
With a flash of colours and vague voices she found herself amid a bustling crowd of people. Close observation proved that she had been moved to another time. The short frame of the girl, standing alertly through the dust and swirl of dozens of others, clearly in a sort of public market, observed the people around her for yet another moment before closing her eyes, her face clearing in studied concentration. Yet another moment passed, the girl opened her eyes her face a mask of alarm, once again her lids shut over steel-gray eyes, the concentration resumed. This time the affect was dramatic, without a word the girl whirled furiously examining her surroundings closer, with more scrutiny. With a sudden jolt the girl gasped, the usual mist around the edges of her vision was gone, she found she could change nothing, not herself, not the people around her, not her surroundings. The girl fought down a surge of panic that rose wildly from within her. Something had changed, changed or gone wrong. She was no longer within the dream world that she had closed her eyes to.