Reviews for Watch the Pendulum Swing
wangwww0 chapter 13 . 3/27/2012
i must say something,because i love this story so so so much.

this is the best story about stenny i have seen.

i like the details in the story,like stan‘s picture in his bag.

but i am not good at english,so i cant say much.

i just want you to konw how much i like this story.

it likes how much stan likes kenny XD
ben4kevin chapter 13 . 12/25/2010
aaawww sad and sweet
Pandemonium chapter 13 . 9/12/2010
I am not a huge fan of the Kenny/Stan pairing but I do like your other writing so I thought I'd give this story a shot. It was written really well and despite the pairing I really liked it.
Royal-Sovereign chapter 13 . 2/21/2008
...and they all lived happily ever after and stuff! _;;

I actually read this maybe a week or two ago, and have just gotten around to writing a review, so, here goes:

First, you know I love the pairing - Stan Kenny is a refreshing twist on the hackneyed "Style" pairing which, despite being fun and enjoyable in its own right, is getting a tad stale.

That said, the "Stenny" outcome to this is a welcome departure. When it comes to "Style" I don't really think anything of reading about (for instance) random hookups or totally inane sexual exploits, but when it comes to Stenny...well...I like the feeling of closure and (oh God, dare I say it) "monogamy".

You've managed to take a massively complicated situation and streamline it to the point where, in the last chapter, every loose end is tied, and everything is finally settled...not something altogether easy to do, but you pulled it off with type of finesse I rarely see in fanfiction (to be blunt).

Overall, this was a very satisfying read. Definitely going into my top picks!
Ebichu Chan chapter 13 . 10/24/2007
Epic awesome story. Loved the Kenny/Stan pairing, I don't read it too often, but i think i am now :)
syntic chapter 13 . 2/12/2007
Omigosh, I should be studying right now... ;_; Ack, can't- must... finish... review. XD;;

Nice job on this! I'm pretty neutral on the StanKenny pairing since- I admit - this is the first story that I've ever read about this couple. 8 D;; But I think I was gonna cry- for Kyle. *laughs* The poor sweet boy. Oh wells, can't always get what you want. : 3 It's nice to read your first SP fic, it makes me think of how well your writing has become. Again, great job~ : D
WolfBane2 chapter 6 . 2/2/2006
Normally I'd wait until I got to the end of the fic to review, but I have to say something now. The scene with the old South Park gang laughing...that was wonderful. That was the drifting, and what had been, and how things were. I don't know how to describe it, but that was a moment worth reading.
Coffeey chapter 13 . 1/18/2006
Yay I Love Happy Endings!I Love It,Its Soo Happy
curlyalien chapter 13 . 11/3/2005
I don t know if its an unexpected ending but I like it. Awesom story. Dn what more to say. Brill I guess :)
curlyalien chapter 1 . 11/1/2005
Cool (thinks what more to say) lots of details and very well writen too. I m hooked from the first chap.
Kitsune No Youkai chapter 13 . 9/5/2005


But, I still liked the thought of having no pairings at all better.

Still, SUCH A GOOD STORY! I solute you! *solutes*
HDM rules all muahaha chapter 13 . 9/5/2005

A knew this was going to be a happy ending (of course not everyone is like me and doesn't do that) but I kind of feel bad for Kyle...he ends up with no one...well that usually happens in life. Wendy all and all deserved every inch of discomfort or dissatifaction that comes her way.

I just realized you used the summary i gave know how pathetic I am? Okay, I'll post everything hopefully by Saturday
Tellulah chapter 13 . 9/4/2005
The ending was a little bit abrupt, but I can forgive that since everything turned out so well for the boys. :) Yay for Kenny/Stan!
Delirious Child chapter 13 . 9/4/2005
NO, don't end it! okay-I'm calm now! This is a sad day, I really wanted more, but you are the author and you make the dicision. I just read your other story: Tweek one and wait for another Stan/kenny fic or Kenny/anyone but cartman
XxHDMxX chapter 12 . 8/29/2005
AH! *jumps around like a loon* OMG OMG I KNEW IT WOULD HAPPEN!

*regains composer* yes! little yaoi action! *does a jig* whoop! well...I can't say much cuz I put it off awhile hehe

I feel bad for Kyle though...and Kenny...god who just developed a conscience? This is going to be very interesting however you go with this...that's for sure!
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