A/N: All right, I am not putting off my other phics... (Clears throat and shifts eyes) Actually, school has been rather hectic lately, BUT all school is cancelled until Friday because of this hurricane Frances! (I live in Florida).

A/N: Anyway, this phic is actually based off a terrifying dream I recently had... (Shivers) So, basically, I put Christine in my place (whatever happens to her happened to me in my dream... -sniffs-... 'Twas scary!) Well, this is a modern retelling of Phantom! Enjoy!

A Stolen Life

Christine's POV

Chapter One

I sang quietly, combing through my mass of blonde curls. Yawning, I carelessly dropped the comb into the drawer. Brushing my teeth, I drew in a breath, savoring the clean, mint feeling in my mouth. I shut off the light, emerging from the bathroom and ambling down the small hallway.

"Night, Mom!" I called across the house, my voice traveling through the barren kitchen and into my parents' room. "Night, Daddy!"

"Goodnight, Christine." They replied, their voices somewhat faint.

I pranced into my bedroom, gently closing the door behind me. Shaking off my clothes, I slipped into a pair of checkered pajama pants and a light pink tank top. I hopped into my comfortable bed, snuggling under the pink covers. As I rested my head on the soft pillow, I turned on my CD player, the Jekyll and Hyde musical soundtrack caressing my ears. My eyes wandered around my room, adjusting to the utter darkness. The relentless gaze first settled on the diminutive television that sat there dully. Its lifeless screen stared back at me, before my azure eyes rested on my Broadway posters that happily rested on my ashen walls. Grasping my pillow, I stole a glance at the clock that flashed "1:07 AM". Smirking, I stretched my little arms. It was Friday night; the time I fell asleep didn't matter in the slightest manner. However, I was going to my best friend's, Meg's, house tomorrow - bright and early. Tomorrow was my 18th birthday, and Meg and I were simply going to go out to eat and catch a movie. I probably would regret this late night. I hummed in unison with the music, as my thoughts ultimately drifted into a dreamless sleep.

My eyes slowly began to flutter open, once I heard a rustling in the silence. Peering at the clock, it glowed with the numbers "3:02 AM", and my music no longer filled my room with its appealing melody. My first assumption was that the rustling was purely the bushes sweeping against my window, and my CD had turned off when it had reached the last song; but when my partially open eyes drank in the sight of my open door and a shadow moving about, they resumed their closed position as my body froze. Terror consumed me, as my clutch on the bed sheets tightened.

"I know you're awake." A voice informed me in a smooth whisper.

Suppressing a sob of panic, I opened my eyes once more – only to find a man standing over me. Considering the fact that the room was dark and a fedora covered the majority of his face, I couldn't quite make out his appearance. He must have been dressed in only black, for the darkness seemed to camouflage him. The only things I was able to see were his hazel eyes; they were glowing, or that was merely the impression they gave off.

"Who are you?" I choked out, slowly rising.

A chuckle.

A dark chuckle, that is, surrounded me. The hairs on my arms stood, as goose bumps covered my body.

"Get up." He commanded, ignoring my question of his identity. When I sat there, my terrified eyes simply staring at him, he emitted a sigh of frustration. "Get up!" He barked, his sharp order causing me to stagger out of my bed. "Get dressed." He stated, resuming his unnerving calmness.

My eyes wearily remained locked on his eerie form, as I stumbled to my closet. Removing a pair of khaki knickers and a long-sleeved blue shirt, I grasped the clothing, standing there for a moment. As he slowly turned his back on me, I quickly donned the outfit.

"All right." I whispered, wrapping my arms around me tightly.

I furrowed my brow, as I watched him retrieve an item from his coat. Swiftly, he turned on his heel and covered my nose and mouth with an inexplicable substance. Withdrawing his graceful hand, his eyes merely studied me, as I began to sway back and forth.

"W-what did you do to me?" I murmured, bringing my hand up to my clammy cheek. "Who... are... you?"

I was feeling extremely dizzy; my surroundings became incredibly hazy, while I felt as heavy as lead. The last thing I could remember was the stranger catching my collapsing body.

I groaned; my head ached appallingly. Perhaps, it was a dream. That's it! A frightening dream that would haunt me for a few hours, before I resumed my sleeping position. Opening my eyes, I was met with the sight of a lovely room. It had been decorated with a Victorian style, with the exception of the television. Throwing my legs over the side of the bed, I hastily threw off the scarlet covers and grabbed the bedpost as to steady myself. Gaining my composure, my eyes settled on a light pink vanity that had been placed by a walk-in closest. A rather large television had been situated in front of the bed, and crimson curtains veiled glass doors that led to a balcony. My gaze instantly darted to two enormous wooden doors, which seemed to silently reprimand me. Scurrying towards the entrance, I seized the golden doorknob and twisted it.


