Sesshomaru was staring at them, his eyes glazed over, his own blood running a river into the street.

Kagome screamed loudly and started bawling. Inuyasha grabbed her tightly and she fell into his grasp, unconscious.

Inuyasha put her on his back and ran to the nearest pay phone to call the police. He knew they would probably be on the way but he called the ambulance as well.

When the ambulance and the police arrived Kagome had finally woken up. She shook violently in Inuyasha's arms. She then realized as they loaded him into the ambulance that Miroku and Sango would be waiting for them at her house. She called Sango's cell phone and told her between sobs that they would have to do band practice the next day.

Sango asked what was going on but Kagome hung up.

Inuyasha and Kagome caught a cab and made their way to the hospital. Inuyasha had a lost look in his eyes. If Sesshomaru had indeed died, than he had no more family. He was alone, sure Sesshomaru had tried to kill him more than once but he was still family.

Kagome hugged Inuyasha in the cab the whole way. She was crying, she had seen a man lying in his own blood on a street corner, scenes like that don't leave in a matter of minutes.

And so they sat there and thought about what had just occurred. It seemed time had stopped for that one moment, like they were lost in an alternate universe.

Kagome grasped Inuyasha's limp hand tightly and he looked at her with a hopeless gaze. She felt tears on the brim of her eyes before she turned away.

"Kagome... I-I.-I'm sorry..."

She looked at him and placed a slender finger on her lips. "You have nothing to apologize for."

He looked at her and tears started flowing down his handsom face. Kagome embraced him and held him tightly until the cab ride was over.

They made it to the hospital and were greeted by a solemn looking doctor. "Ms. Higurashi, Mr. Sushitama, thank you for being here. I have some terrible news to give you." He turned to Inuyasha. "Your brother has passed away. I'm sorry."

Inuyasha flinched at the doctors words and tears flowed free down his face once more. "That's it, I've lost it, I've lost it all. I have no family left, I'm alone... All alone in the world."

His words cut through Kagome's heart like a dagger and she took him to the waiting room to sit down. "Inuyasha, I'm here for you. I love you Inuyasha, you're not alone."

He looked hopelessly at her. "I know you love me, but you're not my flesh and blood. I have no one Kagome, in my family. It's not the same... It's no where close!"

She knew he was hurting but she couldn't help feeling just as hurt by his words. She held his chin and made him look deep into her eyes.

"Do you love me?" She asked quietly.


"Do you love me!" She asked louder.

"Of course I do! Kagome, I, I don't know what to think anymore. I know we love each other but is that enough?"

"Is that enough?" His words echoed in her mind a dozen times.

"Do you think it is? Is having someone there for you whenever, wherever and for whatever you need! Inuyasha please open your eyes, your family is gone but I'm here, I'll help you get through this I promise."

He looked up and kissed her, tasting the saltiness her tears and feeling his own flow free.

Kagome knew in her heart that they were soul mates at this point. She knew God had put him in her life to help the both of them. For better, for worse, for tragedy, for joy, together now and forever.

Hey, omg... I am sooooooo sorry for not updating sooner. I feel terrible! Just so much has been going on in my life. So I know this one is short but hopefully now I can update sooner! Enjoy my faithful reviewers! Luv you all!
