The Tomoeda Tower stood tall against the backdrop of the busy Tomoeda C.B.D. A few white whispy clouds floated softly in the clear, blue sky, helped along by a gentle, cool breeze. The sun shone brightly, adding it's warmth to ward off the cool bite in the air caused by the light wind. People hussled all around, busy in their shopping or happily talking and laughing with their friends at cafes.

Depending how you look at it, a lot can happen in four years. But then again, maybe nothing happens at all. Things can still look the same, but can be different without anyone even realising it. Some differences can be noticed, but not all. . . Things still looked the same, but it was different. Different from the place he'd known for the last four years, different in the way it was designed, different in the way people went about their business. He'd forgotten what it could be like here. But how easily he remembered. . .

Driving up the old road that he remembered, he came to an empty lot and sighed starring out the tinted window screen. He could vaguely make out the lines of where once a long time ago, a great mansion had stood, guarding the people within. It had been destroyed after the police had raided it, collecting any weapons, cars or money that had been left behind. But he could still see it in his mind, compared to the empty space that now lay before him. He prefered to remember it in all it's glory.
Stepping out of the car, the young, tall man with dark sunglasses walked quietly around thinking deeply. He bent and lifted some of the dirt and let it sift through his fingers, as he remembered the things that had happened here. So many memories, so little time to ponder. . . .

Ten minutes later, sighing, the young man got back in his car. He drove off without looking back. Once the purr of the engine had died down in the distance, the empty lot was left to silence once more. . . .

In Tokyo . . .

Nakaru looked around the large office that was scattered with photos. She looked at the smiling faces and had to smile herself. She picked up one in particular. It was of Macc's retirement party four years ago. The older man, whom she felt as if she had known personally herself, was smiling and looked relax as he layed his hand gently on Sakura's shoulder as she beamed at the camera. Saito and Takouya whom she'd been introduced to were standing beside them smiling.
She set it down and picked up another of Sakura's brother and his flat mate. Smiling she set it down and scanned the rest of the homey photos. Her gaze landed on the small name plate on the desk and had to smile all over again.

Sakura Avalon Manager

Sakura had been promoted to Macc's position on his insistance after his retirement. The request had been backed up by the Federal council and Sakura had found herself thrown out of her old office, and set up in this big one; a secretary included.
Since then, she'd noticed small changes in her long-time friend. Sakura had turned from the easy, fun loving girl, to a cool, sophisticated business woman. She barely laughed or joked around, she wore sad expressions when she thought no one was looking and lost it when she thought she was failing her company which Macc had trusted her with. Sometimes Nakaru worried, but she knew that the true Sakura was still there as she occassionally saw when Sakura let the facade drop. She just waited for the day when she returned.

She heard a soft 'click, click, click' of heels, before a cool, tall slender figure walked into the room. Her shortened hair was clipped back stylishly, the two stands framing her face and swaying back and forth as she walked towards her desk. Stylish rimless glasses rested lightly on her face, showing emerald eyes. She wore a black business suit that hugged her slim curves, her skirt short and revealing slender, elegant legs. On her feet, black high stilettos.

She smiled at Nakaru, tossing a pile of manila folders on her clean desk. She sat down and kicked off her shoes, sighing as she closed her eyes and rested her head back on her leather chair.
" I'm glad that's over. I hate them watching me so expectantly, waiting for me to guide them and give the orders. It makes me feel that they can't make decisions for themselves. How did Macc do it? "
Nakaru smiled and sat down and crossed her long legs. " And to think you used to torment him to no end too. "
Sakura shot her a small guilty smile. " I was just keeping him on his toes. "
" I'm sure you were. " Nakaru replied rolling her eyes and smiling. " I was wondering when you'd come. "
" Gomen. It took longer than I thought it would. " Sakura took off her glasses and placed them on the desk.
" Tough case? "
" Yeah. Why is it since the Black Wolf case all the gangs in Japan decide to go berko and give us all a hard time? "
" Probably because they know that you're now the head huncho. "

