I jump to safety.

On my ship, I remove my helmet, I want to see the Chozian world with my own eyes.

It is beautiful and I know it will haunt my dreams, this place will. And as I stand there, I know that the spirits Metroid Prime and its Phazon had trapped are being released. I will miss this place.

4. Notes

Thanks to everybody for reading this, double thanks to those who reviewed/will review (hint-hint).

But really, I can't stress how much I like this story, and that's why I wrote this final chapter. Hopefully you agree with me for writing a 'deleted scene', since it is a little unusual.

Also, none of what I just wrote is supposed to fit into the actual story. So do not try to read them along with the story, it's not what I meant. These scenes are separate but still had a strong influence on the story.

Finally, I'd like to tell you all that I have plans to write a story for Maelos. Yep you heard me right, a story for Maelos. Of course Samus will be involved though, so don't worry about that. I have no idea when this will happen, but I am set on writing it, so look out for it.

Thanks again to everybody, bye-bye! alleycat1312