Disclaimer: I do not own South Park.

AN: Hello! I come from the land of writing anime so I cant believe I'm attempting this, a South Park fanfic, but I've been reading them for so long, that I wanted to try my hand at writing one. I suppose I should give some warnings (wow, I've never had to do that really). Though I do want to point out, the romance in this fic could be strong friendship, slash, or just some weird fascination. That's why for now, its in the general genre. (You're all going to kill me because I keep changing the summary! Its jut I keep changing my mind, and nothing seems to suit! Sorry!)

Warning: This fic may contain language, sexual content, and perhaps slash.

Watch the Pendulum Swing

It's the same old shit. Routine, nothing has change and nothing will change. I'm at my locker stuffing in some books and retrieving some others for the first class of the day. Western Civ. It bores me, but so does school in general. South Park has stopped being interesting. Nothing happens here anymore. I dare say we're a normal town now. There hasn't been an sign of aliens, people from the future, Mr. Hankey, none of that stuff that we knew as children are present anymore.

Its as if it was all part of some other life, a parallel or something. Now we're just normal teenagers with normal problems. All we worry about is our own lives and graduation which is approaching. Too bad that means nothing for me. I don't have anything to look foward too. I didn't get into an Ivy League, I didn't get a scholarship to an outstanding sports university, and my mother wont whore herself to pay for my trip around the world.

No, I get to go to work with my high school education. I get to continue to stay poor and to stay at home. If I'm lucky I can get a job that doesn't include just having sex with the female population of South park for some extra cash. Not that I mind the sex, but some of these chicks are fucking crazy. One stalked me when I didn't call her after a week, I guess she hadn't heard of a one night stand before, and another tried to stab me and ran off with my wallet. She didn't get far before she just tossed it in the garbage. It was empty. Big surprise.

Now I'm just trying to suppress the pain from the cut she gave me. Dad saw it of course. I was changing for bed, and he didn't knock, as usual so he walked in on me. He was drunk like always, and he looked at me up and down, too long for comfort, as if I was going to be his next lay. What a fucker. Thank god for growth spurts. Now I'm taller and probably stronger than my old man. So if his twisted head got any ideas I'd be able to hold my own.

But still, the beatings I got when I was little have left their marks just like this cut wound will leave. I groan as I push myself away from my locker. I had been resting on it but I heard the warning bell. Five minutes to class. Great. Of course my locker is on the opposite side as my first period class. Even if I was to sprint I'd be late. This high school is huge. South park doesn't have one so we all have to commute the hour to get to school.

I sigh, and start walking to my class, so far the day has been uncharacteristically good, ignoring the filth that is my life. Haven't seen that fat fuck anywhere, which can only be a good sign for me, and Kyle and Stan, well they're headed toward me now.

Kyle and Stan. Damn, sometimes I wonder if they are gay. Obviously Cartman thinks so, but what the hell does he know? He makes assumptions on everything. It can be weird to watch them walk together. They're such good friends, always laughing and talking animatedly to one another as they keep each others pace. Kyle's red curls bounce with each step, he's finally stopped wearing that green hat, which has in turn allowed his hair to grow in a somewhat tameable bob. Stan reaches to brush some hair out of his eyes, he's always had great raven hair. I try to ignore my own blonde locks, they're dirty, but I refuse to wear that old orange parka anymore. It just doesn't fit in the least. Not since that huge spurt I had. Now its just a dirty old brown coat I stole from Goodwill. I didn't have the heart to steal something better.

Since the day we came to this school everyone marveled at the odd friendship that my two friends share. The smartest guy in school, best friends with the big man on campus, the jock. It fazes even me sometimes. What fazes me more is just how close they are. I've never seen a stronger friendship. A lot of the friends everyone had in elementary school have managed to fade away, especially when we came to this high school that was untainted with the people from South Park. It was like discovering a whole new breed of people. People with brains, who didn't believe in the shit we did, who never had celebrities come to their town to rant and rave.

Stan spotted me first. "Hey Kenny!"

What amazes me more is that these two still consider me a friend. Here, are two of the most well known students in school and they still socialize with me, the poor piece of shit, as Cartman likes to refer me as.

I smile, despite the fact that I don't feel like smiling, and wave slightly, meeting them both half way.

"You weren't at home when I went to pick you up, how did you get to school?" Stan asks adjusting his back pak.

"Yeah." I rub my shoulder where I was cut. I cant tell them I had one of my lays drop me off at school. As far as I know Stan doesn't know about my whoring ways. I know Kyle does, that's why he's remaining quiet. I already asked him a long time ago not to tell anyone. Kyle's a good guy. He worries but he's he kept his promise. He came across me one night two years ago when I was leaving the girls house. It was in the better part of town, so it was no wonder he was walking by.

The girl just wouldn't let me go, she kept asking for just one more time, but I had to leave, I told her. Actually I was just bored with her, it ended up being the last time I saw her. But since she wouldn't let me go I allowed her to suck me off one final time. Unfortunately we didn't quite make it back inside, she just sorta pulled me to the side of the house where the trash bins were.