Sakura groaned and slid further into her chair. " Maybe I should retire. "
" How many times have I heard you say that? " Nakaru asked. " You know they need you. Macc knew it too. "
" Are you sure you don't want to have a job here? " Sakura asked business like.
" What, so you can shove me in a door and open it to have me smile and compliment you and give you a confidence boost on days like today? No thanks, I prefer fresh air. "
" I'd make sure you'd get plently of air. In fact, I'd probably just have you stand right there all day if you just told me not to worry, and that I'm doing a wonderful job. "
" In these heels? No way! " Nakaru replied.
They laughed together, before Leona, Sakura's secretary knocked on the door.
" Yes Leona? " her face changed into her cool business look.
" Excuse me Avalon-san, but Wantanabe wants that case back if you've finished with it? "
Sighing, Sakura searched through the small pile on her desk and held it out to her as she walked into the room to retrive it.
" Tell him to slow it down ok? I can only work so hard. Tell him if he doesn't slow down, I'll cut into his holiday leave. "
" Try it and I'll pull every stunt you can imagine to get it back. " A voice said as a tall blonde walked in the door, smiling to Leona as he pinched the file.
" Saito, please, have you been into the perculated coffee again? " Sakura asked, yawning. " You heading onto a collision course. Slow down, I can't keep up with all these cases of yours. "
Saito smiled, shoving his hand into his pocket. " Well you trained the best, obviously you're going to get the best results, so handle it boss. "
Grumbling and shooting him a glare, Sakura reached over and shifted his other cases to the bottom of the pile.
" That's just pure mean. " Saito grumbled as he walked out.
Nakaru smiled stiffling a laugh as Leona smiled and walked out.
" I hope you're going to make him employer of the month to make up for that? "
Sakura arched her brow coolly. " And give his ego another boost? I don't think so. "

" Hey, have you had lunch yet? " Nakaru suddenly asked sobering up.
" No. " Sakura replied. " But I think I'll skip. I wana go home and get some z's. "
" You're already skinny enough. You don't need to lose any more weight. " Nakaru frowned.
" I'm not that skinny. Relax Nakaru. I'll get a rain check on that lunch ok? "
Nakaru stood and sighed. " Ok. But take it easy ok. "
" Easier said than done. " she muttered, and walked with her out of the office and down to the car park.

The little apartment was still there. It hadn't changed much, except for the fact that someone else lived here now. Or so he had just discovered. The cars rushed passed and he learned forward a little more to speak louder.

" . . . Do you know where she went by any chance? "
The woman shook her head. " I'm sorry sir, but I don't remember much from that time. I was going through a hard time, things seem to blur a little. I think they mentioned that the young woman was moving to another part of town, to be near her brother. "
The young man nodded, his eyes shaded by dark shades.
" Arigato. Have a nice day. " he turned and walked down the front steps.
" You too. " she closed the door and he sighed. The past was starting to fade.

He got back into his car and drove off. He pulled onto the main road and drove for a few minutes until he pulled over at a small park with a small shop where he bought his lunch, and sat on the hood of his car thinking. It had been a long time since he'd seen her. They'd all watched the conference where she had fought and argued passionately on their behalf. No wonder she had won, he thought smiling to himself. Who could stand up against those blazing green eyes and hope to come out of it unscathed?

He'd done a lot of thinking over the last few weeks, and had finally decided that coming back here was the only way he was going to put the demons of his past to rest. He'd managed to put her out of his mind for a couple of years, but he'd recently seen a picture that Meilin had taken whilst she had been amongst them, and it had jolted everything back into place once again.
She had changed him. There was no doubt about that. She'd ruined every other girl for him. So, here he was, hoping to get his life sorted out once and for all.

Never thought I'd hold another,
Like I'm holding you right now.
But through you I've re-discovered,
That I'd love again some how.

You brought me back from the place,
That I thought no time could erase,
Till now.

Don't know if this will last,
If our time will come to pass I'm not concerned with things like where or when Don't know if it be wise,
To call that love there in your eyes I just know it's good to feel this way again.

Haven't used this heart for so long,
It forgot, how to feel Now that emptiness is all gone You fill me up with something real

You brought me back from the place,
That I thought no time could erase,
Till now.

Don't know if this will last,
If our time will come to pass I'm not concerned with things like where or when Don't know if it be wise,
To call that love there in your eyes I just know it's good to feel this way again.

Four years had been a long time, and he couldn't put it off any longer. Pride had made him stubborn, arrogant and distrusting. He'd taken what he had had around him for granted, assuming that the great man that he had been, was industructable. Cherry, or Sakura as he had to remember to call her, had brought that image of himself down on many occassions. He should have expected that something like what had happened would have been soon in coming. He'd wasted many of the years dwelling on his regrets.

