Okay, so here is my first (and possible last) controversial story. This is a Tommy/Angelica story so for those who have a major problem with this kind of story, just don't bother reading any further. No matter how many flames I will get (if any) I will NOT delete this story.

I've rated this story 'R'. I'm not sure if the content will warrant an 'R', but sometimes I don't know what I'm gonna write so it may get a little intense.



Angelica Pickles: 29

Susie Carmichael: 29

Chuckie Finster: 28

Kimi Finster: 28

Tommy Pickles: 27

Lil DeVille: 27

Phil DeVille: 27

Dil Pickles: 26


Disclaimer: I do not own the characters in this story except for the ones that I create (and you will be notified when I have made a character up). The others are all owned by Klasky Csupo.


Chapter 1: Our Budding Relationship

Tommy Pickles opened the door to his house. Really, half of the house belonged to him as he and his cousin, Angelica, both lived there. They had both moved to New York, but individually neither could afford to buy a house, so they settled for sharing one house between them. They had been living together for around three years now and neither of them had any quick plans to move out. They liked sharing the house as one could always help the other.

Tommy was a plumber. That was quite a change from his dreams of becoming a famous movie director, but he was one of the most skilled, and quickest, plumbers around. Anyway, he could always lay his hands on the equipment he needed so plumbing around the house didn't cost anything.

Angelica was an Administrator in a medium sized organisation. Her boss was rather cruel and regularly blamed everyone in the office when things didn't go well (although he was the one to blame with his inept ability to effectively run a company). Although she hated her boss, she wasn't going to leave as she got a fairly good salary and she actually enjoyed her work.

Tommy walked into the living room and sat on the sofa and sighed. He turned on the TV to watch the news. Angelica wouldn't be home for about another hour so he had plenty of time to have a shower and get changed before he started to cook dinner (Yep, one rule was whoever was home first would cook. In an average week, Tommy would cook for 5 days while Angelica cooked on the other 2). He didn't mind as he was quite a good cook. As usual, the news was boring and filled with doom and gloom about high tensions here and political madness there and so on.

"God, I don't know why I bother watching the news. It's too depressing." Tommy said as he turned the TV off.

The phone rang so he got up and picked it up.


"Hey, how's my favourite cousin?" Angelica's voice came down the phone.

She wants something. "Cut the sweet talk Angie, what do you need?" Tommy asked.

"Well, some fucking idiot wasn't looking where he was bloody well going and drove straight into my car. So can you come and pick me up?" Angelica was very frustrated.

Tommy sighed. "Sure thing. Let me get changed first and I'll be over in about 40 minutes."

"Thanks Tommy. I owe you one. Bye."

"Bye." Tommy put the phone down and walked upstairs. He changed into a pair of blue jeans and a white T-shirt, then put his trainers on and grabbed his car keys and went out of the house and got in his car.


Angelica leaned against the wall of the main office building as she waited for Tommy. Her car had already been collected and taken away for repairs. She had been in a rather foul mood since her car was wrecked, but going home and spending the weekend hanging with Tommy had improved her mood as the day had gone on. Now she was still frustrated about her car, but happy she can still go home. She saw Tommy's car drive into the parking lot and park close to her. She ran over and opened the passenger door and got in.

"Thanks Tommy." She said as she leaned over and kissed him on the cheek.

"No probs. You wanna go out for dinner or not?" Tommy asked as they drove out of the parking lot and headed home.

"You got any cash on ya?" Angelica asked.

"Erm. No. Home it is then." Tommy reluctantly said.

"Oh come on! Your meals aren't THAT bad! Give yourself a bit more credit." Angelica said.

Tommy smiled. Angelica doesn't have a reputation for handing out compliments so getting one means that you have pleased her greatly.

"Thanks Angie. I guess I am a better cook than I think I am." He said.

"That's more like it. The modest and confident Tommy Pickles I know." Angelica said proudly.

"So, how was your day, apart from the car incident?" Tommy asked.

"You know, slightly boring and repetitive." Angelica explained.

"So basically, you had a mountain or work to do and your boss gave the lot of you your daily grilling?" Tommy asked.

"Yep. You get used to the shouting after a while. So, how was your day?"

"I had one customer who complained about the company's prices for fixing his burst pipe, I had another who insisted that he watch me work, you know, so I don't take any unnecessary breaks and I had one woman flirt with me the whole time I was working." Tommy told his cousin.

When Tommy mentioned the flirting customer, Angelica got a strange feeling in her stomach, one which made her feel a little jealous, nervous and insecure.

"Wh-what did you think of it?" She asked nervously.

Tommy quickly glanced over at Angelica. He sensed her nervousness but couldn't understand why she felt nervous.

"Well, I just kept telling her that I was very flattered but I'm not allowed to have any kind of a relationship with a customer." Tommy said.

Angelica felt some relief enter her body. Still, she couldn't figure out why it bothered her the way it did. She felt she needed to talk to her best friend, Susie Carmichael, about this.


Yeah, this chapter is kind of short but most opening chapters are.

Anyway, Angelica has unusual feelings towards Tommy. How does Tommy feel and what will Susie make of this situation? Find out in the second exciting instalment of my controversial story.