's been so long. Please forgive me for this terrible wait between updates... the holidays overwhelmed me, but I guess that isn't a very good excuse. I hope you enjoy this chapter and please review.

Paris let out a soft groan as he stretched his long legs, surprised when he felt no sharp pain in his lower body. He felt warm and safe, and he pressed his body into the thick coverings he was lying on. He could smell the aromatic scent of herbs and fresh bread, and he sighed in content. Opening his chocolate brown eyes, Paris squinted to survey his surroundings.

The first thing he saw was Achilles' handsome face, looking utterly relieved.

"Thank the Gods you're awake, Paris," he whispered, and scooted the stool he was sitting on closer to Paris. His eyes were red and had dark circles under them.

The Trojan smiled when he saw Achilles and reached for his hand. Achilles obliged him and gently stroked the warm fingers.

"What...what happened? When did we get here? Where are we, exactly?" Paris asked, and he found his voice was hoarse.

"We are in Greece, Paris, in my mother's house. We have been here for three days," Achilles explained gently, and since Paris had reached for his hand, he tenderly pressed his lips to Paris' forehead.

Paris did not jerk away, but instead closed his eyes and sighed softly. He brought his hands up to Achilles' hair and threaded them through the soft locks before caressing Achilles' neck and shoulders. "I have missed you, my love. Our time on the ship is but a blur to me. The only thing I remember is being out on the deck...then feeling ill...." Paris broke off and Achilles brought a finger to his lips to silence him.

"You had contracted an infectious fever. You had gotten an infection from the...rape, and for a few days, it was uncertain if you would...if you would live," Achilles whispered, and Paris saw tears pooling in the sky blue orbs.

"The rest of the trip was...Hell, Paris. It was horrible. I had to give y-you medicine...I had to apply an ointment to your backside, and you were delirious. You thought t-that thought that I-I was forcing you." The tears slowly emptied from Achilles' eyes, and Paris brushed them away.

"I didn't know what you were doing," Paris began, his voice quiet and soothing. "I was unaware of what was happening. I know that you would never hurt me." Achilles began to shake with suppressed sobs.

"That isn't t-the worst of it," Achilles said shakily. "W-when I h-had to spread y-your looked so w-wanton, as if we were going to make love. I...I grew aroused at that, Paris. You were s-so afraid and in pain but I grew aroused. I hate myself for it. I hate it. I was so weak..."

Paris gently wrapped his arms around Achilles as his sobs strengthened. He rubbed circles on the elegantly curved back and whispered to the warrior, "You are human, Achilles. We all have desires that we cannot control. You were trying to help me, and that is all that matters. I will think no less of you because of what your body did. I love you, Achilles, and nothing will ever change that."

Achilles lifted his head and gazed at the man he loved with trusting eyes. "Do you promise me?" he asked with the voice of a child's, quiet and pleading.

"Come here," Paris said, and lifted the blankets up as an invitation to the man. Achilles crawled under them and buried his face into Paris' chest, trying to stifle his cries.

"Let go and rest easy, Achilles. I am with you now," Paris whispered into Achilles' ear. He felt no timidness with having the man this close as he trusted him deeply. Achilles was hurting and needed his comfort.

Moments later, when Achilles had finally succumbed to exhaustion, a woman entered the room. Paris looked up warily, but then his face softened at the gentleness in this woman's bright blue eyes. Her long, thick dark hair was pulled up on to of her head, and she wore a simple but elegant violet gown accented with a belt of shells. She looked older but not terribly so, as though her youthful light within outshone her slightly tired face. There was an ethereal beauty about her that not even Helen possessed.

Paris looked to the blue eyes again, and was startled to see them look so familiar. The woman smiled, and Paris saw the smile he had grown used to over the year.

Thetis walked toward the small bed the two men were lying in and sat on the stool next to it. She made eye contact with the man her son loved and smiled. "Greetings to you, Paris." Her voice was warm and lilting.

Paris bowed his head in respect to Achilles' mother. "My lady."

Thetis put a gentle, warm hand under his chin. "There is no need to bow to me, Paris. You have captured my son's heart, and for that I will treasure you as a son."

Paris smiled and lifted his head to gaze at the lovely creature. "Thank you," he whispered, trying to be quiet as to not to wake Achilles. Thetis glanced at her son and grinned as well.

"You have a calming effect on him, Paris. Not even I could help him sleep that soundly when he was a boy," Thetis said, and gently brushed a stray lock of hair from Achilles' face. Paris closed observed Thetis' features. He saw all of the qualities of a mother present in her face and the tender feeling that a parent had for her child.

Paris pressed a gentle kiss on Achilles' forehead when the man stirred. "He spoke about you, when we were in the camp," Paris said abruptly. "He said how he missed you, and how you had told him that if he went to Troy...that he would never come back." Paris' voice dropped to a whisper as he finished his sentence.

Thetis nodded. "I was nearly certain that he would not return to me. It is hard for a mother to tell her son that he will die, but I wanted to prepare him. But you, Paris, you stopped the death of my child. And for that I will always be grateful."

With that, Thetis gave Paris one last smile and walked out of the room, leaving Paris to his now content thoughts.

Hours later Achilles awoke. Paris had long since fallen asleep and Achilles smiled at the peace on the former prince's face. The sun had set and the moon peeked through the few clouds in the sky. Achilles left the bed and gazed out of the window, appreciating the landscape which he had brushed off before the war. Troy had been so desolate.

Achilles did not notice that Paris' eyes had opened and now studied him. Paris was filled with a strong feeling of content and closed his eyes in unexplainable happiness.

The Trojan carefully stepped out of the bed and walked over to the large window in the room to join his lover. The moonlight shone down on the gentle waves of the sea, and Paris was shocked by the rare, fresh beauty of Greece. He placed his hands on Achilles' broad shoulders and massaged the warm skin. Achilles glanced back and smiled as he picked up a slender hand and pressed it to his lips. He then pulled Paris gently in front of him so he could recline onto his body.

"It's beautiful," Paris uttered as his eyes took in the nearly mythical landscape.

"Not nearly as beautiful as you, my love," Achilles replied, and wrapped his arms tighter around Paris.

"I want to go down to the ocean," Paris whispered. "It's been so long..." The calming sea attracted him and he wanted to feel the healing affects of the waters.

"I will take you there," Achilles promised. "Are you strong enough?" He still worried for his love's physical condition and didn't want the Trojan to push himself.

"Aye, I am well..."

"Then let us go, my love."

Achilles took Paris' hand and gently led him out of the room and out of the small house until they were out in the majestic night.

The warm water caressed Paris' calves and he sighed in bliss as Achilles gently washed his naked body and kissed him sweetly on his shoulders. Paris turned around and faced his lover before delicately claimed his lips. Achilles dropped the sponge into the gentle sea and wrapped his strong arms around the Trojan while returning the kiss.

"I was dying," Achilles murmured into Paris' ear. "I wanted to leave this world...I had no peace...and you showed me how utterly...beautiful, life could be." The blonde caressed Paris' elegant back and held him to his body protectively. "I was so afraid on the ship...afraid I would lose you...and that I would be alone again...I wouldn't have made it..."

"No more words," Paris muttered, and kissed Achilles passionately before saying, "I am here and I will never leave you. I love you"

"I love you too."

The two fell into the soothing, comforting waters and thanked the Gods for their love.