Haunted by memories of the past, he'd come back, hoping for some answers. And now, he had to know. . . .

Two Days Later . . .

The phones constantly rung, faxes were constantly being faxed, computers were always in use. It was always the way. They were always busy.
He walked up to the main foyer avoiding the hussle and bussle, looking around interested. He appraoched the counter where the secretary was and waited while she talked on the phone. He slipped his sun glasses up a little higher and returned to watch the secretary. She had red hair, red like a cherry and blue eyes. The playboy in him, stirred, but he ignored it. He hadn't been in that game for a while now.

If he remembered correctly, Macc Wohanjitsu was the man who ran the operations here. He hoped that hadn't changed, otherwise it might be a little difficult to locate the person he was after. The girl in front of him, hung up and smiled at him.
" May I help you? " she asked still smiling.
" I'm hoping. " he replied. " I'm looking for - "
" Excuse me, " a tall young woman appeared next to him and lent over the desk. " Leona. Are they here yet? "
Leona smiled politely at the young man and turned her attention to the young woman.
" Hai Avalon-san. The people you requested are waiting for you already. No doubt Masaki is stirring up trouble. You'd better get in there before they forget that they're to be put on a special case. "
Sakura blew her long bangs out of her face and shifted her glasses. " Arigato. Are these the files? "
" Hai. Good luck Avalon-san. "
Sakura nodded, stepped back and headed towards the comference room. " Oh, Leona, are those new cases on my desk? "
" Hai. "
" Kami, " she sighed tiredly. " Will my job on earth ever be fulfilled? "
Leona smiled. " Oneday perhaps. But remember, there are those who will walk where angels fear to tread. "
Sakura groaned and shook her head. " Please don't remind me. I've had enough of chaos and mayhem for my life time. "

She turned and walked off, her hips swaying seductively, the soft 'click, click' of her heals on marble as she disappeared around the corner.
" Sorry sir. You were saying? "
A little pale, he turned back to Leona. " I wanted to speak to Macc if I may? "
" Sorry sir, but Macc retired four years ago. " her smile was patient.
" Oh. Then may I ask who is in charge now? "
" You may. In fact it was that young woman I was just talking to; Miss Avalon. "
" I see. " his gaze looked to the side where she had gone. " How long will her meeting go for? "
" An hour, maybe longer. " Leona replied. " She's pretty busy, but you can try for an appointment. There's been a cancellation, you can try her tomorrow at about twelve. "
His gaze went to the side again. " I'll take it. "

It was a beautiful day. The sun shone and she was stuck inside. You had to wonder at your insanity.

Sakura typed away furiously at her laptop as she put in all the figures and calculations. She was so busy, she didn't even hear her door open and Leona call to her.
" Miss Avalon? " Leona called a little louder.
" What is it Lee? " Sakura didn't even look up.
" There's a young gentleman to see you Avalon-san. "
" I thought my twelve o'clock cancelled yesterday? " she took a sip of her coffee, not looking away from her work.
" He did Avalon-san, but this young man wanted an appointment for today. "
She sighed. " Lee, I don't really have time for this. I running behind and I don't want to be blamed for a corporate collapse the size of Japan. "
" Don't worry. " A male voice interrupted and she paused and looked up as the man walked into the lighter shadows. His eyes were hidden behind sunglasses. " I won't take up much of your time. "
" I - " she paused, caught. She thought for a moment. " Very well. " she conceeded. " But I do warn you, I'm very busy. "
He inclined his head excepting her answer. " Arigato. I won't waste either of our time. "

Frowning, Sakura closed the lid of her laptop and sat back, waiting until Leona had closed the door behind her as she left. " Isn't it a little dark in here for sun glasses? " she arched her brow coolly.
He returned the favour at the tone of her voice. " It depends from one's point of view now doesn't it? "
Her eyes narrowed slightly behind her rimless glasses.