While I was trying to keep my moans down to a minium, Kyle, his good heart, assumed that some cat or whatever was hurt. Fucking figures. And that's when he stumbled upon me, doing what I do best. It was awkward, the girl knew Kyle's family, and she begged him not to say anything. Of course he wouldn't so she just fled inside, whispering for me to call her later. Classy girl right?

Kyle stared at me for awhile, did I mention the awkwardness? He was curious, asked some questions, wanted to make sure I was okay and such. I told him I was and that's when I told him not to tell anyone. I knew most people assumed this about me anyway, given my father, but I didn't want the stories to be stamped as truth. That would be the last thing I needed. Kyle complied and we walked to his house together, I said my goodbye and continued down the road to cross the tracks.

He hasn't said anything to me about it since, but I know he wants to ask more. Kyle seemed to catch on finally how I got to school and he motioned for Stan and him to get going.

"Hey we're going to be late." He points out.

"Oh yeah," Stan adds. He turns to me and smiles. "See you at lunch then?"

I nod and watch as they walk off, entering a class a few feet away from my locker. I start my own walk to class, hearing the final bell go off, letting me know its my tenth tardy and that another pink slip with the word DETENTION, is waiting for me.

I drone out during Western Civ., and barely hear the bell ring that releases us for passing time. Only when someone bumps against me do I look up and see that everyone else is piling out. I stand, gather my books and make my way to the exit.

"Kenny, could I speak with you a moment?"

Damn. I turn back and to walk over to my teachers desk. He's leaning against his chair spinning a pen. Mr. Johnson, is probably the best teacher we've got in this school and usually I give him the respect to at least listen in his class, but today, something has been distracting me, aside from the throbbing pain in my shoulder. Hmm, maybe after this I should head to the nurses office.


"Kenny..." he begins and sighs. "I've talked with your other teachers..."

Shit. That cant be a good sign.

"And it seems at this point, there is no way you can pass senior year at the rate you're going."

"What!" My jaw drops. I know I haven't been the best student, but to not be passing any of my classes?

"We think the best option is to get you a tutor. Though, I'm going to be straight with you, if you don't get at least a C average in every class you will have to repeat this year."

A fifth year! I'd have to be fifth year! As if being white trash wasn't icing on the cake, I'd have to spend another year in high school! With the junior class! That wasn't an option. It seemed Mr. Johnson could see the horror in my face and he smiled.

"Don't worry Kenny, graduation is still five months away, there's still plenty of time to turn your act around. Its not too late." He began shuffling through some papers. "Your other teachers and I are going to go through some students that would be best at tutoring you and we'll have someone by tomorrow alright?"

I nodded numbly.

"Alright, get going to your next class before you're late for that one as well."

I nodded again, when he spoke back up. "Oh and Kenny?" I turned. He was holding out that shiny pink slip. I groaned and grabbed it. He smiled again as I took it. "And while you're at improving your studies why don't you work on your punctuality?"

Shoving the slip in my jeans I began walking out of the room, trying my best to avoid the students that were coming in. There just isnt any common courtesy in this damn high school, no one ever moves out of your way. Of course, one cant avoid a giant shell of lard.

"Aye! Watch where you're going you piece of shit!"

"Sorry Cartman," I mumbled, still in my daze at the thought of not being able to graduate with my friends.

He turned, not knowing it had been me that bumped into him. "Ah, Kenny, I've been looking for you."

My head snapped up as my eyes narrowed. "You have? Why?"

"We'll talk at lunch." He smiled, but it wasn't a genuine smile like a friend gives another friend. Cartman has always, and will always be an enemy. An enemy I just happen to hang with a lot. I said nothing and made my way out, walking fiercely to my next class. I stepped in just as the bell rang. I let out a long exhale.

"Sit down, Mr. McCormick!"

I sighed, and slipped into my chair. Ms. Robinson, my trigonometry teacher is the biggest bitch in this school. It's a well known fact that one of her past times includes failing her students. Luckily I have this class with Stan so it isnt so bad, he sits directly behind me.

As Robinson, goes on about whatever, I rest my head in my folded arms against my desk. I fully intend to sleep during this period. I know I should pay attention, giving the information I just received about my current status as a failing senior, but her voice is just so... harsh. It makes you want to tune her out and sleep. Just as I'm about to close my eyes I feel a poke from a pencil.

I eye Robinson to make sure she's still absorbed in her own voice before turning slightly to face Stan. He hands me a note. I turn back, still eyeing the teacher while I open it slowly and quietly. Its short but gets to the point.

Are you okay? You seem kinda down today.

I sigh, he doesn't know the half of it. I reach for a pen in my binder but I feel the pain of my shoulder, and I can hear as Stan gasps behind me.

"Kenny, your arm!" He exclaims loudly enough for the entire class to look at me and for Ms. Robinson to turn her head from the white board.

