This is my first fanfiction, so bear with me here. I am a horrible speller. I use spellcheck, but if there is incorrect spelling... uh, blame me I guess. To anyone reading this as of June 2007, know that I still keep tabs on this story, and, although my writing style has changed, I would still appreciate any and all advice.

Note: I have completed both Metroid prime and Echos, sweet games, but haven't played the other metroid games. This game is set immediately after Metroid Prime.

Story note: Creto is cr-E-t-O

Chapter 1:Fatigue

The Hunter was tired. Brimming with exhaustion and straining to stay focused, Samus headed to the cockpit. The emotional strain of her battle taking its toll, she set a stationary course to leave her ship orbiting Tallon IV. The ship's internal computer, Creto, sensed her state and was shocked. It was a rare thing for its mistress to be so disturbed. Observing Samus's vital signs the computer saw Samus slip in and out of consenceness. Samus staggered and fell onto the control panel. Her suit clanged loudly and absorbed the shock.

"Samus, are you okay?" Creto asked, its mechanical voice sounding concerned. In reply Samus lifted herself into the cockpit chair and removed her helmet.

"No, I'm not," she said. " I need to… to…" then the Hunter fainted. Realizing the seriousness of the situation Creto took action. It had not been programmed to care or love, but had come to both care and love for the lady. Just as the computer's Chozo makers had.

Utilizing one of the numerous abilities of the huntership, Creto sent commands to its inferiors. The tiles flooring the ship slid back into the walls, revealing a system of thin channels that stemmed from the chair to different places in the ship. It looked very much like a labyrinth. The paths crossed each other, each glowing a different pulsing color. Quickly, the cockpit chair rose onto a short, vertical pole rising out of a path that glowed the same orange as Samus's suit. The chair moved along the path, slowly, so that Samus wouldn't fall out.

As the chair moved towards the back of the ship, Creto worked on hacking into the bio-suit. The suit was a challenge. Creto felt something no normal computer could feel, worry. Worry for Samus and her fleeting life. Her blood pressure was falling and her heart was close to stopping.

The chair came to a stop outside of a chamber. The chamber was glass and full of a light blue fluid. The entrance to the chamber opened with a hiss and revealed a second door, the actual door.

Creto had succeeded. It had hacked its way into the suit. That in itself was a feat few, if any others, could do. The Chozo suit's system was complex and heavily guarded with internal defenses. But Creto was just as advanced. The internal computer now had complete control over the suit.

Creto ordered the suit to stand and enter the chamber. An oxygen mask fell, and the suit put it onto Samus's face. The first set of doors closed behind it and the second opened. The suit stepped into the chamber and was instantly engulfed in the fluid. Several small ports in the suit opened as needles inserted themselves. The needles were attached to tubes that pumped medicine and liquids into the suit, which in turn pumped them into Samus's body.

As the process of healing began, Creto relaxed slightly. The ship's recharge chamber had never been used before; there had never been a need. Normally Samus was still conscience, and only needed some sleep to energize herself. The computer, though, was confident in the ship it controlled. It would have its mistress back to her normal self in roughly seventy two hours. Until then ,Creto would leave the ship in its stationary orbit around Tallon IV.

Reading the statistics of Samus's health, Creto wondered what could have brought this upon Samus. The numbers said that Samus had collapsed due to extreme physical and emotional trauma. Well, anyone with eyes or visionary sensors could see that! thought Creto. Thinking that Samus's suit files may shed more light on the mystery, Creto used its link between the suit to download the files to itself. As Creto read the files, it began to comprehend the horrors that had met its mistress on Tallon IV.