Disclaimer: When reading DToF, please keep this in mind. I plotted this story after watching KH (the first game), and seeing a couple of screenshots for the next one. That means: I adopted the new outfits for Sora and Riku and Kairi, and while there is an Axel-looking character in here, it is only what I assumed of him based on screenshots, before I even knew his name. All concepts still belong to Disney/Squaresoft(Enix); all original plot stuffs belong to moi. Any similarities to material I have not seen, like BBS, 358/2 Days or the Final Mixes are completely coincidental.

Thank you.

Chapter 1: Where's Sora?

The rain came down, covering the 'world' in darkness. Through the mist, there came a hooded figure. He seemed lost, yet found; almost out of place. Focused on his objective, the figure continued through the storm. A black bandanna covered his eyes, yet he walked with complete precision. His lips bore a line of impatience, but the gesture betrayed a level of persistence and determination.

Without pause or indication from the world around him, he stopped and turned his head to the left. A peculiar wind stirred, raising the chill of the rain to whip up from the asphalt. A strange shadow began to rise through the edges of several puddles, at first just a small, flat blob, then soon, the shape of a familiar creature. It seemed insect-like, its movements, its eyes, its antennae. The eyes were quite different, but equally disturbing as before; the oval golden glow burning with emotionless intensity. They were bigger than the Shadows, their limbs willowy, claws sharper and their skulls lined with veins.

The hooded figure slowly looked around, his head slowly lolling to each side with an edge of boredom. He'd fought so many of the creatures in the city that the game no longer distracted him; the day before, he had dove off the skyscraper with a tendril of them in pursuit to try and keep himself from becoming angry at the obstacle of continually being hunted. He was trapped in the city for the time being, but even after several weeks, he hadn't received a single answer to any of his queries. He was angry, but more than that, he was reaching a level of discouragement. He refused to let such emotions show, even if the creatures could sense it. He would hide his heart as he hid his eyes until he found who he was searching for.

More of these shadow creatures flowed up from the ground. Beneath the darkness of his hood, the figure smirked at these persistent creatures. They carried no will but to devour more hearts and create more like them. Such an empty existence, though, in some way, he empathized their plight. He had tried to drag his friends into the darkness when they did not agree with his decisions; one became like these creatures, these Heartless, and he had been too foolish to save him.

His gloved hands rose to his belt, where the right rest on the hilt of a winged weapon, a weapon of darkness, the left only mimicking the gesture. Meanwhile, the Shadows grew in numbers. They surrounded the figure, their backwards, jagged antennae spastic and wild. The wind increased, whipping the rain against any exposed skin, the soft drops now hard as hail. Lightning formed in the deluge of water, illuminating the black figures in a macabre display of light and dark. The creatures stumbled closer, preparing to strike. From beneath the hood came a single question:

"Where's Sora?"