After a moment of studying him she finally said: " What is it that I can help you with sir? "
' To lose that cool facade. ' he thought. Instead he replied: " I'm looking for a detective. "
" Oh? " she asked sitting up. " Any one in particular? "
" I want the best. " he replied.
Again she arched her brow sarcastically. " Well, we have nothing but the best here. You'll have to be more specific. "
" I want the detective by the name of Sakura Avalon. "
The room was silent for several seconds. She looked up and met his shadowed gaze.
" I'm not in that department anymore sir. I gave that profession up four years ago, and I'm not going back to it . . . . . ever. " she finalised.
" Is that so? " he asked.

She frowned annoyed when she saw a smirk appear in the corner of his mouth as he crossed his arms.
" Hai. I wasn't cut out for it. Perhaps you'll be more interested in Saito - " she paused. " No, perhaps Masaki. He isn't as obsessed with his job like Wantanabe. "
" What made you think you weren't cut out for it?" he asked, ignoring the other half of her sentence.
" Is this an interrigation? " she asked coolly.
" No. Merely curious. "
" Ever hear the saying sir, that curiousity killed the ca - "
" Hai. But satisfaction brought it back. " he smirked as she faulted. She tilted her head slightly, eyeing him suspiciously.
" The answer to your previous question, " she replied, deciding to ignore that. " Was that I made too many mistakes, most that I regretted, some that I didn't. It was too much for a person to handle, and I don't posess the qualities to go undercover and remain hidden. " she sighed. " Besides I hate lying. "
She saw that she had surprised him by that and she smiled faintly.
" As hard as that may be to believe, it's true. I hate lying. I feel like my soul is being eaten alive by deception. " He seemed thoughtful. Sakura couldn't stand it any longer.
" Really, is this all necessary? " she asked standing up. " I really am busy. "

Unbeknowns to her, as soon as she had stood up, his gaze had travelled up and down her slim body and he slightly frowned at how thin she had become.
" I believe it is. " he replied and stepped forward. " Then please tell me what it is you are after, so I can assign you a detective and be done with it. No offence, I'm glad you've come to us, but I really am busy. "
" Well then allow me to wrap this up. " he replied, removing his sun glasses.
Sakura starred at the deep amber eyes and her breath hitched. She reguarded him warily as he searched her gaze.
" I'm afraid this meeting is over. " she said, wondering why her skin heated as he watched her. " I'll assign you to Masaki and Leona can set up all the other details. " she walked towards the door.
He brought out his arm, to block her.
She backed up instantly, a tinge of fear in the back of her eyes.
" I'm not going to hurt you, but do you have any idea who I am? " his amber eyes deepened as he waited. She raised her chin bravely. " Iie. But I don't care to find out. " she shot her desk a desperate look.
" Oh no you don't. " he caught her around the waist and stopped her from sounding the alarm. " Let me go. " she demanded angrily, her eyes deepening in their emerald shade as her anger grew.
" Well at least your temper hasn't change. " he replied dryly.
" You know nothing about my temper! " she snapped and tried to step back.
He brought her closer to him, her hips touching his. She stopped breathing.
" I know a lot about you. I think maybe more than you know about yourself. " he replied burning her image in his mind once again.
" I- " she froze.

" I know that you are completely and annoyingly stubborn and determined when you put that talented mind of yours up against something or someone. " he smiled when she paled. " I know that you are a good fighter, verbally and physically. "
He leant closer, his eyes meeting hers.
" I know that you have a scar on you right side, from where you got caught in a cross fire. " he traced his finger down her side to emphasize his point. Her eyes widened.
" I know that you nearly drowned yourself when you fell into a pool. That you get sick when you drag race, I know that you like to disappear from time to time and show up out of no where without any explanation, and most of all - " he traced his finger gently down the side of her jaw. " I know that you have a tattoo of a Black Wolf on your right shoulder blade. "

She went dead white and he gently released her. She backed up against the edge of the desk starring at him in horror.
" H-H-How could you p-possibly now t-that? " she trembled.
" Because, " he murmered smiling softly at her in reassurance. " It matches mine. "
" Matches yours - " she repeated softly in disbelief as her eyes went wider. " How could - "
" I think you know the answer to that. " he replied softly, placing his hands in his pockets.
Her mouth moved, but no sound came out. She swallowed, a thousand thoughts spinning in her head, and she looked at him before replying:
" I t-think I'm going to f-faint. "
He swore and caught her before her head hit the edge of the desk. Her neck arched back as she hung limply from his arms.
" Typical Avalon. " he muttered as he lifted her and layed her gently on the couch that was along the wall.