"Mr. Marsh, if you feel the need to disrupt my class, I'll feel the need to hand you a detention slip."

"But Ms. Robinson, Kenny's arm is bleeding!"

She turns to look at my arm, then me. Her eyes narrow in suspicion. As if I planned to be attacked by some PMSing chick. As if I had this done to me on purpose for the sole act of messing up her learning plan for the day. God, what a bitch.

She gestures to a slip of paper on her desk. A nurses pass.

"Mr. Marsh take him to the nurses office." She finally says.

I'm about to stand when Stan bends over to help me up as if I'm bleeding from the head or something. He grabs the pass and we head into the empty hallway. Deserted hallways have always freaked me out. Especially when class is in session, I mean there's always supposed to be at least one lingering student right?

I can feel Stan eyeing me, he wants to know why I'm bleeding, but I offer him no explanation and he waits to the side while the nurse has me roll up my sleeve. I do so, extremely carefully, winching anyway when I catch something on the cut. I bandaged it up as best as I could, but its hard with only one free hand, not to mention that my family's too poor for bandages. So I just snuck out one of Kevin's shirts from his room, shredded it to pieces, and wrapped some of it around my arm sloppily.

The nurse frowned at my handiwork and looks up at me. She knows what goes on in my household, she knows that my father used to hit me when he was drunk. But she has to ask anyway.

"Kenny did your fath-"

I don't even let her finish, before shaking my head.

"Are you sure?" Her eyes dart to Stan who's listening to our conversation curiously.

"I'm sure."

"Well... okay, this is a deep cut, you shouldn't have used a dirty... is this a piece of someone's shirt?" She asks in wonder.

I nod again, somewhat ashamed, really wishing Stan would leave. Aren't these things supposed to be private anyway? I don't like him knowing, even though he does already, how poor my family really is, I mean we can't afford bandages. That aside, I don't want him somehow figuring out what I do in my free time, when he's at football practice, when Kyle's studying, and when Cartman's eating.

The nurse sighs, fixes me up and hands me back over to Stan. We head back to class but just as we near it he pulls me inside the boys locker room, looking around for the coach, who doesn't approve of his football players dodging class.

"What happened to your arm?"

I want to look away but his voice sounds pleading. I guess he really wants to know. But I would never tell him the truth. I don't want his image of me being tainted even further the way I know Kyle's must be.

"I slipped is all, okay?"

He's not satisfied with my answer and I can tell. Too bad, because that's all he's going to get. He sighs in irritation. Then changes the subject slightly.

"Things are still okay at home right?"


"Even with your dad?"

"Everything is fine."

He nods his approval. "Because if you ever need a place to stay or something, you know my family would be more than happy to have you. You could stay in Shelly's room since she's away at college still."

I know this, and he knows that I know this. A few years back, when my dad had done a number on me, I ran off, not really thinking, ending up at Starks pond. Stan was there with Wendy, they were hidden in the shadows obviously making out, and I was about to slip away before they heard my choked sobs, but Stan heard anyway.

He saw the bruises and I had to watch as both he and Wendy eyed me in sadness. I hate being pitied. I really do, and I kinda wanted to shove Stan's face in for pitying me so badly, but I knew he meant well, and that's when he made the suggestion that I stay at his place for a few days. Wendy agreed and left us, knowing perhaps we needed time alone, as this was a friend thing. I did always like that about the girl. At least she knew when to leave things alone, she never did question me about that day.

I ended at Stan's for a few days, basking in the comfort of their house, of Mrs. Marsh's great cooking, and of the family's kindness. But as they say, all good things come to an end and soon my mom came for me. She was red eyed, from crying. Apparently she had been looking for me everywhere. She couldn't have looked very hard as I only have three friends and it had been five days since I had been at the Marsh's. Anyway, she said she threw dad out for good.

Of course it wouldn't be for good. But I went home with her anyway. Despite the fact that my mothers a rather weak woman, I still love her and I hate to see her cry so I went back. Dad came back about two weeks later, saying he "sobered up". Right.

Since then, Stan's been more close with me. Its nice, I guess. Having someone worry about you, but part of me just thinks he does it because he feels like he has to, not because he wants to. Besides, its not like we're best friends. I could never be that close with anyone. I could never tell anyone my secrets. But between all my friends if they all combined the information they had on me, they'd know everything. But as it is, Kyle and Stan who know these things about me, wouldn't even confide in each other as I've requested that they don't. So each is left in the dark.

Stan and I head back to class. Ms. Robinson eyes my shoulder, but she says nothing and continues on with the lesson. I go back to what I was going to do originally. Sleep. I rest my head and inhale the smell of the permanent markers that were used to decorate this fine desk, the last thing I hear is the shuffling drone of Robinson's voice as she mentions something about a mid term examination.

AN: Eh? Its my first South Park fanfic, so will I get any slack? Nah, I don't want any, please be honest. And I am, I think, going somewhere with this. If I'm not, I'll let you all know. Please read and review!

Faery Goddyss