DISCLAIMER: Slayers belongs to someone other then me. The song that Xelloss sings is called "I Could Love You Like That" and is the product of the band "All 4 One", meaning it's not mine.
AN: Well, this is the final re-write of Only Love. I hope you enjoy this version; the other one was tedious and hard to understand… I hope this is easier.
Please note I do NOT have a beta, so please forgive any mistakes I may have made, I do do spell check and read over my work but there are always things missed.
AND HERE WE ARE COMPLETE... It's been a long road with a lot of ups and downs, but i've got it done and learned some valuable lessons along the way, the first being to never start posting a story i haven't completed previously. I am so sorry it took me so long. Anyway, HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!
Reviews are as always appreciated.
Xelloss had known before he stepped on stage what song he wanted to sing, and with a slight smile he dove into it, his voice crooning out into the ears of the audience, but more importantly, to Filia.
To the side, Lina's superior smirk faded as she stared at him, shivering as she realised that in a few lines of a song he had everyone hypnotised.
"They read you Cinderella, you hoped it would come true, that one day your prince charming would come rescue you. You like romantic movies, and you never will forget, the way you felt when Romeo kissed Juliette. And all this time you've been waiting, you don't have to wait no more."
He smiled.
"I can love you like that, I would make you my world, move heaven and earth, if you were my girl. I would give you my heart, be all that you need, show you you're everything, that's precious to me, if you give me a chance, I can love you like that."
Throughout the entire song Xelloss' eyes did not stray from Filia and her heart swelled, rising up in her throat as she realised what he was trying to tell her. Tears of happiness welled in her eyes, her emotions so overwhelming she couldn't do anything but stare.
Xelloss heart cracked as he saw her tears, keeping his façade up until he finished, bowing to the cheering audience, he smile fading as he sighed sadly and turned, vanishing back into the shadows of the stage with one last sad glance at the crying Filia. He'd had enough of this pain.
Filia sat on that hill crying in happiness, but fear was quickly rising in its stead as he didn't reappear. He loved her, she couldn't believe it, he actually loved her! She sobbed her heart out clutching her wolf toy like a lifeline.
After a long time she stopped crying and slowly stood, deciding she should just go back to the inn and chase him up once she'd rested a bit. No sooner was she on her feet did a wave of dizziness rush through her forcing her to sit back down, closing her eyes and gasping, feeling sick.
She sat there as the dizziness faded, realising she'd pushed her already exhausted body too far, and crying hadn't helped things at all. A breeze kicked up and she shivered, feeling it rush over her skin.
She started as something warm was dropped over her shoulders, looking around to find it was Xelloss' cloak. Her head whipped around but she couldn't see him anywhere. She pulled it around her, burying her face in it, breathing in his scent.
"Xelloss…" She whispered sadly. Cheering and clapping drew her attention back to the stage where the man had once again appeared, she wondered if he was the town mayor.
"Well ladies and gentlemen we're ready to announce the winner of our song-fest contest!" The cheering rose in volume and he laughed. "After careful deliberation we have decided to name Xelloss Metallium as the winner! Come down and accept your prize!"
Xelloss walked up onto the stage and Filia watched him desperately, wanting to go to him but unable to find the strength to move, her hands gripped his cloak tighter and he glanced towards her, something unreadable passing across his face before he looked back to the man with a smile, graciously accepting the trophy and bag of money.
Filia reached out a hand as he stepped off the stage, his eyes catching hers. Silently she pled with him to go to her, to not run away, but he vanished into shadow and her head fell forward, her hand dropping limply into her lap.
She clung to his cloak, wrapping it around herself and burying her face in it, shaking and just feeling sick of the pain and the fear and the exhaustion and just wanting Xelloss to be holding her instead of his cloak.
The sound of a throat being cleared had her head shooting up, twisting around to find a stunning blonde woman standing a few feet from her, a tight hold on a slightly squirming Xelloss' shoulder.
"I do believe you lost something." She told Filia with a sharp smile, before turning a glare on Xelloss. "Stop running." She scolded before her expression softened and she ran a hand through his hair before vanishing, causing the off balance Xelloss to fall to the ground beside a staring Filia.
They stared at each other for a long moment before Filia slowly, tentatively reached out a hand to him. Xelloss took it and Filia smiled at him, her eyes searching his face.
"Did you mean it?" Her eyes were wide and hopeful. Xelloss laughed slightly, sighing as he reached for the flowers lying on the ground beside Filia.
"The blue Camelia; you're a flame in my heart. The pink Camelia; longing for you. The yellow Jonquil; love me." He looked up at her and brushed her cheek with his free hand, smile softening as she leant into his touch, her eyes soft. "Yes, I meant it."
His eyes are locked onto hers and Filia silently begs him to say it, begs him to put her pain to an end. Her breath catches as something in his eyes, angular and sharp as they were, whispered vulnerability.
"I love you…" He whispered and Filia's face lit up as she threw herself into his arms, laughing and crying and clinging to him.
"You have no idea how many times I've dreamt those words… how long I've wanted you." She lifted her head and smiled at him. "Probably about as long as it's been that I've wanted to tell you that I love you too."
His face split into a smile, an honest, sweet smile, with no hint of any of his usual guile, mischief or darkness and with a gentle hand on hr cheek he leant down and pressed his lips to hers in a soft kiss.
They parted slowly and Filia's eyes slowly opened to meet his, her lips curved into a slightly loopy smile. Xelloss' own smile widened slightly as he leant down, his lips next to her ear so he could whisper to her.
"Swear to be mine? For forever?" Filia shivered and laughed lightly.
"I swear it, after all… I think I always was." Xelloss chuckled and claimed her lips in another kiss as they forgot the world around them.
Around the green people smiled and left their hiding places, slipping away to give the pair some privacy. Their mission was complete, the Mazoku and Ryuzoku were together. Love had triumphed again, and they'd be able to brag of this for years to come.
Far away on Wolf Pack Island Zelas smiled to herself as she watched her 'son' find the happiness and love she had prepared for so carefully into his being.