A few moments later her eyes fluttered open, her forehead deepened by a frown, and she starred up at him.
" Do you always do this when people from your past show up? " Li smiled briefly as he brushed her long bangs back.
" I think I should have sent Meilin instead. "
" M-Meilin? " she asked blinking, trying to sit up.

She took off her glasses and pressed her palms against her eyes. " I don't think I'm prepared to ask this; but it's the only plausible explanation - Li? "
He took her hands away from her face and she blinked as his amber eyes came into focuss.
" Hai. " it was simple.
" Oh Kami. " she whispered, tensing up.
" I guess I should have prepared you a little better than this. " he admitted reluctantly.
" I thought you'd disappeared for good. "
" Do you want me to disappear? " he asked cautiously.
" Why did you come back? " she asked ignoring his question.
" Because I left something behind. " he replied, still crouching in front of her.
She frowned.
He took her glasses from her and toyed with them thoughtfully. " I had no idea how much had changed since we'd left. I'm only starting to realise how much. "
" Tell me about it. " she muttered looking at the 25 year old hunk in front of her.
He smirked knowing what she had been thinking and she blushed.
" Ano, how are the others? " she asked changing the subject. " Fine. " he replied still toying with her glasses. " Astal took off with some guys and they've been travelling for a while now, Hiiragizawa's still with Madison; they're married now. " he laughed at her stunned expression. " Meilin's engaged. " he continued.
" To who? " she asked surprised.
Li smiled. " Osakii. "
" Mika! " she gaped in shock.
" Hai. "
" And what about you? " she heald her breath.
" Hoping to be engaged shortly. " Her heart stopped.
" Oh? " she choked out. " Well I'm happy for you. Whose the lucky girl? "
" She's here in Japan. " he replied. " She has honey-brown hair, green eyes, and has a tendancy to give warning when she's going to faint. "
" Oh, like me? " she asked completely naive. He threw his head back and laughed.
" Nani? " she asked completely lost.
He brought her closer and rested his hands on her legs. " You are amazing. " he chuckled.

" I don't see what's so funny. " she replied a little miffed, blushing.
He pulled back and stood up, bringing her with him. He met her gaze and smiled.
"She has a name, this young woman I'm hoping to marry. "
Her smile was forced. Was he enjoying rubbing salt in the wound? " Oh? "
" Hai. " he leant forward and whispered in her ear. Her eyes widened after a moment and she gasped.
" You're not serious - are you ?" she asked stunned.
He nodded his head, waiting.
" But aren't you angry with me? " she asked. " I mean I lied to you. " her eyes darkened with remembered pain.

He sighed and took her hands in his. " I was, " he admitted. " But I realised what you had done for me, for us, after a lot of time thinking things through. It took me a while to find out all the facts and I knew that you'd done only what no one else but you, could have done. I realised that you were only doing what you had because you wanted to help us. Though I'm still a little edgy about the whole ' I'm a cop' thing. I'm getting over it. Besides, once I saw you again, I knew that no matter what, I couldn't give you up. At least, not without a fight. "
" But - "
" I know I'm an bakamono for taking all this time to come back. But I needed to sort myself out first before I came back and found out what had happened to you. Speaking of which, I didn't know they rewarded cops that helped wanted criminals escape prison. Isn't there a word for that? Something like Corrupted? "
" Shh! " she looked aroud wildedly. " No one knows Macc and I were behind it. "
He arched his brow.
" Oh please don't look at me like that. Why do you think I hate being in here all day? "
" Then come with me. "
" Where to? " she asked warily.
" Hong Kong. " he replied.
" What! " she gaped. " That's where we've been. In my home in China. "
" You were in china? " she asked surprised before shaking her head to clear it. " But they need me here. "
Li nodded. " I've thought about that to, when I found out who was in charge yesterday. "
" Oh no! " she gasped. " You were standing right beside me at the counter. " " Just occurred to you hey? You should have seen my face. " he smiled wryly.
" Oh Li. " her expression softened sympathetically.
" None of that. " he stated firmly. " Come back to China with me for a few weeks, no doubt you're due for a holiday. Then when you come back we can go from there. "
" But I have all this work. " she protested.
" So? It'll be all here when you come back. Leona can take care of it? "
" Leona?" she asked warily. " Since when has it been Leona? "
Li sighed knowing where this was going. " I haven't been in the business for a long time Sakura. " he said honestly.
" What is it? " he asked when she simply starred at him.
" It just occurred to me. " she said starting to smile. " It's the first time that you've called me Sakura outside of the case. "

