Author's Note: Well here's the end of the story. And because the birthday party's in it, I gave this chapter a double portion of fluff (what birthday cake would be without it)! And I hope you enjoy it.


Sunset, my favorite time of day 009 mused as he took a deep breath of the salty sea spray strolling along the shore holding 003's hand. They were taking a walk after discovering that everybody else in the beach house had suddenly disappeared except for the two of them. Upon that discovery, Francoise had suggested a walk on the beach. They walked along, bathed in the golden glory of the dying day.

Joe turned his attention on the lovely blonde girl beside him and silently gave thanks that she had survived her ordeal with Merry relatively unscathed although he was still very solicitous and protective of her, wanting to be sure she was fully recovered. He squeezed her hand and she turned and awarded him with one of her sweetly dazzling smiles.

"How're you doing?" he asked softly.

"I'm fine, Joe," she replied. "Stop worrying."

"You're asking the impossible, tenshi. I'm always going to worry about you," Joe said with an engaging smile as he pulled her closer. "I very nearly lost you so can you blame me?"

Francoise shook her golden head. "No, because I feel the same way. I very nearly lost you." She reached up to plant a kiss on his cheek and anticipating her move, Joe turned to meet her lips with his for a more passionate response as his arms encircled her and drew her in. She eagerly snaked her own arms up and under his sinewy arms, encompassing his leanly muscled torso.

After a period of several tender minutes they pulled apart and Joe said, "You sure recovered in record time. I thought it would take at least a week. That was quite a jolt she gave you."

"Uh-uh," Francoise agreed. "But thank heaven for 001 and his abilities. If not for his psychic field, she'd have finished me." She smiled and reached up to brush his unruly mahogany bangs back as he lowered his head with a frown at her grim statement. "But I have no regrets, I was never, ever going to let her succeed in taking you away from me. I'll never let anyone ever hurt you, Joe."

He held her tightly, her sweet words touching him deeply as he said, his voice thick with emotion, "I love you, Francoise. With all my heart and everything in me."

"I love you too. And another reason I had to get better was to wish you a Happy Birthday." She gave him an impish grin as she said, "I remembered today is your birthday."

Joe gave a bashful shrug as he said, "That doesn't matter to me, I told you my birthday is no big deal. Besides, there's no other way I'd rather celebrate it then like this, with you." He reached and cupped her porcelain visage with his hands and drew her in for another long kiss and then when he broke apart he said mischievously, "That tastes better than any birthday cake I can think of."

"Oh you!" Francoise giggled as she slapped at his chest playfully and then spied her wristwatch. Her aqua eyes flew open in alarm. "Oh no!"

Joe was immediately concerned as he grasped her shoulders. "What is it, koishii? Are you feeling sick again? Damn, I knew you needed more rest, I never should have taken us this far from the house." He frowned as he noticed the beach house was a mere speck down the beach and he made to scoop her up but she laid a restraining hand on him.

"Relax, Joe. I'm fine really, I was just remembering that I forgot to leave a note for the others. If they come back and find us gone, they'll wonder where we are. Let's head back to leave a note and then we can head to the cliff and continue our celebration." The light of invitation was in her tropic orbs.

Joe gave a slow grin as her promise lit a fire within his body. "Okay. But we'll use my accelerator so we can get it done fast, the sun is almost completely set." He reached and cradled Francoise in his arms then clicked his tooth. "Acceleration mode!" and they were off.

In the twinkling of an eye, the two cyborgs were at the beach house, which still looked deserted, and dark in the fading light of day. Hand in hand, Joe and Francoise climbed the stairs and got to the door.

She turned and stopped him as she said, "I promise it won't be long."

He smiled and said amiably, "Take your time, koibito. I'll wait downstairs for you." He opened the door for her and followed her into the den then through the hall and doorway into the dining room.

"Boy, it's dark in here," he commented as he looked around. "I wonder where everybody went."

"I don't know," Francoise said vaguely. "Let's turn on a light."

She reached and switched on the light. "SURPRISE!!" The rest of the team and Dr. Gilmore all jumped out of various hiding places as she turned and looked at Joe's dumbfounded expression, her own face lit with a smile.

Joe stood there speechless, struck dumb by the realization of the painstaking planning that must have taken place to accomplish what was before his eyes. The dining room was festooned with colorful streamers and balloons and a vibrant banner that read "HAPPY BIRTHDAY 009 stretched across the wall. On the table there was a pile of brightly wrapped presents and a huge cake frosted in white with green and blue trim and HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOE scrawled on it with 20 candles surrounding the words

He turned to Francoise and said matter-of-factly, "You planned all this, didn't you?"

Jet stepped forward. "She had the idea but actually we all planned it. That's why we kept things on the Q.T. around here from you." He wrapped an arm around the stunned Japanese youth's shoulders and said, "Yeah, but you split on us buddy and almost ruined everything."

