Reviews for A School Project?
Violet Shadow Kurayami chapter 11 . 3/4/2008


Talon05 chapter 11 . 7/12/2005
Good story more please
mgnc chapter 11 . 7/3/2005
Hey, is this really done or what? Well, my first encounter with your story, its starting to get interesting but I'm very disappointed that this story has to end soon. Anyway, GOOD JOB! Good Luck for your other responsibilities! Love Lots,mgnc
mgnc chapter 5 . 7/3/2005
You know, I suggest that you'll make your story much longer than the other chapters! Ganbatte Kudasai!
mgnc chapter 2 . 7/3/2005
Hello again! Well, this chapter was quite sweet. But i suggest that you'll make your story much longer than this... Bye!
mgnc chapter 1 . 7/3/2005
Hi there, LittleMissAttitudelol! Well, your story is starting to become interesting as well.I Hope the second chapter will be good! Have a lucks of Goods!
Akeryou-sama chapter 11 . 7/1/2005
ITs weird... but i like it... Really good! Update soon!
kittykitty1234 chapter 10 . 6/17/2005
love the cliffy at the end, so suspenseful! only complaint is that kagome & inu fell in love 2 fast, sorry:(! hopin to read more!
kittykitty1234 chapter 10 . 6/17/2005
love the cliffy at the end, so suspenseful! only complaint is that kagome & inu fell in love 2 fast, sorry:(! hopin to read more!
noneofurbusiness chapter 10 . 6/13/2005
Grr! I hate you! update plaese! pretty please? with a cherry on top?
kentana chapter 10 . 5/29/2005
oh please, i want inuyasha with a acustic guitar that has blood red flames. and miroku has a an acustic guitar with silver and navy blue crazy stars intwining eachother. that sounds cool dosn't it?
Kyome Takashi chapter 10 . 5/25/2005
It rocks keep it
spider chapter 10 . 5/23/2005
inuyasha an electric guitar and miroku a bass guitar and songo the drums and on one or two songs inuyasha sould help kagome sing
Inuyashas' Plaything chapter 10 . 5/22/2005
WHAT? don't end it there! what happens now? please please please please please update soon! I love your story!
natasha chapter 10 . 5/21/2005
Inuyasha sould play the lead electric guitar, and miroku should play bass. Oh, make inuyasha really good, so good that when kagome hears him she almost fiants, and make inuyasha like all surpised, make him think he can't play well, kinda like he's clueless. And could you please make him say that he taught himself and never got any lessons.
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