He smiled. " I now know why you got so upset last time I called you by it. Given the position, I would have done the same"
She lowered her head guiltily. " Gomen. I wanted to tell you. But - "
He raised her chin. " I know. " he said softly. " It's in the past. It doesn't matter anymore. "
" But - "
" It doesn't matter. " he said stopping her. " All that matters is what we're going to do with here and now. "

Smiling, she walked back to her desk and pressed a red button. Her smile brightened as she saw him frown wondering what she was doing.
" Leona-san. " she said. " Cancel all my appointments from today till a few weeks away. "
" Why Avalon-san? " came the startled response.
" Because I'm going on my pre-wedding honeymoon. "
" Consider it done. " came the reply after a few moments silence. " I take it it's the hunk who came in to see you earlier? "
" Hai. " Sakura giggled at the look on Li's face. " That 'hunk' heard you by the way. "
" I don't care. " Leona replied on the com-link. " He was cute. I'm just glad one of us got to snag him. "
Li fidgeted looking anywhere but at Sakura.
" Arigato. Can you handle the rest of the afternoon without me? "
" I'm sure we can manage. "
Sakura smiled and wrapped her arms around Li. " There. Does that answer your question? " The old Sakura was back in place.
" Yeah sure. " he replied still looking a little ruffled. " Are all secretaries suppose to be like that? "
" Hopefully not. " she giggled. " That's why I hired her. "
" Go figure. " he muttered as he wrapped his arms around her waist. " So what are we going to do with the rest of the day? "

Sakura smirked and whispered something in his ear. His smirk mirrored her own.
" Now that sounds entertaining. I can't think of any better way to get re-aqquainted. "
" I'd hoped you see it my way. But if we want to get away, we'd better do it before Masaki or someone else comes looking for me. "
He picked her up and headed towards the door. " Too bad. We've already got plans. " he walked out of her office.
" Li. " she gasped. " I've left all my stuff in there! "
" Leona will you drop them by later? " he asked looking over his shoulder.
Her smirk was pure evil. " Sure, I'll leave them on the doorstep, so I don't - ah - interrupt anything. "
" Leona! " Sakura gasped as she was carried out of the foyer.
" Ja! " the red head called smiling.

Many hours later . . .

The sun had set an hour ago. The sky was still a little pink, the clouds lining the horizon as Sakura lead Li down to the storage shed. She let go of his hand and turned to him with an expression that he couldn't read. It was like a hopeful, sad expression.
" I have something for you. " she said softly. Her eyes reflected the evening sky. " I kept them safe. "

They'd driven here from Tomoeda. He fowned wondering what she had for him. She took a deep breath, turned and hauled the metal door up and walked inside. Li followed as she turned the dim light on. There were a few things sitting on the bench along the wall, but Li's attention was instantly on the huge covered item that dominated the small storage shed.

" Surprise. " Sakura smiled a little as she pulled the cover off and Li's breath caught, his eyes widening as the light reflected off the wolf on the black lancer.
" There's a few other itmes that I managed to smuggle from Macc. " she kept talking as she looked around the scattered items.
" You've had it all this time? " he asked in disbelief, running his hands along the hood.
" I hoped you would come back earlier, but yes. I've managed to keep it for you all these years. I was starting to think I'd have to keep it in here forever. I was even going to start driving it myself, but I could never do it. "
He looked up and met her gaze. " I don't know what to say. "
" Arigato is all that's needed Xiao Lang. " she smiled.
" Thanking you will never be enough. " he replied looking at his guns and other itmes.
" Oh, also, in that box over there is all the photo albums you had. We had a hard time with that one. I mean we would have had the entire Black Wolf leaders on that one, but thankfully Macc was smart. Other photo albums are there too, you might know their owners. I - " she squeaked when he hugged her gratefully.
" You are amazing. " he murmered. " You did all this for me. "
" Well it belonged to you. " she replied hugging him back. " I don't keep what doesn't belong to me. "
He kissed her.
" Ashiteru. " he met her gaze as he said it and she blushed.
" I think, " she looked down. " that's better than 'Thank you'. " she looked back up. " Ashiteru. "
Li smiled brightly. " That's definately better than 'you're welcome. "
Sakura laughed.

