Sorry I took awhile to update. I've been busy. . . not true. I just haven't felt like writing. I get bored quickly. This is the last chapter, I swear! I'll be changing rooms a lot a some point so I indicated when the "scene" changes for you!

Kelso slammed his office door closed as soon as Dr. Cox was inside. JD, Elliot, and Turk – disregarding that they were still covered in mashed potatoes and everyone was giving them funny looks – tried to listen in through the door.

Inside Kelso's Office –

"What were you trying to pull in there Perry!" Kelso barked.

"I wasn't pulling. I was throwing." Dr. Cox remarked not flinching at the dirty look he'd just received.

"I don't have time for your games! Unless you can give me a good reason why you were throwing mashed potatoes I'm going to suspend you!" Kelso finally picked up a bunch of tissues and began wiping his face.

"I hate to sound like the tattletale little kid Bob-o, but if you took the time to notice, which I doubt you did, I was not the only one throwing the food." Dr. Cox pointed out.

"I don't care if King Kong and Godzilla were doing it! You were the one who threw the potatoes at my face! Therefore you are suspended!"

Outside the office at the same time –

"What'd he say! What'd he say!" JD sounded like a giddy school girl reading a love note.

"Yeah!" Elliot agreed.

"Be quiet and let me listen!" Turk shushed them and put his ear back on the door.

Back in Kelso's office –

"Fine then – how long?"

"How long what?" Kelso had sat down. He looked up at Dr. Cox as if he was confused as to why he was still standing there. Dr. Cox realized that this could be good.

"How. . . much longer I have to stand in this dump."

"Oh. Go away." Kelso waved him off. Dr. Cox began to pull open the door. The three outside moved away. "Oh, by the way Perry." Kelso called out. Dr. Cox turned around.


"Happy Birthday!" he smiled. Dr. Cox walked out and the trio immediately started following.

Dr. Cox looks like he's just seen Kelso. . . naked. (JD imagines opening the door to Kelso's office, looking in, and screams).

"You look like you just walked in on Kelso naked!" Turk commented.

I love it when Turk reads my mind. It's cool.

"Worse. He wished me a happy birthday and . . . smiled." Dr. Cox looked like it was painful to say those words.

"Oh, wow." Was all Elliot said. "Poor thing."


Dr. Cox threw on his jacket and marched out into the night air. His shift was finally over. Now he got to go home and get out of his soggy clothes. He had to admit, today wasn't awful. Deep down inside he missed celebrating his birthday. But he wouldn't let anyone know that.

He spied JD making his way towards him and Dr. Cox sighed and started making his way towards his car hoping to make a quick getaway. No such luck. He almost made it.

"Dr. Cox! Hey!" JD called out finally reaching Dr. Cox's car.

"What is it?"

"Just wanted to. . . I don't know. . ."

"wish me happy birthday one more time and you won't have little JD's from your left testicle."

Can he do that? (JD imagines lying on a bed with no pants on. Dr. Cox appears above him and smiles pulling the chain in a chainsaw. It whirrs as it gets nearer and nearer. . .)

JD's thought was interrupted by Dr. Cox snapping his fingers in front of JD's face.

"Oh, what? Yeah. Wanted to say. . . goodbye."

"Now wasn't that easy?" Dr. Cox opened his car door.

"Today wasn't so bad was it Dr. Cox?" JD asked. Dr. Cox stared at him. He thought about lying but changed his mind.

"It was alright, JD. Besides getting covered in cold mashed potatoes and getting ice cream shoved down my throat." They both laughed but it was an uncomfortable, space filler laugh. JD finally noticed something.

"Did you call me JD?" he asked. Dr. Cox bit his tongue. Crap! What name rhymed with JD?

"No, I said 'it was alright, Jamie.' You must still have mashed potato in your ears. Goodness knows what you normally have in there."

"Yeah." JD laughed and turned to walk away.

"Oh, by the way Newbie."

"Yeah?" JD turned back around.

"Don't do it again." Dr. Cox squinted his eyes.

"Okay. Never again."

"Good." Dr. Cox climbed in his car and started the engine. JD watched Dr. Cox leave and then turned and began walking back to the hospital. He laughed to himself while he was already planning for next year.


A birthday's a birthday

No matter whose it is.

Some are just celebrated differently

Or not at all.

I'd prefer to take the time

To celebrate another year older

Than stay the same age for the rest of my life.

But then, that's just what I think.

Happy birthday.

Aww. . . come on! You know I had to end it well! Please! Little quip at the end belongs to me! So there! REVIEW!