It was locked! Why, dear God in heaven, why was this happening to me? Crystal tears began to form in my wide eyes, journeying down the crevasses of my cheeks. I rapidly slapped myself, praying that this was a cruel dream that I would wake up to.


I slapped myself again, this time leaving a red mark on the side of my face.

Still nothing.

I emitted a heart-wrenching sob, as I pushed my blonde ringlets from my face and clutched at them tightly. Numerous thoughts and inquiries cascaded throughout my body, sweeping through me just as a broom sweeps a floor. Wringing my hands, I kicked the door with a force that had been born from my terror and anger.

At the moment, I was feeling terror more than anger, but I would undoubtedly be filled with rage later.

"Hello?" I inquired to the vacant air around me. My voice echoed in the large room, and it seemed to ricochet off of the walls only to return to my ears. "Let me out!" I cried, my voice vociferous. The tears landed on my claret lips, granting me a taste of their bitter saltiness.

"Ah, you're awake." A male voice answered my cries, as the doors immediately opened.

Startled, I retreated a few steps. It was the man from the previous night... yet I hadn't noticed that he was wearing a porcelain mask that covered his entire face. My eyes wandered over his body, mentally noting that he was wearing a black suit and a matching cloak.

"Who are you?" I repeated my question that had remained unanswered.

"Erik." He replied with a tranquility that made me quite uncomfortable.

"Where am I?"

"Oh," He said, offering me his hand. "I suppose I must show you around, Christine."

"How do you know my name?" I asked, my eyes broadening.

"I know many things about you," He paused, studying me for a moment, "Christine."

Crossing my arms against my chest, I only glared at his awaiting hand. His hand still extended, Erik led me from the room, appearing as if he were gliding across the floor. His movements were extraordinarily graceful, as was his voice. It seemed to wrap me in an intoxicating embrace. As we sauntered down a burgundy staircase, my eyes continually scanned the area for a means of escape.

When we reached what seemed to be the main entrance, relief and rushed excitement swam over me, as I saw the front door.

"This is the main entrance, Christine." Erik informed me impassively. "Through that door is the Louis-Phillipe room. And that room," He pointed his slender finger towards another door, "is the library. I know you enjoy reading. It also consists of opera and musical librettos, for I know you love those, as well."

As captivating as his voice was, I kept finding myself drawn to the front door. Slowly, I began to move towards it, as if it were pleading with me to open it. No doubt I wanted to. As he made his way towards the library, I made a dash for the front door. My anxious, hurried footsteps indisputably would catch his immediate attention, so I attempted to run even faster.

Panting, I clutched the knob, swinging open the door... but as soon as the door opened, my kidnapper slammed it shut. Whirling around, I found myself backed up against the door by him.

I wheezed, a tear slipping out of my eye and falling to the ground. I was so close. I was so close to freedom. I was so close to seeing my family again... I was so close to waking up from this nightmare.

"Christine, I really must advise you never to attempt that again." He callously whispered into my ear, lifting my chin with his index finger. "In fact, I insist upon it." His warm breath passed over my face, as I shuddered. His demeanor was cold, serious, and... deadly.

Grabbing my arm firmly yet not too forcefully, he pulled me from the entrance hall. Erik brought me to the back of the house, after showing me the kitchen and additional rooms. Pushing open a door, luscious jade grass was revealed to us. The grass blew in the wind, sitting calmly before a marble porch that was surrounded with massive columns, which supported the mansion.

"It's... beautiful..." I said breathlessly, forgetting my troubles for a fleeting second.

Then, something struck me.

He had brought me here...


Where there were no doors.

"But there are no doors." I murmured, pushing a lock behind my ear.

As if acting upon instinct, I jerked my arm away from him and darted towards a pillar. But, once again, he was too fast. A pair of strong arms wrapped themselves around my waist, dragging me backwards. Suddenly, fury joined my tears, as I began to kick and scream.

"Let go of me!" I shrieked, flailing my legs about and grabbing the side of the door. "Please!" I began to sob, as my body became unbelievably tired from the screaming.

He only sighed, managing to shut and lock the door, while I remained in his unyielding grip.

"Christine, Christine..." He breathed against my neck, as he pulled me upstairs and threw me into what I assumed was now my room. "I don't know if I can ever trust you." He paused, staring at me for a moment. "Oh, and happy birthday." He said quietly.

And with that, he slammed the door, the lock resounding in my sore head. Dropping to the ground, several tears trailed my cheeks, as my sobs echoed. I wrapped my trembling arms around my knees, bringing them close to my chest. What kind of hands had I fallen into?

"I want... to go... home..." I managed to say in between sobs. "I want... to wake... up from... this... nightmare..."

But in the back of my mind, I knew that I would not be waking up any time soon.

A/N: SOOO, what do y'all think?? Should I continue? Please, R&R! I hope you like my modern Phantom retelling so far!