This is a non-profit work of fan-fiction based upon The X-Files television series created by Chris Carter. The X-Files, and all related characters, places, and events, belongs to 1013 Productions, and is used without permission. This story, along with any original characters, belongs to the author, © 1998, minor revisions 2005.

Day of Change
By Orianna-2000

For the sake of not ruining the plot, the author's note is at the end of the story.

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The garden was filled with flowers, staining the air with their soft, beautiful fragrance. Fox Mulder breathed deeply as he looked out at the gathered people from his vantage point under the rose-covered arbor. To his surprise, he recognized nearly everyone.

Shifting anxiously in his rented formal suit, he glanced at the three men who stood nearby, sweating in the warm summer breeze. His best friends, Langley, Frohike, and Byers, looked as uncomfortable as he felt in their matching black tuxedos.

Langley nudged him, just as a hush fell over the crowd. Gentle music began to play, and a woman appeared and slowly walked forward, an angel wreathed in white silk. Mulder felt his heart stop beating. The vision came closer, and his eyes focused on the red hair veiled by lace and tiny flowers.

Scully... you are so beautiful!

His heart whispered the words, but Dana Scully smiled as if she'd heard his voice in her ear.

She reached the alter, and the ceremony began. Mulder tried to listen to the words spoken by the minister, but his eyes kept straying to Scully's face. He saw the joy reflected in her eyes, and felt tears fill his own. Finally the minister presented the new couple to the world, and Mulder's heart fractured into a thousand pieces that lodged themselves like shards of glass in every part of his soul.

"Come on, Mulder." Byers and Langley stood on either side of him, sympathetically prompting him to follow Dana and Melvin Frohike back up the aisle. Numbly, he went.

Author's Note: My sincerest apologies to Mulder, but I have been so mean to Frohike in my other stories that I decided I owed the poor guy one. This is the only way I could think to repay him.