Paris- A junior at college, a shameless playboy, and an amateur trying to model.

Briseis- Hector and Paris's cousin who's living with them and a junior at a private high school who's plans to become a nun.

Priam- The owner of the successful coffeeshop, Café Troy.

Hector- Priam's eldest son who's about to take on his father's job and not doing well at it.

Andromache- Hector's wife and a teacher at Paris's college.

Odysseus- The menacing tax collector.

Helen- A world famous model who's trying to help Paris and the wife of Menelaus.

Menelaus/Agamemnon- Agamemnon is the mayor of the city and Menelaus is a bank manager and they're brothers.

Achilles- Does the dirty work for Agamemnon because he needs money to finish college.

And now the real story...

"Paris! GET UP!" Hector roared and started to make his way toward Paris's room. Glancing nervously at his watch, Hector flung open the door and immediately wished he hadn't.

Paris was sitting on his bed with a girl on his lap, whispering into her ear. As soon as Hector stepped in, Paris jumped up and exclaimed with his hands up,

"I didn't do it!"

Hector was already running late on schedule so all he did was sharply say,

"I want you down at the breakfast table in 5 minutes."

"But I need at least 10 minutes for my hair!" Paris protested, but shut his mouth as soon as he saw the storm come over Hector's face.

Hector rushed back downstairs where Andromache and Briseis were sitting at the breakfast table. Andromache gulped down a glass of milk and jumped up to give Hector a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Gotta go," she said hurriedly and practically fled out the door as if something was chasing her. Hector looked down at his watch again and sighed. Yep, something was chasing all of them and that was time.

Paris came running down the stairs and took one look at Briseis who was dressed in a wrinkle-free white blouse, a horrible, plaid wool skirt, white tights, and knee length boots.

Paris shook his head at his cousin and said critically,

"Please tell me you are not going to school in that."

Briseis looked down at her uniform innocently and said,

"But I have to wear this."

"And I have to get you two out of here so I can open my café!" Hector interrupted and pushed them both out the door.

"But this isn't your café," Paris pointed out, but the door slammed in their face.

"Jerk," Paris grumbled and waved for a taxi.


Hector was measuring a cup of sugar when a hand slammed down on his shoulder. He groaned when he saw who it was. Odysseus, the tax collector, was dressed in black trench coat that looked like it had been stolen from the set of the Matrix. Black sunglasses covered his eyes.

"It's a good day for business," Odysseus remarked, looking around the café.

"What do you want?" Hector demanded, not at all liking the way that Odysseus had strutted in like a mafia lord.

"Money," Odysseus whispered. "Bills and the taxes you owe me."

"And what if I don't give them to you?" Hector challenged.

"Then I send Achilles," Odysseus threatened, narrowing his eyes.

"And he'll do what?" Hector asked.

"He'll tear every single little penny from your pockets," Odysseus hissed and whipping around with his trench coat, marched out the café.