Chapter 4: Mega Robo Fiend

The almighty roar from Robo Fiend was almost deafening. Sheen eyes widened as he knew what had happened.

"Holy crap! What level did you put it on?" Sheen asked loudly.

"Uh...64." Cindy replied in a low voice.

"64?! Not only do we have to face him at Mega Robo Fiend level to start, but he has the Electron Cannon as well! One direct hit from that monstrosity of a laser and you are outta here! We need an Ultra Crystal!" Sheen shouted.

"Taste my Atomic Breath, cosmic adventurers!" Robo Fiend shouted as he attacked.

Ultra Lord put his shield up and everyone started to dart behind him.

"Behind me Battle Buddies!" Ultra Lord shouted.

Cindy didn't have the time to take cover behind Ultra Lord as she was too busy trying to wake Jimmy up. She darted in the opposite direction to avoid the Atomic Breath and was just able to pull Jimmy out of the dispersing putrid green cloud. She knew that their only hope of victory lay in the limp, battered, bruised and scratched form of Jimmy Neutron so reviving him was paramount.

"Don't worry about a thing." Sheen said reassuringly. "We'll be fine so long as Ultra Lord's shield holds."

While Robo Fiend was busy, Cindy took the opportunity to pull Jimmy away and hide him. She sat on the rocky ground and sighed deeply.

'What to do. What to do!' She thought to herself. It seemed that Jimmy wouldn't be coming around anytime soon so she would have to make do with her brain and not his.

"Maybe I should try one of his brain blasts." She suggested to herself. "Think! Think! Think!" She thought of an idea. Jimmy had mentioned something about an Ultra Crystal and so had Sheen. As Robo Fiend was at a high level and already powered up, the possibility of an Ultra Crystal being right under their noses was very high.

"Brain blast!" She shouted with joy. She looked over to see what was happening to Ultra Lord and the others. Robo Fiend launched his Electron Cannon which shattered Ultra Lord's shield and proceeded to batter him.

"Argh! That's going to leave an ultra bruise!" Ultra Lord said as his blackened body fell to the ground.

"Ultra Lord! NNNOOOOOO!" Sheen screamed. "Ultra Lord...I should have done something. I'm a bad Battle Buddy."

Libby grabbed Sheen and pulled his out of the way as Robo Fiend used his Magma Cannon.

"Hey guys!" Cindy shouted. "Keep Robo Fiend busy for a few minutes!"

"What?" Libby asked.

Sheen grabbed Libby and Carl and they ran away with Robo Fiend in hot pursuit. Cindy took this opportunity to go back to the starting location and look under the rocks. She started lifting them up and after a few minutes she found a snake with an Ultra Crystal on its tail.

"It's such an obvious place to put it that no-one would ever look there." She said.

"That's true." A voice said.

Cindy jumped and turned to see Jimmy standing, rather weakly, in front of her.

"Jimmy! You're conscious!" She said with glee. She forgot her supposed hate for him and embraced him in a tight hug for a minute.


"Hey Robo loser! Is that the rotting carcass of a Ragillion Mole Bat I smell? Or is that just your Robo bunk!" Sheen shouted.

"Sheen! What are you doing?" Libby asked.

"Just hide. I'll distract him until Cindy arrives." Sheen replied.

Robo Fiend launched a volley of rockets at Sheen. Sheen gasped and ran, rockets pounding the ground around him.


"What's happening?" Jimmy asked.

"Carl, Sheen and Libby are being attacked by Robo Fiend...and a big Robo Fiend at that!" Cindy explained.

"Mega Robo Fiend...quick! Give me that Ultra Crystal!" Jimmy said.

Cindy lifted the rock up and swiped the Ultra Crystal away from the snake and handed it to Jimmy.

"Power...flowing through my body...revitalising me and there's enough to transform me into...Ultra Jimmy!" Jimmy stated as the power of the crystal increased his size.

"My God..." Cindy muttered.

"I guess I am." Jimmy joked. He picked Cindy up and placed her on one of his shoulders and then ran off to save his friends.


Robo Fiend laughed maniacally as he had got Sheen backed up against a cliff.

"Prepare to taste my Electron Cannon, cosmic adventurer!" He roared.

Sheen started to shiver. He was scared of what would happen to him...what would happen to his comrades and, most of all, what would happen to Libby.

"Hold it Robo Fiend!" Jimmy shouted.

"Jimmy! Save me!" Sheen shouted.

Robo Fiend turned to see Jimmy stomping towards him.

"What? Where did you come from?" He asked, surprised.

"It's time to end this Robo Fiend. Prepare to face the power of my intellect!" Jimmy shouted.

"Taste Magma first!" Robo Fiend replied and attacked.

Jimmy held a hand out an absorbed the attack before returning it to Robo Fiend.

"Take that Robo Fiend!" Jimmy shouted as he launched his own attack. He held his hands up to the sky and bolts of lightning started to pummel Robo Fiend, frying his circuits.

"Arrrggghhh! You'll pay for advent-" Robo Fiend was cut off as he ran out of power.

"Way to go Jimmy!" Carl shouted.

"You're my hero. I love you Jimmy." Sheen said as he rushed over to Jimmy and started to kiss his trainer.

"I hate to admit it, but you were awesome Neutron." Cindy said, blushing as she complimented him.

Jimmy was about to reply when they were transported out of the game and back into his lab.

"Well, I've learned my lesson." Cindy admitted.

"I guess my Game Pyramid still has a few bugs in it...actually, I won't bother sorting it out. This is one invention that will never be seen again!" Jimmy said.

"Whew, there's no way I'm ever going to play that game again until next week." Sheen said.

"Er...I don't think I want to play Llamapalooza 2 on your game thingy after what just happened." Carl said.

"If you guys don't mind, I'd like to be alone to work on dismantling this baby." Jimmy said.

"Sure." Carl said as he left.

"Okay, and thanks for saving us Jimmy." Libby said as she left.

"Yeah, well...catch ya later Neutron." Cindy waved to him as she left.

"Jimmy? Take care of my game CD until I want it back." Sheen said. He didn't want to see it for the moment.

"Sure thing Sheen." Jimmy smiled at his friend.

"Unless you wanna go a quick round against the level 5 Robo Fiend!" Sheen suggested.

"I thought you'd never ask! Let's play!" Jimmy said as he set the level for 5.

Sheen and Jimmy stood on the panels and they were transported to the Ultra Planetoid.

"Greetings life forms! I'm about to engage Robo Fiend in pitched combat. Would you like to be my Battle Buddies?" Ultra Lord asked.

"Yep, here we go again." Jimmy commented.

The End...


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