A/N: Ehlo, thank you to the reviewers who, well, reviewed Anyways, I hope you guys will enjoy!

Disclaimer: I only own Kalia Kyo and Alexis Takari, everyone else doesn't not belong to me. cries Alek belongs to Cyber-Irina where you can see a lot of her pictures of her OC here : http:cyberirina.deviantart.com and Renkae belongs to Reyan Kashin Unforgiven

By : Mikaze

Chapter 2 : The Tour of Doom

"No fucking way!" I yelled as the first floor could have heard me.


"No, Mr. Stefano. You know how the student body treats new people; I'm going to be eaten alive if I do!"

"Kalia, I have asked you to escort the new students because you and your friends came to me to ask me a favor."

"What favor?" I asked increduously.

"Does a certain Beyblade Carnival ring a bell?"

God he was conniving.

"But…But… Robert came to you for that, not me!"

"Yes, but you are one of the most supportive students I have. I am very disappointed that you would decline like this," he said, tilting one of his eyebrows up. I groaned. Come on, I mean, this was the principal I was going up against. I was lucky enough to that he let me use the F word without blowing a gasket like some other teachers. He already knew the answer anyways… If there was one thing I couldn't stand, it was letting someone down. I thought over how I ended up in this situation. I had just woken up and started walking down towards the cafeteria with Alexis when the school monitor came up and ran towards me. She said that the principal wanted to see me as soon as possible. I thought it was to make plans for the Beyblade Carnival, so I sped up towards his office.

THIS was what he proposed to me.

"Am I going to be all alone?" I asked.

"No, you are going to be helped by two other students, and since you obviously agreed, I am letting you choose who those two other lucky people are," he said grinning.

You see, you SEE why he's the best principal? He understands how the mind of an avenging teenager works.

"Hey, Mr. Stefano, it's not like I'm complaining or anything, but don't you think three escorts are a bit much for eight people?"

"Eight? I never said there was only eight."

Did he just say only?

"Then, how many are there?" I asked nervously. Something was telling me that I wouldn't like the answer to this…

"About twelve."

God kill me now.

I stared wide-eyed at him. I was going to KILL whoever told me that there were eight people.

"That's why I asked for 3 escorts. The group will be divided in three, and I'll give you each a plan to show them each part of the school."

"When should we start?" I asked mumbling.

"In an hour. Thank you very much Kalia, it means a lot to me," he said, giving me a Chesire grin.

Means a lot to him my ass.


I walked back grudgingly towards our school cafeteria. The sunlight from the windows was blinding me, and I was walking like a drunken woman. How couldn't I? I was going to be thrashed by the student body along with those kids. I already checked off who I would bring with me to the grave. Alexis for one, because she was the one who told me that there was only eight kids, and Mariam, because she obviously got oh-so acquainted with one of those punks already. Oh well, there might've been a slight possibility that if the kids didn't over-run them yesterday, then they wouldn't today.

Che, yeah right.

I asked Mr. Stefano about other tedious information, like how long the escorting would last and who we would be put up with. He said he would put us in groups a bit later when we met everyone. We would have had to show them around the school building, tell them about the history of our school and show them the school campus. THAT was what I was dreading the most. The school campus was huge, especially with the tennis courts and football fields. We even had a little creek and a forest that was pretty much impossible to get lost in, since, you know, the teachers put signs ever two feet. Guess who was the inspiration of that little escapade?


She would have to be the most disoriented girl I have ever met. She was the worst with directions, and somehow ended up beyond the borders, even though all the trails led to the exit.

She was THAT bad. Which was why I decided to make her one of the tour guides. I grinned evilly, her group would be put through hell. But, from what I saw yesterday, they looked like they could have handled themselves easily. I highly doubt that not one of them doesn't have a six-pack, at the least. I walked into the cafeteria with the palm of my hand against my forehead, and as soon as I caught a glimpse of that pig-tailed girl-wonder, I set my eyes on Death Glare and went straight at her.

Ladies and Gentlemen, let there be blood.


"Why, WHY did you have to pick me?" she asked, banging her head on the marble doorway.

"Because you're one of my bestest friends, Alexis," I said, batting my pwetty wittle eyelashes at her with my big, big eyes.