" You'll love it in Hong Kong. " Li said resting his forehead against hers. " I'm sure I will. " she smiled.
" It'll be just like old times. " Li replied. " I'll be driven mad by both you and Meilin again. "
" You know there is no rest for the wicked. " she teased.
Li groaned, before laughing. " Eriol's going to love this. Madison and Astal will most likely join up with you and Meilin, and God knows what all of you will get up to. I think Hiiragizawa will kill me. "
" Oh I don't know . . " she smirked, her eyes dancing. " I think maybe another traffic collision is in order. "
Li shook his head. Her smile was enfectious. He found himself smiling along with her.
" Eriol will serious kill me for this. "
Sakura giggled and hugged him close.

He was serious again before he said: " You know that the Black Wolves are dispanded now, don't you? "
Sakura nodded. " I was sad to hear it, but it had to happen one day. "
Li nodded. " Hai. Maybe one day all it's members will be reunited again, but for now, we're all going to enjoy our freedom. "
Sakura smiled. " After all these years, I'll certainly enjoy it. "

" Come on. " he said grabbing the keys and opening the doors to his lancer. Sakura smiled as she walked around the other side.

The twin turbos rumbled into life, the green neons flarring as the black lancer's tyres spun, before it sped off into the night. . . .


Please read below.

BW2 I can't believe it's the end! It's my first short fic. I hope you all liked it. I know it could have been a little better, but I couldn't fix it up anymore without completely ruining it. Please give me reviews! I love reviews as any writer would. Please don't flame me, but constructive criticism will be appriciated.

I hope you all liked it. I'm still sorry for the stuff-ups in the previous chapters, but that happens. If you happen to read these closing notes, then you may not be aware of the fact that because of the stuff-up you might have skipped a chapter. I don't know, but I thought I might mention it anyway.

Li : Go on get it over and done with.

BW2 what?

Li : Don't play coy with me, I know your dying to tell everyone about what happened last weekend.

BW2 Oh yeah! Guess what everyone? I FINALLY turned 18! I love it! I'm legally an adult! Oh and I finally got my first car too! Nothing fancy mind you ( I'm still learning and quite frankly I don't wanna prang my car ).

Now for the few mentionables that I must talk about or face sudden death by the creators of this wonderful site. One: I do not own ccs or any of it characters or any of the story lines. Two : The song that was present in this chapter was by Shannon Knoll, our very own country guy from Condobolin ( about 2 hours + from here - Parkes nsw)

Many of you would have guessed that I used some of the original concept from the movie The Fast and the Furious, and lets be honest people - who hasn't used material from that movie and it's sequel? It's gold! ( Well at least the cars, and the racing part. That always does it for me. )

I also used some things from my most loved game G.T.A III Grand Theft Auto 3 . Though I'm currently stuck in the game and I'm giving it the cold shoulder and the occassional evil glare.

And just for fun, I'd like to add that the name of Saola's gang that she belonged to - Shintaro - actually came from the manufacturing name on my computer speakers. God only knows what it means or represents, but I was desperate for a name and that's what I saw. It's amazing where ideas and names can come from hey?

Anyway people it's been a blast and I look forward to coming back again. I think I may take a short sabbatical from writing so much fanfic. I think my imagination has gone on a total burnout and I need to get the creative juices flowing again.I will be back and don't fret, I won't leave you toally devoid. I'm still writing The Old Woman, The Silent Child, And The Magician.

It's been fun and please review and before I forget - these are the wonderful people who HAVE reviewed and deserve my undivided gratitude :





Trinity Twilight

Wolf Jade

buwan anghel


Mystic Moon Empress - I love your name! I'm a Moon girl personally.


kawaii-fan - And you've apparently been loving my sisters story. Thanks for loving mine too.

AnimeObsessionFantasy - I haven't heard from you in a while and I'm glad that you've come back!

Lil LoveStar

For all of you, thank you for reviewing and I hope you will continue to do so. With all that said I must leave you all now, and to all those that review after this, I can't thank you enough and although I may not mention you, you DO NOT go UNNOTICED. I cherish all my reviewers.