Francoise admonished, "Jet, leave him alone. He was sure we had been keeping him out of something important, you can't blame him." She lowered her head sheepishly. "Please forgive us, Joe."

Joe reached his arm around her and squeezed her tight. "Done, koishii." It was now 009's turn to be sheepish "Sorry, guys. I was real flaky for the last couple of days so please forgive me."

"Consider it done," Albert stated. "Now let's sit down and get this party going."

So without further ado, Jet and Francoise took the flabbergasted Joe by the arms and sat him at the head of the table as Chang and GB lit the candles on the cake. Then they all broke into the old standby:

Happy Birthday to you,

Happy birthday to you,

Happy birthday dear Joe,

Happy birthday to you!

Joe got ready to blow out the candles when Francoise reminded him. "Don't forget to make a wish."

Joe nodded as he scanned the room and saw the faces of his comrades, his family and for the first time thanked God for the negative circumstances that brought him into this intimate circle. They were all smiling warmly, genuinely glad to have him back and he could feel the security one feels when in the bosom of their home. He felt a gentle hand land like a butterfly on his and saw Francoise's beautiful tropic eyes gazing lovingly at him and realized he had everything he had ever or could ever wish for right now. But indulging her, he closed his cinnamon eyes and wished then blew out the candles.

The room erupted in applause as 007, never one without a quick quip said, "A year older and wiser, my dear boy. Many happy returns."

"Thanks, 007," Joe said as Francoise handed him the knife to begin cutting the cake and the festivities continued. . . .

Later, Joe was standing on the deck, watching the full moon as the lacy clouds surrounded it and marveled at the amazing events that had taken place in the stretch of a week. He had very nearly walked away from the group of people that meant the world to him and shook his head in self-disgust reprimanding himself.

Baka he said to himself in Japanese How could you even think that these wonderful people would hurt you and reject you? For the first time in your life I you're truly accepted and wanted. They did nothing but accept you unconditionally since the day they sprung you from Black Ghost.

A soft breeze brought the fragrance of roses to his nose and without turning he knew immediately that Francoise had joined him. On her dancer's feet, she soundlessly made her way to lean over the rail, by his side.

"Penny for your thoughts," she murmured as he took her right hand and enclosed it in both of his.

"I was just thinking about everything that's happened this week. One thing's certain, since becoming a cyborg there's never a dull moment in my life," Joe remarked.

"Well, that's indeed true," Francoise agreed. "But I still can't help but think of the past lives we had led before everything, the dreams and hopes we had." She gave a sad little sigh.

Joe nodded as he said, "My past life was not one that had that luxury." He frowned as he thought about Sam, Jan, and Merry and what had really happened to his three friends.

Francoise gazed at him and seeing his solemn expression said, "I know and I'm sorry about that, Joe." She took her free arm and wrapped it about his lean waist, hugging him.

Joe gazed at her and his heart pounded with the intensity of the love he possessed for the lithe dancer standing with him. Never in all his life before did he even dream that someone like her would give him the time of day, let alone care for and love him. He took one hand and ran the back of it across her dewy cheek in a slow caress.

"You have nothing to be sorry about, koishii." He sighed as he continued, "My past life has been like a set of shackles and chains, keeping me encumbered and bound. That's why I want to do what I can to defeat the Black Ghost, so others won't ever feel that they are bound to anyone or anything."

Francoise felt the admiration for the tall cyborg commander grow within her bosom and she planted a kiss on his cheek. "You are an amazing man, Joe Shimamura. I'm so honored to have you as our leader and as the man I consider mine." She nuzzled his cheek as she said, her sweet voice catching, "I love you so much."

Joe felt his eyes sting with tears as her love hit him full force. Words at a loss, he took her in his arms and held her like he would never let her go. He buried his face in the nape of her neck in the silky gold tresses that tumbled down her shoulder and the scent of roses filled his nostrils as her soft slender body fit to his like a hand to a glove. He then pulled gently away and cupped her radiant moonlit face in his hands as he captured her lips for an expression of his most profound feelings that mere words could not express. He teased her mouth open and savored the sweetness as she eagerly complied and allowed him in. His head spun with the spell she had innocently woven between her fragrance and softness until his senses virtually sang.

Finally after what seemed like a lifetime, they drew apart and looked deeply into each others' eyes, all their feelings broadcast in the simple depths of the windows of their souls. Joe then was hit with the realization that he was captive once again, but this time by the one woman who was the sole possessor of his heart and he had no desire to escape. He then felt the tragic shackles of the past fall as he truly became released.


Final Note: I'd like to thank every reader and reviewer for reading and supporting me. You all give me the impetus to go on. You are the best.