"Stop whining Alexis, you were complaining about being bored all through breakfast. And anyways, this'll be a breezy tour," said Mariam rolling her eyes.

I laughed as Alexis started pouting and when she dropped to ground. We were all sitting at the front of the school, where Mr. Stefano told us to meet them. For all we knew, they could have blown this little meet and greet and done something else, which was, truthfully, what we would have done, except a teacher came and told us to go to the front of the school. It was a sunny day out, and we three stood around the statue of Mr. Hatake Kuroi, the founder of this school. It was tall and made of a very light stone and was situated in the middle of the front yard entrance.

"When are they coming anyway?" Mariam asked as she blew a strand of hair out of her face.

"Eager to see your little boy-toy again, aren't we?" I asked cheekily. Mariam glared at me as she turned red. From embarrassment or anger, I do not know.

"We don't blame you, Mariam. All the guys at our school aren't as hot. We understand that you would respond to them quickly," I said again as Alexis giggled at my comment. Mariam turned even redder than before.

"He's NOT my boyfriend!"

"Says you," we said.

"Sorry to interrupt your little girl chat, but we have other things to do, okay?" said a voice from behind Alexis. She jumped and squealed as she ran and hid behind Mariam. It was Mr. Stefano with the gang. I recognized the five guys I saw yesterday at the pool table, and then there were some new people. I was surprised that there were three girls in the group, and the others looked just as menacing as the other five. Just like flame-head, they all seemed to click in my mind, I just didn't know how or why… It was beginning to bug me that I couldn't place them.

"Good Lord, why are they all so big and creepy looking?" whispered Alexis as she looked up at them. I had to admit, I didn't realize their height until right now, when they were staring back at us.

"Shush!" said Mariam as she clamped a hand over Alexis' mouth.

"Okay people, these girls will be your escorts for the day. Girls, introduce yourselves."

Mariam rolled her eyes. "I'm Mariam."

"As some of you must already know," I pointed out.

"And she is very much SINGLE," said Alexis as she winked at Mariam, who, I suspected, was already planning 2000 ways on killing both of us painfully, and slowly.

One of the guys with flaming red hair and the icy blue eyes came forward and wound his arms around me and Alexis' shoulders. "I don't suppose both of you are up for grabs as well?" he asked with one of his eyebrows lifted. I raised a brow and looked at Alexis, this guy reminded me of Enrique.

"Tala, knock it off. Don't creep them out with your play-boy wanna-be personality," said one of the girls. She had navy blue hair that went to her elbows and brown-redish eyes. Me and Alexis shoved his arms off of our shoulders and glared at him.

"Well, that was, um, interesting. I didn't realize this was a dating service," smirked Mr. Stefano.

"Oh, it isn't, we just thought we'd help Mariam with a little push and a shove," perked up Alexis.

"Anyways, I'm Kaliandra, but call me Kalia."

"And I'm Alexis," she said as she gave a mock-salute.

"I see that you girls have everything under control, so I guess I'll let you do things yourselves," smiled Mr. S as he walked towards us. "Don't scare them… too much." And with that he walked away.

"Alrighty, I guess we'll learn your names later, since you're a big group. Mr. S gave us a list of who's in each group already, so we'll do that now," said Mariam, a pink blush still settling over her cheeks from earlier. Mariam passed me and Alexis a paper.

"This better not take long, I don't have the time to hand around some ditzy chicks," stated one of the guys. He had lavender hair and two major sideburns; either that or they were strands of hair plastered to his head. The others around him snickered.

"Cool it, this isn't exactly our idea of fun either, so just be a good little boy and if you behave, then maybe this'll blow over soon," I said, already not liking this kid. "Okay, kiddies who are in my group. Alek, Johnny, Kai and Lee."

"My group, Tala, Kane, Renkae and Spencer," announced Alexis uncertainly.

"The rest of you are obviously in my group. Brooklyn, Matilda, Bryan and Ozuma," said Mariam defiantly.

"Ooooh… OzuMA," I whispered. I watched as Ozuma walked forwards towards Mariam's group.


I think not.

"Okay, we'll meet back here when we're done, hopefully three hours would do the trick. Let's go," said Mariam as she walked off. Alexis gestured her group to follow her as I groaned as the realization that I'd have to be alone with these monsters hit me.

