The Child with the Enormous Head Meets the Freaky Psychic Girl

By Secret7

Raven felt the psychic energy flow through her. The mystical powers of the mind were under her command. And yet, somehow, she sensed a danger looming. She closed her eyes harder, trying to ignore the nagging sensation that someone was watching her.

"Hey! Are you Raven?" said a voice.

Raven opened her eyes, and a wave of negative energy flew from behind her.

"Who are you?" she asked, her voice containing some anger.

The boy, who had an unusually large head, had glasses and brown-colored eyes. He wore a leather, black trench coat and a strange shirt with a smiley face that wasn't expressing any emotion. He also had a strange, freaky-lookin' haircut.

"The name's Dib. I"

"Are you another supervillian?" Raven asked, still annoyed.

"NO!" he shouted. "Of course not! Look, you've got to listen to me!"

"…How did you get in here?"

"Disabled the security. Now please, please listen! The fate of the world is in the balance."

Raven closed her eyes. She obviously had to listen to this annoying teen until the other Titans came. She tried to remember the rule she was taught in Azerath: "Do not let your anger control you."

"Alright, I'll listen."

"Good! Now, you gotta listen carefully! It all started with Zim! You see, about a year back, I was on my house's roof when suddenly"

"LIES! LIES!" an even more annoying voice shouted. "I mean, he's lying."

A green kid walked up next to Dib. "Hi. I am ZIM!"

"He's the one!" Dib said frantically. "He's an alien!"

"Please excuse, poor, insane little Dib. He's crazy, you know," Zim added. "OBEY ME! I mean, I've heard of you. You're one of the Teen Titans, right?"

"Yes…" Raven said, slightly interested in whatever the heck was going on.

"Good!" Dib said. "He's an alien! He wants to rule this planet!"

A dog walked into the room. A green dog.

"I like muffins," the dog said.

"That's his robot!" Dib shouted. "Don't you believe me?"

Did someone slip some LSD into my herbal tea? Raven thought to herself.

"No, I don't believe any of you."

"Believe Master!" said the dog. "He's NIFTY! WAFFLES!"

Finally, Raven's anger took control. Two red eyes opened on her forehead. She screamed an unearthly scream and Zim, GIR and Dib hovered into the air.

"You will learn the true meaning of pain," Evil Raven said. "Prepare for your doom."

"I LIKES DOOM!" GIR shouted. A mistake, as his head popped off. "Aww Man! I likes me head!" he shouted.

Raven screamed, then fell to the ground. The eyes disappeared. Zim stared at Raven.

"Y'know, she's more scary than your sister," he pointed out to Dib.

Zim then quickly left the building, GIR in his arms.

"How did you do that?"

Raven rubbed her head. It hurt like hell.

"You don't want to know."

"But…I do," Dib said, a little bit of sadness in his voice. "From what I've read, you feel like an outcast here. You scream at the top of your lungs and no one hears. I…I know what it's like."

Raven was silent.

"Listen. Please," Dib begged.

Raven smiled. "Tell me."

"It all started with Zim," he began…


(A/N: So? Good? Bad? Ugly? Should I continue it, or is it fine like it is? Feedback appreciated!)