"Okay kids, you guys don't want to spend a perfectly good Sat staring at boring statues and learning about our oh-so interesting school history and neither do I. So let's just get this little tour over with so we can get back to our lives."

"I didn't know you had one," teased the guy with flaming red hair whom I recognized was Johnny. He smirked cheekily and then winked as he walked off in front of us with his friends.

"Oh fucker, I'm stuck with the dumbasses," I mumbled.

"Don't mind that jack-ass over there. He's always PMS-ing, so don't take his remarks seriously," smirked the girl in my group. She was pretty with blond hair that reached past her shoulders and sea blue eyes.

"Um… You're Lee, right?" I asked as I tried to pick off any feminine name off my list.

"No, I'm Alek, short for Aleksandrea," she smiled.

I smiled back. Thank God I had at least one normal companion on this tour of doom. "Okay, first I'll show you around the school campus and then we'll get into the inside." We walked along the trails that led to the different sport areas. I walked with them along the trails that led to the tennis courts, since that was the sport the most played at Kuroi. We had about six courts in all, plus a tennis team for the girls and one for the boys. Next, it took us a few minutes to reach the football fields since each sport area was very spaced out because of our vast land. We had one football field with counter and bleachers and everything else a real football arena would have. Sometimes, other teams who competed would play at our field, which was why a lot of footbal jockeys came to our school.

"Good Lord, Steve would get such a kick out of this…" mumbled Lee.

"Okay peoples, next we're heading towards the forest and our creek. Sometimes, when we have festivals or stuff like that, they situate near here because this is where the land is biggest. Inside, at the middle, is the Veiled Tree. It's a big sakura tree near the creek."

"Why is it called the Veiled Tree?" asked Johnny.

I cleared my throat and explained in my most mysterious voice. "They say that a woman and a man met at this tree druing World War 1, and they feel in love and eloped. But before they could marry, the man had to go off to war, and he told the woman that he would come back for her. So, the woman waited in her wedding gown at the tree, night after night, but he never returned. Nobody ever saw the two again, and nobody even found the woman's body. Some say that it got carried away by the creek, others say that she got kidnapped. But a few weeks later, her veil was found, hung on the tree's branch, and that's how the tree got the name."

Alek sniffed. "Gag me. Real love is where ya wanna kill each other to a bloody pulp!" I looked at her weirdly. Where did this girl get her imagination?

I heard others snicker behind me while Kai smirked at Alek's remark. In all truth, that story was only told when the new batch of kids came in each year at the beginning of the year. In reality, that tree was just a hang-out for when people went to make out. The teachers didn't know about it, but that was the most popular place on our campus.

When we finally finished the campus we all took a break at the front of the school. It seemed that the Sun had suddenly gotten hotter, because we were all boiling from our "work-out" and we had already spent two hours outside. We all sat down on the concrete and caught our breath.

"I…refuse…to move…from this spot," said Alek in-between pants and pointed directly to where she was sitting.

"Why the fuck –cough- does your school –pant- have so much territory?" asked Kai.

"Our school charges our parents a lot of money for field trips and other necessities. Although we all suspect that not one cent has been spent for the inside," as I said as I wiped my forehead with the sleeve if my shirt. Suddenly, I remembered I had had something on my mind, and this was a good time as any. "So really, why did all of you transfer here? I know it's not because you guys happen to be super-geniuses, because if not you would have gone to some other school. Besides, you all look familiar…"

"I don't think that's for us to tell you. If your school is anything like ours, you'll probably find out in the next week or so," said Lee.

I nodded as we got back up to walk inside. Suddenly, we heard a load of cheers coming from the side yard of the school, and we ran to investigate. There, we saw a crowd around what seemed to be a bey battle. I pushed through the crowd to get a better glimpse of who were battling.

"Mariam, stop that! You'll get in trouble if Mr. Stefano finds out!"

"Be quiet Alexis, this Bryan here is going to get a peace of my mind once and for all!"

I sighed as I heard the familiar voices. So much for a breezy tour…

A/N: Yessss…. I introduced new characters, FEAR ME! Kukukuku…. I know there wasn't much of the new OCs, but hey, there were too many characters to put up with . The questions shall be answered soon…